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Village of Mead Planning Commission Special Meeting
October 1, 2014

The Mead Planning Commission met Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

Present were Jody Weible, Levi Durnal, Steve Kadavy, Connie Schliffke, Rick Miller and Jennie Grasiani. Melissa Konecky was absent. Don Anderson was our guest.

Jody made a motion to adopt the agenda. Connie seconded and all agreed.

We discussed the building permit from Draw Properties. They want to add an addition to the existing building located at Hwy 92 and County road 10. Don explained the addition will be added to the west side of the business. It will be flush with the existing building. The size is to be 50×85 ft. It will be finished with steel siding. Jody mentioned it meets all setbacks. Rick made a motion to approve the permit. Connie seconded and all agreed.  Note:  The Special Meeting was requested by Draw Properties. The project has started prior to approval of a Building Permit, therefore a penalty fee of $100.00 will be charged.

We reviewed Bob Bice’s building permit for a fence, located at 17 N. 3rd Circle. It is to be chain linked and 4 ft. tall. It meets all setbacks. Connie made a motion to approve the permit. Rick seconded and all agreed.

At 6:20 p.m. Jennie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jody seconded, and all agreed.

Jennie Grasiani, Recorder