Small Town Living
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The Mead Planning Commission met Monday, November 24, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Present were Jody Weible, Levi Durnal, Melissa Konecky, Connie Schliffke and Jennie Grasiani. Steve Kadavy and Rick Miller were absent.

Connie motioned, and Levi seconded, that we adopt the agenda and approve the minutes from the regular meeting and public hearing on October 27, 2014.

We discussed the Mead Ball Association’s building permit for a fence to be located at 106 W. First Street. It is to be a 6 ft chain link fence. Jody mentioned it meets setbacks. Connie made a motion to approve the permit. Levi seconded, and all approved.

We mentioned Don Anderson’s zoning inquiry. Don was not present to discuss.

We discussed the Planning Commission’s need for a new member. Were unaware of anyone who is interested at this time.

We discussed the unfinished business of reviewing the comprehensive plan zoning regulations. Were going to complete this at an extended meeting to be held after the first of the year.

We had an anonymous concerned citizen provide a photograph of Gabriel Gonzales van parked under the No Parking sign on Hwy 92. It causes a serious vision hazard.

At 7:52 p.m. Jennie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Levi seconded and all approved.

Jennie Grasiani, Recorder