Village of Mead Planning Commission meeting of June 26th, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. Present were Wyatt Swartz, Jody Weible, Rick Miller, Matt Bratsburg and Melissa Konecky. Jim Halbmaier, Connie Schliffke and Levi Durnal were absent.
We adopted the agenda. Wyatt motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve the minutes from the previous meeting. All agreed.
At 7:35 p.m. we conducted the public hearing at which there was no public input. We are recommending the following changes to the zoning regulations:
11-304 Agricultural, A., 12., delete “Provided, any accessory building is not constructed prior to beginning construction of main building.”
11-305 Suburban Residential, A., 10., add “Accessory building or use customarily incidental to the above uses; Provided, any accessory building is not constructed prior to beginning construction of residence.”
11-306 Single Family Residential, A., 8., amend “main building” to “residence.”
11-307 Multiple Family Residential A., 11., add “Provided, any accessory building is not constructed prior to beginning construction of residence.”
At 7:37 p.m. Rick motioned, and Melissa seconded that we adjourn the public hearing and continued with the regular meeting.
Mike Stoltenberg submitted a demolition permit application to remove a garage. He also submitted a building permit application to build a garage. The new garage will be approximately half the size of his house. Matt motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve both permits. All agreed.
Steve and Mary Mayfield submitted a building permit application to replace their chain link fence with a privacy fence. It will be in the back of their house and the back part of the sides of the house on their property line. Wyatt motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve the permit. All agreed.
Mark Hughes was on the agenda to submit a demolition permit but none was received.
At 8:00 p.m., Melissa motioned, and Matt seconded, that we adjourn the meeting. All agreed.
Melissa Konecky, Recording Secretary