Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Village of Mead


Volume 15, Issue 10




Hot Dogs and Hot Chocolate being served at 5:30 pm, with costume judging for all ages to follow at approximately 6:00 pm.


October 31 at 5:15 pm.  Vehicles will be parked north of the Fire Hall waiting for distribution of treats to all!


Board of Trustees meet September 13th

The Village of Mead Board of Trustees met on September 13 at 6:00 pm at the Community Building. Answering roll call were Chairman Thorson; Trustees Felty, Lee, Simon and Wielage. Also present were Clerk Moline and Utilities/Maintenance Supt. Luetkenhaus. Guests were Julie Ogden and Jay Spearman.

PUBLIC HEARING: The hearing was called to order at 6:00 pm to address the 1&6 Year Street Plan. Public input was called. Adjournment was at 6:05 pm.

REGULAR MEETING: The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:05 pm. Action taken was to adopt Res. 22-09 1&6 Year Street Improvement Program, Res. 22-10 Signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2022 and approved Annual Certification of Program Compliance. Adjournment was at 6:05 pm.

BUDGET HEARING:  A budget hearing was called at 6:05 pm. The 10/1/22-9/30/23 budget was presented with public input called. The hearing adjourned at 6:08 pm.

SPECIAL BUDGET HEARING: The hearing was called at 6:08 pm. Action was taken to adopt the 10/1/22-9/30/23 budget, approve additional allowed 1% growth increase and adopt Res. 22-11 Set final tax levy of 44.7811 per one-hundred dollars of actual valuation for the 10/1/22-9/30/23 fiscal year.  The hearing adjourned at 6:12 pm.


SCHEDULED GUESTS: Jay Spearman, Piper Sandler and Street Supt. Julie Ogden, JEO, reviewed the Street Improvement Project 2022-1 and Street Improvement District 2022-1 proposal.

     NEW BUSINESS: The following action was taken:  adopt Ord. 799 Create Street Improvement Project 2022-1; approve Agreement with JEO for design and construction services for the First St. project; adopt Ord. 800 Authorizing the construction of street improvements in Street Improvement District 2022-1; adopt Res. 22-13 Creation of Street Improvement District & notice of Hearing; approve bids from William Thorson as substitute for snow removal and backwashing at the WTP as needed at $21.65 hr during Luetkenhaus’ absence;  approved bid of $7,800 per pole (4 poles) with rental of lift of $650 per day and $1,350 per week from SECO for replacement of lights at the park ballfield; approved  proposal of $3,775 from SECO to run additional power to the park for use at the batting cage and additional activities; approved bid of Big Red Home Improvement of $11,600 to repair manhole and concrete on 8th St.; approved proposal from Bader’s Highway and St. to tar streets south of the railroad tracks for $55,654.  Accepted were the minutes of the August 9 Regular Meeting and Budget Workshop.  The Treasurer’s Report and claims were approved.

REPORTS:  Utilities/Maintenance Supt. – Luetkenhaus reported assistance at the WTP, cleaning of storm sewers by Johnson Services and purchase of Hotsy.  Zoning Administrator – Permits issued: 22-09 Jordan Schliffke—deck and stairs; 22-10 Dennis Wellman—demolish garage; 22-11 Constance Schliffke – uninhabitable 3-season room; 22-12 Steve Kadavy – portable shed.  Action was taken to void Bldg. Permit 20-10.  Clerk – Moline reported signing of SDLL to Chips Restaurant for a wedding on 10/15 at the Fire Hall & need to install water meters at all points of water usage.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.



ALMA LUTHERAN  219 W. Fifth St.

402-624-3015, also on Facebook

9:30 am – Sunday School for all ages through 8th grade.  No Sunday School the first Sunday of the month.

10:30 am – Sunday Worship


PANERA BREAD FREE TO THE PUBLIC  Saturday following the second Friday every month, 10 am – 11 am. FREE TO ALL!  This month the church will be open on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15.



402-624-6125, also on Facebook


9:15 am – 9:45 am Coffee Hour

10:00 am – Sunday Service

Every third Sunday evening 6:30 pm Sunday Night Service


6:30 pm – Kids in Action Grades 1st-6th

7:00 pm – Encounter Life Youth 7th – 12th

7:00 pm – Worship and Prayer with the Word

Every last Wednesday of the month is a FREE Community Meal 6:00 pm-6:45 pm


JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555 & on Facebook

4:30 pm – Saturday Mass

9:00 am – Sunday Mass

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am – Tues-Wed-Thu-Fri Daily Mass



Encounter Life Ministries

Sunday, October 9th

Noon – 4:00pm


Barbecue, Inflatables, Live Music, Games & Prizes, Hayrack Rides, Pumpkins  & Loads of Fun!


A free event for the entire family!


Kids In Action Plan

Everyone in Grades 1-6 is Welcome!

Wednesdays 6:30-8:15pm

Encounter Life Church


Oct.   5  Special Cookie Night (Mmmmm)

Oct. 12  Mission Possible

Oct. 19  Red White & Blue (wear those colors)



16th Annual Walk for Paws

Sunday, October 2,

4:00 pm – Placek Park, Wahoo


$25 individual, $250 sponsor or $500 sponsor (both include a team of 6} with sponsor’s name on the back of the shirts.


Register at:



Phone: 402-624-6605                        E-mail:

Our Back to School Hours

Monday       3:30p – 5:30p                                Tuesday   9a – 5:30p

Wednesday 3:30p – 5:30p                                 Thursday 3:30p – 8p

Friday         9a-1p                                               Saturday 9a-1p


Coffee Hour: Join us for coffee and conversation, every Tuesday at 10a.

Story Time every Tuesday at 3:30p.  (Best for ages 4-8).


Events for October:

*Basic Sewing Class Monday, October 3rd at 3:30pm. Learn a few sewing basics. RSVP by Oct. 1. Seats are limited.  (Best for: ages 10 & up).

*Toddler Time Saturday, October 8th at 10am. This will be second Saturday of every month! (Best for ages 1-4).

*Appetizer Class Thursday, October 13th at 6pm. We’ll be making (and sampling) delicious appetizers. $3 non-refundable deposit. RSVP by Oct. 7th. (Best for: Adults).

*Kids Origami 101 on Friday, October 14th 10am – 11am.

*Spooky Movie Morning on Saturday, October 15th at 10am.  Please bring a covered drink.

*Beginner Adult Origami on Tuesday, October 18th at 11am.

*Kitchen Gadget Class on Thursday, October 20th at 6pm. Viki will be sharing a few of her favorite kitchen gadgets. RSVP by Oct. 18th. (Best for: Adults).

*Spooky Movie Morning on Friday, October 28th at 10am.  Please bring a covered drink.

*Halloween Craft Hour on Saturday October 29th aat10am-11am. (All ages welcome).


The Library will be closed October 6th.

Stay tuned for more program and event information by following us on Facebook:


The Village Dump Hours will change effective November 1 through March 31.  They will be the FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH ONLY 8am – 12pm.

Current dump hours run April 1 through October 31.  Hours being Wednesday 5pm – 7pm and Saturday 8am – 12pm.


The only items allowed are tree branches, weeds, leaves, and unbagged grass clippings.  An iron/metal dumpster is also located on-site.  The dump is to be used by Mead residents



312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46

Mead, NE  68041

Phone:  402-624-2495

Fax:  402-624-2024 



William Thorson, Chairman

Jason Felty, Trustee

Jason Lee, Trustee

Daniel Simon, Trustee

Richard Wielage, Trustee


June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer  402-624-2495

Shannon Luetkenhaus, Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent 402-616-9204

Thomas Sackett, Police Chief 402-443-6846

Laurie VanAckeren, Library Director  402-624-6605

Nick Raver, Fire Chief  402-443-9688



Village Board:  Tuesday, October 11, 6:00pm

Library Board:  Tuesday, October 4, 5:30pm

Fire/Rescue:  Monday, October 10, 6:30pm


The Village Board has been meeting at the Mead Community Building, Library Board at the Library, and Fire/Rescue at the Fire Station.