Village of Mead Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday October 26, 2020
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, October 26th, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Meeting was called to order by President Rick Miller with roll call. Present were Rick Miller, Levi Durnal, Robert Morin, James Hannan, and Connie Schliffke. Members not in attendance were Jim Halbmaier and Wyatte Swartz.
Chair states: “The Village of Mead makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting room at a location accessible to members of the public. The Act is posted in the front entry of the Village Office.”
Connie motioned and Levi seconded the motion to approve agenda. All agreed. Connie motioned and Robert seconded, to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2020 regular meeting.
Scheduled Guests: No Guests were Scheduled.
The Chair opened discussion of UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The following item was scheduled for discussion:
Building Permits approved by the Board of Trustees: 20-19 Wayne and Kim Thorson — construct shed and 20-20 Yong and erect 6′ screened fence. No additional information was presented or made available. No action taken by the board.
The Chair opened discussion of NEW Business. The following items were discussed.
Building Permit Application from Eric Johnson, 11 N. Third Circle (R-2) to construct a fence. Following discussion of the application, Connie motioned to approve, and Robert seconded. All members present voted to approve the application.
Building Permit Application from Gene Janecek, 113 E. Fifth St., (R-1) to replace the front deck with increased dimensions. Following discussion of the application, Levi motioned to approve, and James seconded. All members present voted to approve the application.
Building Permit Application from Jeff and Tara Frahm, 210 S. Vine St. (R-2) — to remove old garage and construct a new garage in the same location with increased dimensions. Following discussion of the application, Connie motioned to approve, and Levi seconded. All members present voted to approve the application. The approval to include a demolition permit if it is determined one is required for the proposed work. Mr. Frahm will inquire with the Village Clerk for additional clarification.
Building Permit Application from Scott Pickworth, 218 S. Elm St. (B-1) to construct a shop building.
The current zoning status of the property in question may require additional clarification. Currently, it is the opinion of the board that the property is likely zoned (R2) Residential or (B1) Commercial. The proposed construction does not meet the requirements of either (R1) or (B1). Following discussion of the application, Connie motioned to deny, and Robert seconded. All members present voted to deny the application.
Unscheduled guests in attendance were Jeff Frahm and Scott Pickworth.
At 8:35 PM the chair called for adjournment. Connie motioned and Levi seconded.
All agreed.