Mead Messenger
November 2009 Volume 5, Issue 11
Village of Mead Board of Trustees
A regular meeting of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees was held October 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Howell; Trustees Feldhaus, Halbmaier and Swanson. Absent was Raver. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utilities/Maintenance Supt. Walling and Police Chief Carlson. Guest present was John Trouba.
The board exited to a public hearing at 6:07 p.m. and returned to regular session at 6:09 p.m.
SENDD Representative, John Trouba, reported the Community Survey results. He indicated that the village has qualified to seek Community Wide CDBG Grant Funding. Areas of concern and comments were reviewed.
The board accepted the bid from Big Red Home Improvement to install replacement windows and doors at the Community Bldg. for $1,500.00. No action was taken to hear third reading of Ord. 587, Water and Sewer Deposit for Renters. Discussion items were Dept. of Roads Designated Person, USDA Grants, Community Bldg. Grant, Home Depot Grant, resident request to have cable lines removed and dog concerns.
Utility/Maintenance Supt. – Walling reported work to improve drainange along N. Elm St., application of street materials on First St., sludge removal process & stop sign request at 6th & Elm St. Pricing shall be sought for a metal detector.
Police – Carlson presented the monthly activity report. Discussion was held on resident complaint on barking dogs.
Clerk – Moline presented a delinquent water/sewer account, requested meter maintenance, receipt of Occupancy Permit for Mapeworth’s, meeting attendance, vacation request and audit.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
A public hearing of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees was held October 13 at 6:07 p.m. at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Howell; Trustees Feldhaus, Halbmaier and Swanson. Absent was Raver. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utilities/Maintenance Supt. Walling and Police Chief Carlson.
Purpose of the hearing was to address a request from the Planning Commission to amend the Zoning Regulations.
Ord. 592 was adopted, following introduction and waiving of three readings, to amend Article 4, Section 11-410 Fences.
The hearing was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
Sunday, November 1
Daylight Savings Time Ends – Turn Your Clock
Back One Hour
312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone: (402) 624-2495
Fax: (402) 624-2024
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Brad Howell, Chairperson
Bobbie Feldhaus, Trustee
Jim Halbmaier, Trustee
Ailene Raver, Trustee
Dick Swanson, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treas. 624-2495
Keith Walling, Ut/Mnt. Supt. 227-5150
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 624-2056
Vera Kuhr, Librarian 624-6605
Mike Coyle, Fire Chief 443-7164
Mead residents will be allowed to dump on the first Saturday of the month only. Between the hours of 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., please contact Chris Kavan at 624-2494 and he will come and unlock the dump gate to allow for dumping. The only items allowed are weeds, grass clippings, leaves and tree branches. All items must be unbagged. The fee is $2.00 per load.
Snow Emergency Route
Snow Emergency Route within the Village of Mead is defined as Elm Street from Highway 92 to Eighth Street, Vine Street from First Street to Eighth Street, First Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, Fourth Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, and Eighth Street from Oak Street to County Road 10.
Signs are posted on the streets indicating they are designated as the Snow Emergency Route. Parking on these streets is not permitted during snow accumulation. No parking on side streets is also encouraged to aid in snow removal in a timely fashion.
The Planning Commission does not meet during the month of December. Therefore please plan accordingly. The Commission meets the Fourth Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Village Office. Applications for Building Permits are required for construction of buildings, decks, fences and signs, exterior remodeling if changed in any way, removal or destruction of buildings. These guidelines also pertain to residents within the one mile zoning jurisdiction of the Village. Please contact the Village Office for a Building Permit application form.
Water / sewer payments are due the 15th of each month. A $10.00 late fee will be charged to the account if not paid by 9:00 AM to the village office the following day. Payments may be made at the village office, mail to Box 46, Mead, NE 68041, drop off at the Bank of Mead or deposit in the drop box located on the outside by the village office door.
If you have an account at the Bank of Mead and wish to have automatic payment withdrawal from your account on the 15th, please contact the Village Clerk to complete the proper paperwork.
As winter weather approaches, Village Ord. 5-311 requires that following a snowfall of 2” or more, it shall be unlawful to park or stand any vehicle on any street within the congested district (Vine St. from 3rd St. to 5th St. and 4th St. from the alley adjacent to Blocks 24 and 33 to Vine St. and from alley adjacent to Blocks 25 and 32 to Vine St.), between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the following day. All vehicles must be removed promptly from the designated “Snow Emergency Route” that is marked by signs.
On all other streets, parking shall be restricted to the north and west sides of the streets on even numbered days of the month and the south and east sides of the streets on odd numbered days of the month until the streets have been cleaned.
Village ordinance also designates that all sidewalks shall be cleaned within 24 hours after the cessation of snow.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St.
5:30 pm Saturday Mass
9:30 am Sunday Mass
(check bulletin for daily mass, generally 7:00 a.m.)
8:30 am Spoken Worship
9:15 am Sunday School for all ages
10:30 am Traditional Worship
7:30 am Prayer in Sanctuary
9:00 am-11:00 am Worship, Coffee & Visiting, Life Groups & Kids Alive
Mead Covenant Church Weekly Schedule
6:00 pm Time of Prayer
6:00 am Pursuing God Through Prayer
7:00 pm Men’s Group
7:00 pm Women’s Group (2nd Tuesday of each month)
7:00 pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group
10:00 am – Noon Primetimer’s (2nd Thursday of each month)
The Village Office Will be Closed Thursday, November 26
And Friday, November 27
Village Code 6-107 states that dogs are not allowed to run at large within the village. All dogs are to be on leash if off a homeowner’s personal property. All dogs and cats are to be licensed annually on May 1 per Code 6-102 and Code 6-126. Licenses may be purchased at the Village Office. Loud, continued, frequent barking of dogs is not allowed per Code 6-112 or the written complaint will be passed to the Police Chief to investigate. Code 6-118 requires all dog and cat owners to remove excreta from public property, public walks and recreation areas. Please pick up after your pet!
The Village of Mead is currently taking applications for
The Dump Master will man the dump on a part-time basis.
Dump hours:
April 1 through October 31
Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
November 1 through March 31
First Saturday of the month ONLY, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Contact the Village Office for an application.
Village Board: Tuesday, Nov. 10, 6:00 p.m.
Planning Comm: Monday, Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m.
Library Board: Saturday, Nov. 7, 9:00 a.m.
Fire & Rescue: Monday, Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m.
The Village Board and Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and the Fire Department at the Fire Hall.
Mead Library News 2009 October by Vera Kuhr, Librarian
Thank you to all that came to “shot” day at the library. We are always ready to show off the library.
We have weeded materials from the adult and juvenile non-fiction shelves. These books will be placed in the front hall. These materials may be taken by the public and we ask for a donation to the library to partially cover the cost of these materials. Please stop soon as we must “weed” these books often.
If you want to use the two computers in the library, Tues, Wed and Thurs morning are the best times. Come in and “play” and get a feel for a computer. You will be surprised at what you will be able to do and the information on the Internet is endless.
We have started a Blog page. If you would like to access this page, please stop in at the library. We are in the process of getting a link for this on the village’s web page. Also, we are looking into having the other five libraries web page or Blog listed on a web page. This is new territory for me and it is taking some time to get this set up that is user friendly. Our Blog would have current info on and would be a useful tool in finding out what the library has to offer.
The six libraries are scheduling monthly meetings to better share information about our library software and how it should be used to benefit all libraries. We want to make our collection lists look about the same for easier access by patrons.
New materials: Adult: “The Last Song” and “The Lucky One” by Nicholas Sparks; “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana de Rosney (a young girl’s trials in World War II; many new Christian titles; new James Patterson, Jonathan Kellerman, John Sandford, John Hart (a boy searches for his sister) and 3 new westerns
Juvenile and Young Adult: Wimpy Kid titles by Jeff Kinney; “The Rule of Survival” and “The Killer’s Cousin” by Nancy Werlin (she also wrote “Double Helix”)
DVD’s: 2 Scooby Doo ; Rendition; Walk the Line; Romancing the Stone and MORE
Biographies: Clint Eastwood and Ted Kennedy
Political – Glenn Beck
Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month
Everywhere we turn people are talking about influenza. (H1N1, swine, bird, whatever???) What is it, and how do you keep your family from getting it?
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu or influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness and the safest way to prevent it is to be vaccinated. Contact your family doctor or county health department to find out how you can get the vaccines for your family.
In addition to getting vaccinated, practicing these good health habits will be beneficial:
*Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick and if you are ill stay home.
*Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and wash your hands often.
*Avoid touching your mouth, nose and face.
Following these tips along with general health habits like getting plenty of rest, good nutrition, regular physical activity, sufficient fluids, and positive stress management will help you and your family remain healthy in these influenza infested conditions. Stay well!
Village of Mead Community Survey – Summer 2009 Results
Results of the Community Survey recently completed by Mead residents were provided to the Board of Trustees by SENDD Representative, John Trouba. Mr. Trouba indicated that Mead has qualified for Community Wide CDBG grant funding. Many possible projects fall under these grants which include improvements or replacements to water, wastewater, streets, Community Building, etc. A Scope of Survey is currently being compiled by engineers from JEO Consulting Group. Survey results to apply for grants have a four year time span.
Survey results are provided on the following page. Comments are on file with the Clerk at the village office.
Please rate the following aspects of Mead. Good Fair Poor
1. The general appearance of the downtown. 26% 55% 20%
2. The appearance of the community in general. 38% 52% 10%
3. Conditions of the streets. 27% 49% 24%
4. Adequacy of recreational facilities and programs for:
School age children 43% 39% 19%
Teenagers 16% 36% 47%
Adults 10% 33% 57%
Senior citizens 8% 28% 64%
5. Appearance of homes in the community. 30% 64% 6%
6. Condition of lots being mowed and rubbish free. 30% 57% 14%
7. Adequacy of law enforcement coverage. 37% 40% 23%
8. Adequacy of fire and rescue services. 87% 12% 1%
9. Adequacy of sewer services. 42% 48% 10%
10.Quality of water. 7% 28% 65%
11.Sufficient community meeting facilities. 46% 49% 5%
12.Adequacy of water pressure. 28% 50% 22%
13.Street drainage & culverts. 22% 44% 33%
14.Adequacy of the recycling program. 42% 48% 10%
What services do you feel are needed in Mead. Greatly Somewhat Do Not
15.Street improvements. 32% 58% 10%
16.Recreation facilites upgrades. 32% 46% 22%
17.Water service improvements. 62% 32% 6%
18. Programs to encourage business and industry. 76% 19% 5%
19.Retail and business facilities. 77% 19% 3%
20.Do you own or rent your place of residence? 83% own 17% rent
21.Average Family Size 2.60 persons
22.Number of persons in your household in each age group. Less than 18 145
18-24 50
TOTAL 526 persons 25-34 58
35-44 77
45-61 113
62-74 59
75 or older 24
23.Total gross income within the last 12 months. Above Below
1 person family household $36,600 34% 66%
2 persons family household $41,850 49% 51%
3 persons family household $47,050 22% 78%
4 persons family household $52,300 50% 50%
5 & above collapsed into 4 persons-confidentiality purpose