Mead Community Building 220 E 4th Street, Mead, NE 68041
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 6:39 pm.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Levi Durnal with roll call. Members present were Levi Durnal, Robert Morin, Andrew Jackson and Wyatt Swartz. Members not in attendance were James Halbmaier and James Hannan. Guests were Board of Trustees president William Thorson, Village Clerk June Moline, Mason Herman, Keith Marvin, and Corey Sorensen.
Chairman states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”
Wyatt Swartz motioned, and Robert Morin seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All members present agreed.
Wyatt Swartz motioned, and Robert Morin seconded the motion to adjourn to Public Hearing regarding the petition from Colby Properties LLC for a variance to amend Zoning Regulation Article 3, Districts, Section 11-307 Multiple Family Residential District, D.2.a. Front Yard Depth; from 25’ to 15’ on the property described as Lot 10 and ½ Lot 11, Block 16, Anderson & Carlson Subdivision, Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska.
Discussion included the following: 1) a 15’ front setback from the Front lot line would allow the proposed home to sit in a position more uniform with the existing homes on this block as well as other older parts of town 2) while the 25’ front setback is appropriate for areas with all or mostly new construction, in this case it would require the proposed new home to sit further back than the existing homes around it and would be less conducive to a reasonable size back yard.
Robert Morin motioned and Wyatt Swartz seconded the motion to adjourn to Regular Session. All members present agreed.
Levi Durnal called a vote to approve the variance. All members present agreed.
Wyatt Swartz motioned and Robert Morin seconded the motion to open Public Hearings on both the adoption of the Village of Mead Comprehensive Plan and the adoption of the Village of Mead Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations. All members present agreed.
Mason Herman mentioned discussion with William Thorson and June Moline regarding adjustments to the Future Land Use Map in which projected residential growth was adjusted from the east/southeast corridor of the village between the wastewater treatment lagoon and the former Alten site to the spaces directly south (around St. James Catholic Church) and west of town. Several properties throughout town were also updated to reflect their current (appropriate) uses and zoning categories.
Modular offices were added to the Permitted Use category of the Village of Mead Zoning Ordinances, Article 5: Zoning Districts: Land Use Categories and Zoning Matrix under the General Commercial heading, Equipment Sales, Storage and Rental line item.
Discussion was had about the proofreading, punctuation, spelling and other errors of these collective documents. A concept commonly known as “Scribner error” allows for issues of this type to be addressed in the future on an as needed basis.
Wyatt Swartz motioned and Levi Durnal seconded the motion to adjourn to Regular Session. All members present agreed.
Wyatt Swartz motioned and Levi Durnal seconded the motion to finalize and adopt the Village of Mead Comprehensive Plan with changes made prior to and during the meeting. All members present agreed.
Andrew Jackson motioned and Wyatt Swartz seconded the motion to finalize and adopt the Village of Mead Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations with changes made prior to and during the meeting. All members present agreed.
Wyatt Swartz motioned and Andrew Jackson seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2023 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing, November 27, 2023 Regular Meeting, Jan 30, 2024 Special Meeting and February 19, 2024 Special Meeting.
SCHEDULED GUESTS: Corey Sorenson, Mason Herman, Keith Marvin.
NEW BUSINESS: No New Business.
At 7:30 pm, Levi Durnal called for adjournment. Wyatt Swartz motioned, and Robert Morin seconded. All members present agreed.