Village of Mead Planning Commission meeting
Monday, April 22nd, 2019
The Village of Mead Planning Commission met Monday, April 22nd, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Connie Schliffke, Wyatt Swartz, Jody Weible and Melissa Konecky. Jim Halbmaier, Rick Miller, Levi Durnal and Matt Bratsburg were absent. We accepted the agenda as printed. Connie motioned, and Wyatt seconded, that we approve the minutes of the March 25th, 2019 meeting as they stand. All agreed.
Dan Konecky was on the agenda as wanting a building permit application to put up a fence but he was only asking about it and was not ready to get a permit.
Tyler Bukaske submitted a building permit application to erect a fence ay 619 S. Cedar. Connie motioned, and Jody seconded, that we approve the permit application. All agreed.
Dylan Tegtmeier submitted a building permit application for a garage and a chain-link fence. The garage does not meet setbacks for a corner lot side yard. However, it does not cause a vision hazard and is in line with another garage on that alley. We later voted by phone to approve this permit.
Thomas and Diane Ellis submitted a building permit application to construct a pole garage. We called the homeowner to ask about the footprint of the house to make sure the garage is not too big. Connie motioned, and Melissa seconded, that we approve the permit. All agreed.
Melissa Konecky’s and Connie Schliffke’s terms end in May. Jody has submitted her resignation effective June 1st.
At 8:26 p.m., Connie motioned, and Melissa seconded, that we adjourn the meeting. All agreed.
Melissa Konecky, Recording Secretary