Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, October 28, 2019 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Rick Miller with roll call. Present were Levi Durnal, Matt Bratsburg, Connie Schliffke, Robert Morin, Rick Miller. Visitors in attendance were Jared Larson, Russ Larson, Audra Wirth, and Nick Raver.
Members not in attendance: Melissa Konecky, Jim Halbmaier and Wyatt Swartz.
Connie motioned, and Matt seconded, to approve the agenda. All agreed. Connie motioned, and Matt seconded, to approve the minutes for the September meeting. All agreed.
At 7:35 roll call was made for public hearing. Present were: Levi Durnal, Matt Bratsbur, Connie Schliffke, Robert Morin, and Rick Miller. A motion to approve the public hearing agenda was made by Connie and seconded by Levi. All agreed. Chairman Rick Miller states the purpose of the hearing is to address an application from Russ Larson for a single lot split at 1508 Co Rd 11 and an application by Russ Larson for a Single-lot split at 1499 Co Rd 11. The applications from Russ Larson for a lot splits were read aloud. The commission reviewed and discussed the applications. Chairman Rick Miller called for public input regarding both applications.
At 7:39 Chairman Rick Miller called for a motion to return to regular session. Connie made the motion to return to regular session and Matt seconded. All members agreed.
No problems or discrepancies were identified with either of the applications submitted by Russ Larson. Levi made the motion to approve the application for the property at 1508 Co Rd 11 and Connie Seconded. All members agreed.
Matt made the motion to approve the application for the property at 1499 Co Rd 11 and Levi Seconded. All members agreed.
At 7:41 roll call was made for public hearing. Present were: Levi Durnal, Matt Bratsbur, Connie Schliffke, Robert Morin, and Rick Miller. A motion to approve the public hearing agenda was made by
Connie and seconded by Matt. All agreed. Chairman Rick Miller states the purpose of the hearing is to address an application from Audra Wirth for a single lot split at 416 S The commission reviewed and discussed the application. Chairman Rick Miller called for public input.
At 7:45 Chairman Rick Miller called for a motion to return to regular session. Levi made the motion to return to regular session and Matt seconded. All members agreed.
Audra Wirth’s application was discussed. Connie motioned, and Levi seconded, to approve the application. All agreed.
Ms. Wirth’s application was discussed. Connie motioned, and Levi seconded, to approve the application. All agreed.
The commission then discussed old business including:
1. Village of Mead, 309 W. Second (M-1) -Rescind last month’s action as this was approved December 11, 2018 for (water tower, fence) at 309 W Second (M-1).
2. Action was taken by the Board of Trustees to approve construction to Girmus Investments at 1058 Sunburst Lane, to approve construction for Josh Girmus at 1446 Girmus Drive, and approve well/septic to Gary Preister at 1059 Gassert Drive.
3. Action denied by the Board of Adjustments for a variance request from Greg and Laura Clark to place a house and construct a garage at 421 S. Cedar St. All agreed.
The commission then addressed new business:
1. Levi motioned and Matt seconded to approve construction of a garage for Justin Brabec, contingent on applicant meeting the provisions specified in ordinance 11-306 (B) and 11-306 (D). All agreed.
2. Levi motioned and Matt seconded to approve construction to Thomas Thorson, of a lean-to onto the south side of shed. All agreed.
3. Connie motioned and Levi seconded to approve a building permit to erect a water treatment facility. All agreed.
4. Connie motioned and Levi seconded a building permit for an overhang to the front building of R & K Country Store. All approved.
5. Discussed Inquiry to alter address 226 N Elm Street to a commercial kitchen. No additional action taken.
At 9:30 PM Levi motioned, and Matt seconded to adjourn the meeting. All agreed.