Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Village of Mead


November 2012

Volume 9, Issue 11


     A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees met Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 6:00 pm at the Village Office.  Present were Chairman Mayfield; Trustees Halbmaier, Miller, Raver & Wielage.  Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance Supt. N. Raver & Police Chief Carlson.  Guest was Ben Day.

     Ben Day, Olsson Associates, reported contact with the appraiser, DEQ, flow meter results & construction process of retention lagoons.


     UTILITY/MAINTENANCE:  N. Raver reported land requirement for lagoons, street repair of Fourth St., & new light pole ordered for the median.

     POLICE:  The monthly police report & nuisance complaint were discussed.

     CLERK:  Moline reported upgrade/maintenance agreement for utility billing, completion of audit & material requested for distribution regarding the future of the post office.

     PLANNING COMMISSION:  No quorum for meeting.

     LIBRARY:  September snapshot presented.

     UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Discussion of part-time employee benefits was tabled until the 11/13 meeting.

     NEW BUSINESS:  Community Survey data was presented.  Action was taken to approve a Retainer & Fee Agreement with Young & White Law Office for legal services for retention lagoons project, approved Resolution 12-14 to set meeting date to propose a Resolution of Necessity &first reading of Ordinance 630, Amend Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 6-303, Misdemeanors; Discharge of Firearms with Municipality.  Christmas Dinner was discussed.  A $50,000.00, 10-year term life insurance policy for Police Chief Carlson will be renewed.

     The board entered executive session at 7:12 pm for annual review of Library Aide.  The board returned to regular session at 7:14 p.m.  The meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm.    



The Village Office will be closed November 22 & 23 for Thanksgiving


Thank you to the parties responsible for watering the park and completing minor repairs.  Those known are Bob Hannan, Dale Freeman, Arvid Barr and Terry Miller.  We appreciate your dedication to the Village of Mead!


Special points of interest:
Winter Dump Hours
Mead Community Group
Snow Removal
HALLOWEEN Events Scheduled
Planning Commission Member Needed
Upcoming Meetings
Church Services


Dump hours are changing for the winter months effective November 1 through March 31.  The dump will be open on the FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH ONLY FROM 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

BE AWARE THE DUMP WILL BE CLOSED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER (rain, if the road is not passable or snow). 

Tree branches, weeds, leaves and grass clippings are the only items permitted.  All loads will be checked.  All items are to be unbagged. The dump is open to Mead residents only with a $2.00 fee charged per load, payable to the Dump Master.

Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month

Thanksgiving brings to mind a spirit of gratefulness.  How do we impart this attitude of gratitude into our families?  In reality it is a year round effort, but we can use the Thanksgiving holiday as a kick-off to practicing thankfulness every day.  Here are a few ideas to help get us started:

 *Create a thankful paper chain – using different colors of construction paper, scissors, markers and a stapler, have the kids (young and old) write or draw one thing they are thankful for on a piece of paper. (1” x 11”)  Encourage them to come up with many different ideas.  Loop and staple the strips together to form a chain.  See how long you can get it to stretch and use it to decorate your dining room for Thanksgiving dinner. 

 *Plan a simple, family service event – working together serving others is a powerful way to teach gratefulness.  For ideas, check out the Doing Good Together website. 


*Make a grateful list – get the family together and brainstorm “I’m thankful for…” ideas.  Making a list like this often reminds us of how much we take for granted.

*Play the “popcorn thanks” game – Go around the dinner table and focus on one person at a time.  Have other people name the things they appreciate about this person.  Make it a popcorn thanks in that people spontaneously “pop out” what they have to say.  No limit on the amount of thanks one person can give. 

*Play the “one-word thanks” game – similar to the above game but each person uses only a one word adjective to describe the featured person. 


*Make it a family habit to always write thank-you notes  – keep a bunch of note cards and stamps handy to make it easy to write a quick note when gifts are received.  Now more than ever, a hand written note is especially treasured.

For more information see


The Mead Community Group wishes you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We are grateful for your support and for all the ways we work together to make our community a great place to live!    

Please join us at our next regular monthly meeting, now on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (11/14) at 2:00 pm at the the Mead High School library.  All interested parties welcome! 


As winter weather approaches, Village Ord. 5-311 requires that following a snowfall of 2” or more, it shall be unlawful to park or stand any vehicle on any street within the congested district (Vine St. from 3rd St. to 5th St. and 4th St. from the alley adjacent to Blocks 24 and 33 to Vine St. and from alley adjacent to Blocks 25 and 32 to Vine St.), between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the following day.  All vehicles must be removed promptly from the designated “Snow Emergency Route” that is marked by signs.

On all other streets, parking shall be restricted to the north and west sides of the streets on even numbered days of the month and the south and east sides of the streets on odd numbered days of the month until the streets have been cleaned.


Village ordinance also designates that all sidewalks shall be cleaned within 24 hours after the cessation of snow.


Snow Emergency Route

Snow Emergency Route within the Village of Mead is defined as Elm Street from Highway 92 to Eighth Street, Vine Street from First Street to Eighth Street, First Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, Fourth Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, and Eighth Street from Oak Street to County Road 10.

Signs are posted on the streets indicating they are designated as the Snow Emergency Route.  Parking on these streets is not permitted during snow accumulation.  No parking on side streets is also encouraged to aid in snow removal in a timely manner.

Adopt A Senior Pet Month – consider an older pet when looking for a new addition for your family.   Not only will they be a great addition to your family but you can provide for their needs in their lives.


The Mead Fire Department is sponsoring their annual costume party on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 at Mead Jr-Sr High School in the commons area. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. with judging of costumes (all ages) at approximately 6:30 p.m. Free hot dogs and hot chocolate will be served. 



Decorate your vehicle and join the Mead Community Group in some Halloween Fun!  The event is held at the Mead High School parking lot, Wednesday, October 31st.

Arrive at 5:45 p.m. to set up in front of the school, we will have barricades set up for the trunkers,  Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. inside with hot dogs and a costume contest sponsored by the Mead Fire Department.  Participants of Trunk or Treat will distribute treats following the Fire Department Party.  The first ten vehicles to arrive will receive a free bag of candy to hand out and all participants at the Trunk and Treat will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize.



*  Must live inside the corporate limits of the Village of Mead
*  Willing to learn zoning regulations
*  Concerned about the community

Please contact the Village Office (402-624-2495), a member of the Board of Trustees or Planning Commission if interested in this opportunity.


Village Board:  Tuesday, November 13, 6:00pm
Planning Comm: Monday, November 26, 7:30pm
Library Board:  Wednesday, November 14, 7:00pm
Fire & Rescue:  Monday, November 12, 7:30pm
The Village Board and Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Mead Library and Fire Department at Mead Schools (temporary location).


312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone:  (402) 624-2495
Fax:  (402) 624-2024
Steve Mayfield, Chairman
Jim Halbmaier, Trustee
Adam Miller, Trustee
Ailene Raver, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee

June Moline, Clerk/Treas.  624-2495

Nick Raver, Ut/Mnt. Supt.  443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief  624-2056
Vera Kuhr, Librarian  624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief  443-9688



EVANGELICAL COVENANT  1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125

  9:00 am  Coffee & visiting

10:00 am  Worship service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30,
nursery available during service)

Weekly Schedule

7:00 pm  Men’s Study


6:00 pm  Dinner 4 Change (free to everyone)
7:00 pm  Life Group / Bible Study (an opportunity to hear answers to tough questions of the Bible)
7:00 pm  Jr./Sr. High Youth Group

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC  213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30 pm  Saturday Mass
9:00 am  Sunday Mass

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am  Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
5:30 pm  Daily Mass –  Tuesday
8:00 am  Daily Mass – Saturday

ALMA LUTHERAN  219 W Fifth St. / 402-624-3015

Worship – 8:30 am – first Sunday of the month (spoken)

10:30 am – all other Sundays
9:15 am  Sunday School for all ages

PANERA BREAD – NOVEMBER 10, 10:00 – 11:00 am at the church basement  (FREE TO ALL)