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Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting
June 23, 2014

The Mead Planning Commission met Monday, June 23, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Present were Jody Weible, Dennis Berry, Steve Kadavy, Melissa Konecky, Connie Schliffke, Rick Miller and Jennie Grasiani.  Levi Durnal was absent.  Guests present were the Leo K. and Linda Sweet and Judy Rasmus.

Connie motioned, and Dennis seconded, that we adopt the agenda and approve the minutes from the May 19, 2014 meeting.

We discussed reorganization of the Board. Connie nominated Jody for Chairperson.  Jennie seconded, all agreed and Jody accepted.  Steve nominated Dennis for Vice Chairperson.  Rick seconded, all agreed and Dennis accepted.  Dennis nominated Jennie for Recorder.  Steve seconded, all agreed and Jennie accepted.

We discussed Sweet’s demo application. They want to demolish the existing deck located at 29 N. Vine. They are putting down cement in its place. Steve made a motion to approve the permit.  Rick seconded and all approved.

We adjourned to a public hearing at 7:35 p.m .The Village of Mead Board of Trustees requests to rezone property.  Dennis made a motion to adopt the agenda for rezoning.  Rick seconded and all approved.  We discussed rezoning the tract of land located in the East one-half of the Northwest quarter of section 36, township 15 North, range 08 East of the 6th P.M, Saunders County.  It is currently zoned (A) Agriculture and they request it be changed to M-1 (Light Industrial).   No public was present for input. The Planning Commission’s action is to approve the request.  Connie made a motion to approve.  Steve seconded and all agreed.  The public hearing was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

We returned to regular meeting at 7:43 p.m.  For our unfinished business we discussed the septic tank inspection receipt from Gabriel Gonzales.  It is for his property located on Hwy 92, east of Mead Drive-up Bank.  Jody is going to research the viability of a brick septic tank.  We will discuss it again at the next meeting, when we have more information.

We discussed Brooke Lamprecht’s amended Building Permit 13-17.  Brooke submitted a permit for a fence at 420 S. Cedar.  Terry Miller has located the property pins.  Dennis mentioned we have no diagram of the fence.  Jody called Brooke to get more information, but was unable to reach her during our meeting.  Brooke called Jody later and gave her the needed information.  It is to be a privacy fence on the North side of her property.  Jody contacted all Planning Commission members by phone and all agreed to approve the permit.

We reviewed Charles’ Building Permit.  It’s for a deck and pool fence located at 21 N. 3rd Circle.  Jody mentioned it should be 4ft. off property line.  Setbacks look fine.  The fence is attached to the pool. Dennis made a motion to approve the permit.  Rick seconded and all approved.

We discussed Halbmaier’s Building Permit for a deck at 15 N. 3rd Circle.  We noticed the diagram did not show how far the deck would be from the East property line.  Jody called Jim and he told her it is over 23 feet.  Rick made a motion to approve the permit.  Dennis seconded and all approved, pending Terry Miller verifying the setback on the East side.

We reviewed the Building Permit for Clark’s fence to be located at 105 N. Spruce Street.  Jody called Kim to get more details about the fence.  Kim said it is a chain link fence attached to the shed.  Jody mentioned it must be 4 ft. tall with a locking gate to meet code.  Rick made a motion to approve the permit.  Dennis seconded and all approved.

At 8:00 p.m. Judy Rasmus was our guest.  We discussed her Building Permit for temporary storage at 713 S. Oak.  She told us it does not have sides and will be staked to the ground.  Jody informed her she does not need a permit for a temporary storage.

We discussed Amendment of Policy 9-201.  We all agreed that the $100.00 penalty fee is sufficient.  We recommend to the Board of Trustees to amend Policy 9-201 to just include the penalty fee.  Jennie made a motion to approve.  Dennis seconded and all approved.

At 8:20 p.m. Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jennie seconded and all agreed.

Jennie Grasiani, Recorder