Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
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The Mead Planning Commission met Monday, June 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

 Present were Jody Weible, Rick Miller, Connie Schliffke, Levi Durnal, Melissa Konecky and Jennie Grasiani. Ruth Dobesh was absent.

Rick motioned and Levi seconded, that we adopt the amended agenda, to add Item E. 3. Dennis Berry, 28 N. Elm – Application to Construct an Addition (Single Family Residential R-1). All approved.

Jon Meier was present to discuss building a pole shed at 1061 Cty Rd L. He needs the shed to have a 14ft. door to accommodate his camper. Jody mentioned we are currently working on raising the setbacks to accommodate this issue but they have not been approved yet. Therefore, Jon will have to appear before the Board of Adjustment for an approval of his building permit. We reviewed Jon’s house footprint he provided and determined the size of the shed is acceptable. We request that this matter be put on the agenda for the next Board of Adjustments meeting.

Dennis Berry was present to discuss his building permit for an addition on his home located at 28 N Elm St. Jody mentioned it meets all setbacks. Rick made a motion to approve the permit, Levi seconded and all approved.

We then discussed Mario Sagastume’s building permit for a deck to be located at 1567 Cty Rd 10. Jody mentioned he already paid the penalty and permit fees. Rick mentioned that it meets all setbacks. Jennie made a motion to approve the permit, Connie seconded and all agreed.

We then discussed the Reorganization of the Board. Jody agreed to remain our Chairperson. Levi agreed to be Vice-Chairperson. Melissa agreed to be the Recorder. We recognize Ruth Dobesh as Dennis Berry’s replacement. Jennie agreed to stay on the Board until a replacement becomes available. We are still looking for a replacement for Steve Kadavy.

Levi made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 18, 2015 regular meeting. Rick seconded, and all approved.

We decided to continue our review of the comprehensive plan zoning regulations at our next meeting due to time restraints.

At 8:10 p.m. Jennie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Rick seconded and all agreed.

Jennie Grasiani, Recorder