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Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, November 23th, 2020, at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Rick Miller with roll call. Present were Rick Miller, Robert Morin, James Hannan, Jim Halbmaier, and Wyatt Swartz. Members not in attendance were Connie Schliffke and Levi Durnal.

Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”

Jim motioned and James seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All agreed. Jim motioned, and Robert seconded to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2020, regular meeting.

The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Robert motioned, and Jim seconded. All Agreed.

The Hearing was called to order with roll call.

Jim motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded. All Agreed.

Chairperson states the purpose of the Hearing is to review an application from Scott Pickworth to rezone property described as:

Lots 9, 11, 13, & 14, Block 19, Original Town Mead, in the Village of Mead Saunders County Nebraska, commonly known as 218 S. Elm Street, Mead, Nebraska, from (R-2) Multiple-family Residential to (M-1) Light Industrial.

The Chair called for public input. No public input was received.

The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing. James motioned, and Jim seconded. All agreed.

The Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. James motioned, and Jim seconded. All Agreed.

The Hearing was called to order with roll call.

Robert motioned to adopt the agenda, and Jim seconded. All Agreed.

Chairperson states the purpose of the Hearing is to review an application from Scott Pickworth requesting a variance on the property described as:

Lots 9 & 11, Block 19, Original Town Mead, in the Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, commonly known as 218 S. Elm Street, Mead, Nebraska, with the amendment of Chapter 11 Zoning Regulation, Article 3 Districts, Section 11-311 District (M-1) Light Industrial D.2.a. Front yard depth; not less than twenty-five (25′) feet, amend to fifteen (15′) feet front yard depth and D.2.b. Side yard depth; none, except along the side of a lot abutting a lot in (R) District, in which case ten (10′) feet shall be provided, amend to seven (7′) feet side yard depth.

The Chair called for public input. No public input was received.

The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing. Wyatt motioned, and James seconded. All agreed.

The Chair opened discussion of NEW Business. The following items were discussed.

· Review, discuss, and recommendation to the Board of Trustees to rezone property located 218 S. Elm Street from (R-2) Multiple-family Residential to (M-1) Light Industrial.

Following discussion, the Chair called for a motion to recommend to the Board of Trustees that the property at 218 S. Elm Street be rezoned from (R-2) Multiple-family Residential to (M-1) Light Industrial.

Jim motioned, and Robert seconded. All agreed.

· Review, discuss, and recommendation to the Board of Trustees to approve a variance to Scott Pickworth for property located at 218 S. Elm Street.

Following discussion, the Chair called for a motion to recommend the Board of Trustees approve a variance to Scott Pickworth for property located at 218 S. Elm Street.

James motioned, and Wyatt seconded. All agreed.

·Scott Pickworth, 218 S. Elm St., (M-1) – Building Permit Application to construct a shop (with stipulation zoning from R-2 to M-1 is approved and variance approved prior to the approval of the permit).

Following discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve Scott Pickworth’s Building Permit to construct a shop at 218 S. Elm St. contingent on the Board of Trustees’ approval of the recommended rezoning and variance.

Jim motioned, and James seconded. All agreed.

· Robert Kuhr, 1590 Co Rd 9, (A-1) – Building Permit Application to construct a replacement well.

Following discussion, the Chair called for a motion to approve Robert Kuhr’s building permit to construct a replacement well at 1590 Co Rd 9.

Jim motioned, and Robert seconded. All agreed.

Scheduled Guests: No Guests were Scheduled.

Unscheduled guests in attendance: Scott Pickworth.

At 8:25 PM, the Chair called for an adjournment. Wyatt motioned, and Jim seconded.

All agreed.