Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 24, 2021
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, May 24, 2021, at 7:35 pm. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Levi Durnal with roll call. Present were Robert Morin, James Hannan, Connie Schliffke, Levi Durnal, Jim Halbmaier and Wyatt Swartz. Chair Rick Miller was not present.
Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”
James motioned and Connie seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All members present agreed.
James motioned, and Connie seconded to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2020, regular meeting, the Special Meeting and Public Hearing on May 3, 2021, and the Special Meeting on May 19, 2021. All members present agreed.
The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Connie motioned, and James seconded. All members present agreed.
The Hearing was called to order with roll call.
Connie motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded. All members present agreed.
Chairman states the purpose of the Hearing is to hear the testimony of support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations with regards to the following:
A petition from Jillian Spencer/Bonsack to place a storage shed on property described as:
Lots 1&2, Block 12, Anderson & Carlson Addition to Mead, Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, also known as 703 S. Oak Street, Mead, Nebraska. The petitioner is seeking a variance of Section 306 B.2. The variance that allows a maximum of two (2) detached outbuildings with the square footage of the shed no larger than one hundred fifty (150) square feet.
The Chair called for public input. Ms Jillian Spencer/ Bonsack spoke in favor of the variance.
The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing. James motioned, and Connie seconded. All members in attendance agreed.
The Subberts asked multiple questions regarding the permitted and conditional uses options uses related to the property in question. Options related to rezoning the property were also discussed. The board made no formal recommendations related to the use of said property. The Subberts did not express any form information related to their intentions related to said property.
NEW BUSINESS Scheduled for review:
The board discussed details related to the variance request. Items of interest:
At the June 26th Regular Planning Board meeting, the board voted to recommend the permit for the shed in questions be denied.
Per Jillian Spencer/Bonsack the shed in question was moved onto the property after the Planning Boards recommendation to deny the permit in question.
Following the discussion, Robert motioned, and James seconded to recommend the variance be denied. All members in attendance agreed.
Following discussion Connie motioned and Robert seconded to approve the permit contingent on construction meeting minimum setback requirements. All members in attendance agreed.
Additional language in the permit included modifications to the South wellhouse.
Following discussion. The board agreed that any modifications or construction on the South wellhouse, would require a separate building permit.
Robert motioned to approve the Demolition Permit excluding the requested modifications to the South wellhouse. All members in attendance agreed.
Following discussion Wyatt motioned and Connie seconded to approve the building permit. All members in attendance agreed.
Following discussion Wyatt motioned and James seconded to recommend to the Board of Trustees that Planning Board Meetings be scheduled for 6:30 pm.
At 9:02 PM, the Chair called for an adjournment. Wyatt motioned, and Connie seconded.
All agreed.