Present were Jody Weible, Melissa Konecky, Rick Miller, Levi Durnal and Jennie Grasiani. Steve Kadavy and Connie Schliffke were absent.
Rick motioned and Levi seconded, that we adopt the agenda and approve the minutes from the February 23, 2015 regular meeting and public hearing. All agreed.
We reviewed the building permit from Mead Public Schools to add an extension to an existing bus parking garage located at 115 N Elm St. It meets setbacks. Levi made a motion to approve the permit. Melissa seconded, and all approved.
We addressed the unfinished business of reviewing the comprehensive plan zoning regulations. We determined it will take a few meetings to cover the R1 sections due to the amount of material to cover. We recommend that under 11-306 A 5 & 6 colleges and child cares, and additionally greenhouses, should be moved to 11-306 C, permitted conditional uses. We feel 11-306 B1 should change to, the sidewalls of garages not to exceed 13 feet in height. In addition we should add to 11-306 B that No accessory buildings may be erected in a front yard or within 5 ft of any other building. Under 11-306 C 3 it should include the wording on less than 1/2 acre will require a special conditional permit. We also suggest that 11-306E should include that parking must be on an improved surface.
At 8:00 p.m. Jennie motioned to adjourn the meeting. Rick seconded and all approved.
Jennie Grasiani, Recorder