Village of Mead Planning Commission meeting of August 22nd, 2016
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, August 22nd, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Connie Schliffke, Wyatt Swartz, Jody Weible, Matt Bratsburg, Rick Miller, Jim Halbmeier and Melissa Konecky. Levi Durnal was absent. Guests present were Bryce and Don Anderson, Jeff Barris and Jeremy Harnish.
Connie motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve the minutes from the previous meeting and adopt the agenda. All agreed.
Jeremy Harnish submitted a building permit application for a privacy fence that is already installed. Rick motioned, and Wyatt seconded, that we approve the permit. All agreed.
The question of whether Mick Coady’s property behind Mitch Zaugg’s would be big enough to build a house on was asked. It would not since it is under 4,000 square feet. Mick will be contacted to see if he can clean up the lot (where the house had burned down).
Gary and Laurie Guyle submitted a building permit application for an addition to the back of their house. Connie motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve the permit on the conditions that they locate at least one pin and that the addition is at least 35 feet from the western edge of the alley. All agreed.
Cyndie Barris submitted a demolition application for their garage behind their house. The Mead Fire Department will be in charge of burning it down. Cyndie also submitted a building permit application for a 200 square foot auto shelter on a concrete pad in their backyard. The concrete pad is 11 feet off of the eastern edge of the alley. Matt motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve both applications. All agreed.
Allison Leimer submitted a building permit application for three fences to be built in two phases. Wyatt motioned, and Rick seconded, that we approve phase one of the permit, which is a wood fence and a chain link fence in the back of the house. All agreed.
A building permit application was on the agenda for Curtis Pearson to build a garage addition but we did not receive a permit.
Don and Bryce Anderson discussed plans to remove a shed from their trailer court on the southwest edge of town and to replace it with a new one. They submitted a picture showing where the old shed is and a couple of options for locations for the new shed. They will go ahead and get a demolition permit application and building permit application.
Three discrepancies were found in our zoning ordinance book. These were not made by the village clerk. In 11-306, B., 2. (4th line); 11-307, B., 1. (which should actually be 2., line 4); and 11-305, C., 1., (line 6), all read “…one hundred (150) square feet.” We also noticed that in 11-306 D., 1., R-1, which is single-family residential, the minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet while in 11-307, D., 1., R-2, which is multiple family residential, the minimum lot size is 8,000 square feet. We felt that a multi-family lot should actually have a minimum size larger than a single-family lot.
Jody was looking at Wahoo’s regulations and noticed that they do not allow accessory buildings in their front yards.
The Planning Commission members are going to review our regulations to see if we can find more discrepancies or other items we think should perhaps be changed.
At 8:40 p.m., Wyatt motioned, and Connie seconded, that we adjourn the meeting. All agreed.
Melissa Konecky, recording secretary.