Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610


MEETING MINUTES – April 26, 2021

Mead Community Building, 220 E. Fourth St.


The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, April 26, 2021, at 7:31 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Rick Miller with roll call.  Present were Rick Miller, Robert Morin, James Hannan, Connie Schliffke, Levi Durnal and Jim Halbmaier.   Members not in attendance: Wyatt Swartz.


Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public.  The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”


Jim motioned, and Connie seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  All agreed. Levi motioned, and Jim seconded to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2021, regular meeting.  All agreed.


UNSCHEDULED GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE:  Bill Thorson, Brent Skaggs, Brian Degner, Buck Wehrbein, Andy Scholting, Kevin Buse, Brent Skaggs, Doris Karloff, Ed Rude, Jody Weible, John Massouh, Josh Girmus, June Moline, Maureen Freeman-Caddy, Taylor Kelly, and William Austin.


The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Connie motioned, and James seconded.  All Agreed.


The Hearing was called to order with roll call.


Jim motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded.  All Agreed.

Chairman states the purpose of the Hearing is to hear testimony of support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations with regard to the following:


To issue a Permitted Conditional Use to Champion Feeders, LLC, described as TR S ½ Section 12-14-8 and PT SW ¼ 12-14-8, commonly known as 1344 Co Rd 10, Mead, Nebraska, for operation of a commercial feedlot.


Chairman called for public input: Buck Wehrbein, Kevin Buse, Andy Scholting and Bill Austin spoke on behalf of Champion Feeders LLC.  Multiple community members and Meads legal council spoke about concerns related to the operation of the cattle yard.


Following discussion regarding public input about the Champion Feeders conditional used permit application, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn from the public hearing.


Jim motioned, and Connie seconded to adjourn to Public Hearing. All agreed.


The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Jim motioned, and Connie seconded.  All Agreed.


The Hearing was called to order with roll call.

Chairman states the purpose of the hearing is to hear testimony of support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations with regards to the following:


An application from Girmus Subdivision, LLC for a replat of property known as, and legally described as: A Replat of Lots 7, 8, and 9, Girmus Subdivision, 1st Replat, in that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Saunders County, Nebraska.


Jim motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded.  All Agreed.


The Chair called for public input.  Josh Girmus answered several of the board’s questions related to the replat request.


The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing. Jim motioned, Levi seconded.  All agreed.



NEW BUSINESS Scheduled for review:


Review, discuss, and recommendation to deny or recommend a Permitted Conditional Use to the Board of Trustees for a Conditional Use Permit to Champion Feeders, LLC, for operation of a commercial feedlot


The planning board voted to approve the permit and advance it to the Village Board with the following conditions.


  • The permit is contingent on the county approving their permit request.
  • Champion Feeders LLC will be required to provide a basic waste disbursement plan.
  • Champion Feeders LLC must provide notification of application areas in advance to the village clerk. Champion Feeders to provide a notification plan to the Village Board for review.
  • Surface applied waste must be incorporated 12 hours.
  • They are not permitted to apply material within the wellhead protection area, which would be any land within a thousand feet of a village well.


Review, discuss, and recommendation to deny or approve the application from Girmus Investments, LLC for a small subdivision of property located at Lots 7, 8, & 9, Girmus Subdivision, 1st Replat, in that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 14 North, Range 8 East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Saunders County, Nebraska.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to approve the permit.  Connie motioned, and Jim seconded.  All members voted to approve.


Jason King,110 N. Second St. (R-1) – Building Permit Application to install a fence.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to approve the permit.  Robert motioned, and Jim seconded.  All members voted to approve.


Thomas and Jill Spencer, 703 S. Oak St. (R-1) – Building Permit Application to install a 12’x28’ shed.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to deny the permit.  James motioned, and Jim seconded.  All members voted to approve.


Mark and Lora Koelmel, 715 S. Vine St. (R-1) – Building Permit Application to construct a garage / apartment.


The permit was not received.  No action taken by the board.


Chandler Sorensen, 321 S Oak St. (R-1) – Demolition Permit to burn barn by Mead Fire Department.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to approve the permit.  Robert motioned, and Jim seconded.  All members voted to approve.


Chandler Sorensen, 321 S. Oak St. (R-1) – Building Permit Application to construct a shed.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to approve the permit.  Jim motioned, and Connie seconded.  All members voted to approve.



Euro Bistro, 102 W. Fourth St. (B-2) – Building Permit Application to construct an addition to the current building.


The permit was not received.  No action taken by the board.


Brian Degner, 1055 Gassert Drive (SR) – Building Permit Application to erect a 5’ metal fence.


Following discussion of the application, the Chair called for a motion to approve the permit.  Levi motioned, and Jim seconded.  All members voted to approve.


Planning Commission members up for re-appointment: Levi Durnal, Wyatt Swartz, P.J. Hannan (please acknowledge confirmation to prior to the Board of Trustees May 11 meeting).



Stacey Subbert – Placement of 20 Port-a-Pots at Lots 1,3, & 5 Block 25 Original Town Mead (B-2).


The scheduled guest was not in attendance.


REPORT:  Noted from Mead Board of Trustees April 13 Regular Meeting – Approved Building Permit 21-07 to install a new well replacement to Wayne Thorson at 1032 Co Rd M; approved Building Permits 21-08, 21-09, and 21-10 to Girmus Investments to construct an office/shed and fence, and install a well and septic system at 1058 Sunburst Lane, and voided Building Permit 19-23 to Girmus Investments, 1064 Sunburst Lane to construct two pole buildings with doors.





At 8:49 PM, the Chair called for an adjournment. Levi motioned, and James seconded.


All agreed.