Volume 12, Issue 10
Mead Fire / Rescue Department’s Annual Halloween Costume Party
Tuesday, October 31 @ 6:00 p.m.
Mead Fire Hall
Serving hot dogs and hot chocolate.
Costume judging for all ages following shortly thereafter. Don’t be late!
A regular meeting of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees was held September 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Havelka; Trustees Guyle, Wielage and Wimer. Absent was Trustee Felty. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Raver and Police Chief Carlson. Guests were Jody Weible, Jeremy Cruise, Joel Dejongh and Dave and Melissa Konecky.
The board adjourned to a Budget Hearing at 6:05 p.m. Action was taken to adopt the 10/1/17 – 9/30/18 budget, an additional 1% increase, and Resolution 17-10, Final Tax Levy of 28.4563 cents per one hundred dollars of actual valuation. The board adjourned to regular session at 6:11 p.m.
SCHEDULED GUESTS: Planning Commission Chair Jody Weible presented proposed amendments for discussion to the AG/I Zoning District, storage containers and propane tanks. Joel Dejongh, Titan Machinery, presented a bid of $41,500 for a Case skidloader. Jeremy Cruise, National Machinery presented a bid of $41,750 for a Caterpillar skidloader.
REPORTS: Utility/Maintenance Superintendent – Raver reported approval of the application for two new public water supply wells for LPNRD; addressed concern of a decorative streetlight; noted pumping of storm sewer at Sixth and Cedar Streets; ordered a pump for the sewer plant; placed pumps at two residences at N. Third Circle; reported currently erecting signs and placement of a product at the lagoon site. Planning Commission – The minutes of the August 28 meeting and Permit 17-18 to Mead Public Schools for a bus barn addition were accepted. Discussion was held on findings of letters sent to homeowners regarding required fencing around swimming pools. Police – Carlson presented the monthly police report and reported on nuisances. Action was taken to permit residence at 522 S. Vine St. until October 9, 2017 to complete their property clean-up. Library – The minutes of the August 16 board meeting were accepted. Clerk – Moline presented an update from Inspro Insurance regarding increased insurance premiums for 2017-18.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Ordinance No. 699, Water Rates was adopted.
NEW BUSINESS: Action was taken to approve the purchase of a 262D Caterpillar skidloader for $41,750 from National Machinery, accepted a bid of $2,142 from S and W Fence to replace galvanized fence at the softball field, and approved a fixed rate of $.58/therm for therm meters and $.45/therm for interruptible meters with Constellation for 11/1/17 through 10/31/18. Moline reported the lights have been reset at the baseball / softball fields.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Village Board: Tuesday, October 10, 6:00 pm
Planning Comm.: Monday, October 23, 7:30 pm
Library Board: Wednesday, October 18, 5:30 pm
Fire & Rescue: Monday, October 9, 7:30 pm
The Village Board & Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and Fire/Rescue at the Fire Station.
312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041
Phone: 402-624-2495
Fax: 402-624-2024
Shawn Havelka, Chairman
Gary Guyle, Trustee
Jason Felty, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
Rod Wimer, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495
Nick Raver, Utility/Maint. Supt.402-443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 402-443-6846
Laurie VanAckeren, Library Director 402-624-6605
Lori Moseman, Ass’t Library Director
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688
If you are planning a building or demolition project you must have the project approved by the Mead Planning Commission prior to beginning the project. There is a penalty fee assessed if the project is started prior to approval of the permit application. If your project is located within the commercial or industrial zoning districts, approval must also be attained from the Mead Board of Trustees. The only projects excluded are concrete projects, temporary pet kennels and accessory buildings less than 150 square feet, although they must meet setbacks so contact with the commission is required.
The Planning Commission meets the fourth Monday of the month, excluding December. If Memorial Day falls on the fourth Monday in May the meeting is held the third Monday. Application forms may be obtained at the Village Office or online at Applications must be completed in full. An example is available to view on the village website.
11th Annual Fundraiser for Saunders County Lost Pets / Rescue
Sunday, October 8
Placek Park, Wahoo
Registration 3:00 pm, Walk 4:00 pm
1 M Walk – 2 M Walk – 5K Fun Run
Register at
Individual $25.00
Kids (3-18) $10.00
Teams (up to 6 persons) $150.00
Strollers and Dogs FREE
DUMP HOURS EFFECTIVE November 1 – March 31
The dump will be open the FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH ONLY from 8 am – 12 pm. During the winter months please be aware that the dump may be closed due to inclement weather. Tree branches, weeds, leaves and grass clippings are the only items permitted. A dumpster for metal / iron products is available at the dumpsite. The dump is open to Mead residents only! The cost is $2.00 per load, including metal /iron products.
ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W. Fifth St. / 402-624-3015
8:30a.m. – Sunday Worship – First Sunday of the month
9:15a.m. – Sunday School for all ages
10:30a.m. – Sunday Worship – All other Sundays
PANERA BREAD AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC – OCTOBER 14 (the Saturday following the second Friday of the month)
MEAD COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
10:00a.m. – Sunday Encounter Service
6:00p.m. – We’d like to treat you to a FREE meal!
7:00p.m. – Adult Groups, Jr & Sr High Youth Group
7:15p.m. – Kids in Action (elementary age children)
JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30p.m. – Saturday Vigil
9:00a.m. – Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00a.m. – Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
8:00a.m. – Daily Mass – Saturday, when scheduled
8 Week Parenting Class
Sundays @ 5:00pm
September 24 – November 19
Covenant Church, 1540 Co Rd 10, Mead
For more information call: 402-624-6125
5/8″ – 3/4″ meter $35.00 per month resident
5/8” – 3/4″ meter $45.00 per month non-resident
1” meter single family dwelling $35.00 per month resident
1” meter single family dwelling $45.00 per month non-resident
1” Multiple family dwelling $45.00 per month resident
1” Multiple family dwelling $60.00 per month non-resident
1 1/2″ or larger meter $65.00 per month resident
1 1/2″ or larger meter $90.00 per month non-resident
Bulk Sales $45.00 per month + $20.00 per thousand gallons
For the use of water, all water consumers shall pay a metered rate as follows:
LL CUSTOMERS … $1.75 per thousand gallons
Mead Community Group will sponsor the Annual Trunk-or-Treat at the Mead Fire Hall north parking lot on Halloween, October 31 in conjunction with the Mead Fire / Rescue Department’s Annual Halloween Costume Party. Everyone is welcome to decorate a car trunk and hand out candy. Come and join the fun!
If you wish to have your water / sewer invoice emailed to you rather than sent through the Post Office, please come to the Village Office to sign up for this service.
The Village Office now has the capability to accept the following credit/debit cards: VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER AND AMERICAN EXPRESS. You may make payment at the office, calling the office or on-line. Rates to make your payment is 2.49% for credit cards, $1.75 for ACH.
Library Hours
Tuesday 10am-1pmand 4pm-7pm Friday 9am-1pm
Wednesday 5pm-8pm Saturday 9am-12noon
Thursday 9am-6pm Closed: Sunday and Monday
NOTE: The Library will be closed on Friday, October 6; open9 am to 1 pm on Thursday, October 12; and open 11 am to 1 pm on Friday, October 13.
Monthly Schedule
Coffee Hour is scheduled every Tuesday at 10am.
Story Time for young children is offered every Tuesday at4pm.
The Mead Public Library Board of Trustees will meet Wednesday, October 18, at 530pm in the library.
Special Events edit for September
Wednesday, October 4 – Join us for a Book Tasting from 430pm to630pm. Ages 8 through adults are welcome to come sample some of the library’s newest books and make a list of those that are “tastiest.” Patrons’ lists will be kept by library staff and used to help identify books they want to check out on future visits.
Thursday, October 12 – Do You Believe in Ghosts? If you are curious about the supernatural or paranormal or want to hear some scary ghost stories stop by at 11am (not for young children or the faint of heart.)
Thursday, October 19 – A Teen Halloween Movie (rated PG-13) will be shown at 130pm. Refreshments will be served!
Friday, October 20 – The Library Lunch Bunch Book Clubwill meet from 1130am to 1230pm. Bring a sack lunch if you wish and dessert will be provided.
Thursday, October 26 – School is out early and the library is hosting aCoding Class for students in grades 3 through 9. The event is from2pm to 5pm. All equipment and snacks are provided. To attend, participants must stop by the library and fill out a form.
Saturday, October 28 – Kids are invited to make a Halloween Craftbetween 930am and 1130am. Children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Tuesday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Story Time at 4p! Remember to stop by your library for Tricks or Treats! 430p-7p
Now Accepting Holiday Decoration Donations!
Soon it will be time for our Annual Holiday Sale! If you have any extra Christmas decorations, please consider donating them to the library. We appreciate your support!
Thank you Kristi Kavan for serving on the Mead Library Board, most recently as Chairperson.
WANTED: The Village of Mead Library has an opening for a member on the Library Board. Please contact the library if you are interested in filling this position. You must reside within village limits.