Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 28, 2021
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Wednesday, June 28, 2021, at 6:33 pm. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Levi Durnal with roll call. Present were Robert Morin, James Hannan, Connie Schliffke, and Levi Durnal. Jim Halbmaier and Wyatt Swartz were not present.
Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”
Robert motioned and Connie seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All members present agreed.
Connie motioned and James seconded to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2020, regular meeting. All members present agreed.
Following a discussion regarding the reorganization of the Board. Connie motioned, and James seconded to elect Levi to be the chair. All members in attendance agreed. Robert motioned and Connie seconded to elect James to the position of Vice Chair. All members in attendance agreed. James motioned and Connie seconded to elect Robert to the position of Recorder. All members in attendance agreed.
The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Connie motioned, and James seconded. All members present agreed.
The Hearing was called to order with roll call.
Connie motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded. All members present agreed.
Chairman states the purpose of the Hearing is to hear the testimony of support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations with regards to the following:
A petition from David Scribner, 1450 Girmus Drive, to rezone Lot 3 Girmus Subdivision from (M-1) Light Industrial to (SR) Suburban Residential.
The Chair called for public input.
Mr. Greg Lavigne owner of Security Fence Inc., spoke in opposition to the rezoning petition. Mr. Lavigne owns the adjoining property to the south of the property in question.
David MacDonald also spoke in opposition to the rezoning petition. Mr. MacDonald owns property to the Southeast of the property in question.
Mr. Lavigne and MacDonald indicated that they purchased their respective land with the understanding that they would be in an area zoned (M-1) and that this was a conscious decision to avoid any conflicts with adjoining residential areas.
David Scribner spoke in support of the petition. Mr. Scribner stated that when he purchased the property, he was told by Josh Girmus and Mr. Girmus’s real-estate agent that the property could easily be rezoned to Suburban Residential. Mr. Scribner also stated that his intention was to place a home on the property and sell said property.
The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing. James motioned, and Robert seconded. All members in attendance agreed.
The board discussed the rezoning request. Areas of concern included but were not limited to: The opposition of the adjoining property owners. The fact that a manufactured home had been moved onto the property several months prior to the rezoning petition. The possibility that the property’s ability to be rezoned was misrepresented to Mr. Scribner.
Robert motioned to table the petition until the following board meeting and James seconded. All members in attendance agreed.
UNSCHEDULED GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE: Greg Lavigne, David Scribner, David MacDonald
NEW BUSINESS Scheduled for review:
Tabled until future meeting.
Application was not considered due to the rezoning request being tabled.
At 7:52 PM, the Chair called for an adjournment. Robert motioned, and James seconded.
All members in attendance agreed.