Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 8, 2021
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, February 8th, 2021, at 7:35 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Rick Miller with roll call. Present were Rick Miller, Robert Morin, James Hannan, Connie Schliffke, Levi Durnal and Wyatt Swartz. Members not in attendance: Jim Halbmaier.
Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”
Connie motioned and Levi seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All agreed. Wyatte motioned, and Robert seconded to approve the minutes of the November 23, 2020, regular meeting.
At 7:38 PM the Chair called for a motion to adjourn to a Public Hearing. Connie motioned, and James seconded. All Agreed.
The Hearing was called to order with roll call.
Connie motioned to adopt the agenda, and James seconded. All Agreed.
Chairperson states purpose of the hearing is to review an application from Greg and Laura Clark for a variance of District 11-307, District (R-2) Multiple Family Residential District D.1 Minimum lot size, D.2.a. Front yard depth, and D.2.c. Rear yard depth, on property described as:
E ½ S 4’ Lot 13 E ½ Lots 15, 17 19, and 21, Block 32, Original Town Mead, Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, also known as 421 S. Cedar Street, Mead Nebraska
The Chair called for public input. No public input was received.
The Chair called to adjourn from the Public Hearing at 7:44. Robert motioned, and James seconded. All agreed.
No objections expressed regarding the variance applications. No additional Planning Board action taken.
NEW BUSINESS Scheduled for review:
1. Review, discuss, and recommendation to the Board of Trustees on application from Greg and Laura Clark for a variance.
• Reviewed and discussed. No additional action taken.
2. Building Permit Application from Steve Hollst for Hollst Brothers, 1658 Co Rd 12, (A-1) to construct a well on 74.34 acres west of Mead.
• Reviewed and discussed building permit applications. Following the review Wyatt motioned to approve the application and Connie seconded. All approved.
3. 2020 Building and Demolition Report
• Reviewed and discussed the 2020 Building and Demolition Report. No additional action taken.
4. Review amendment to 11-310 District (B-2) per request from the Board of Trustees (hearing will be scheduled during February 22 meeting). This is to amend an error from 2004 that was submitted from the Planning Commission along with several other amendments for the Zoning Regulations at that time. It is merely to clean-up the wording in this section as to what apparently should have been stated with the addition to create a Permitted Conditional Use Section and place “apartments above a store or shop” under Section B. not D.
• Reviewed and discussed the proposed amendments. Following the review of the proposed amendments James motioned to support the recommended changes. Levi seconded. All agreed.
5. Building Permit Application from Mead Public Schools, 114 N. Vine St. (R-2) to erect a three-sided fence to surround the shot-put area.
• Reviewed and discussed the building permit application. Following the review of the application Levi motioned to approve. James seconded. All agreed.
Scheduled Guests: No Guests were Scheduled.
Unscheduled guests in attendance: No Unscheduled Guests in attendance.
At 8:11 PM, the Chair called for an adjournment. Wyatt motioned, and Levi seconded.
All agreed.