Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Village of Mead


Volume 17, Issue 5                                                                                                     MAY 2024




A Regular Meeting of the Mead Board of Trustees was held April 9 at 6 pm at the Mead Community Building. Answering roll call were Chairman Thorson; Trustees Felty, Simon, and Wielage. Absent was Trustee Lee. Also present was Clerk Moline. Guests were Keith Marvin, Mason Herrman, Andy Jackson, Josh Girmus, Kylee Hickman, Kathy Robertson, Jay Spearman, Levi Durnal, and Patty Thorson.

The board adjourned to a Public Hearing at 6:00 pm.

PUBLIC HEARING: The hearing was called to order at 6:00 pm. Keith Marvin and Mason Herrman representing Marvin Consulting, presented the new Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and Official Zoning Map that were recommended for approval by the Planning Commission at their April 2 meeting. Thorson called for public input. The hearing was adjourned at 6:07 pm.

PUBLIC HEARING:   The hearing was called to order at 6:07 pm. A petition from Colby Properties seeking a variance of the front yard depth to construct a house/garage at Lot 10 & 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 16, Anderson & Carlson Subdivision, Mead was heard. Thorson called for public input. The Hearing was adjourned to a Board of Adjustment Meeting at 6:10 pm.

Regular Session continued at 6:15 pm. The following action took place: approved the March 12 meeting minutes, Treasurer’s Report, and claims; adopted Ord. 824, Non-exclusive Trash Franchise Agreement with Roadrunner Transportation, Ord. 828, Revised Comprehensive Plan, Ord. 829 Revised Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations; Res. 24-04 Obligating American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $42,100, Ord. 830 Issuance of Street Improvement Bond Anticipations Notes for construction costs of the street project, Ord. 831 Set Wage for Summer Maintenance employee; hire Tristan Zwiener for part-time summer maintenance; and governing body approval for SDLL to Karen’s Spirits to serve alcohol on May 4 at the Community Building for a fundraiser sponsored by the Ithaca Fire Department.

SCHEDULED GUEST: Kathy Robertson spoke on a solution for controlling feral cat colonies.

REPORTS: Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent – Luetkenhaus written report was presented showing completed monthly tasks, upcoming projects, and future water hydrant repairs and replacements. Planning Commission – The minutes of the April 2 Regular Meeting and two Public Hearings were accepted. Discussion was held on a property requesting a deck within village right-of-way. Action approved the construction of the deck at 420 S. Vine St. as long as the business owners meet all of the requirements in the proposed agreement. Building/Zoning Administrator: Permit 24-05 to erect a storage shed at 313 S. Elm St. was accepted. Library – The meeting minutes from April 2 were accepted. Clerk – Moline reported on low attendance for the Pet Vaccination License Day on March 30 and delinquent water / sewer accounts. Purchase of a Gift Card for Levi Durnal for his service on the Planning Commission was approved.

The meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.


A Board of Adjustment meeting was held April 9 at 6:10 pm at the Mead Community Building. Answering roll call were Chairman Thorson; Members Durnal, Felty, Wielage, and Alternate Simon.  Absent was Lee.

The board adjourned to a Public Hearing at 6:11 pm. Thorson presented a petition from Colby Properties for a variance for property described as Lot 10 & 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 16, Anderson &  Carlson Subdivision, Mead, for 15’ front yard depth to construct a house/garage. The regulation states a depth of 25’. The hearing adjourned at 6:13 pm. Res. 24-05, Variance of front yard depth to Colby Properties was adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.



ALMA LUTHERAN  219 W. Fifth St.

402-624-3015, also on Facebook

9:30 am – Sunday School for all ages through 8th grade

10:30 am – Sunday Worship


PANERA BREAD FREE TO THE PUBLIC  Saturday following the second Friday every month, 9 am – 2 pm. FREE TO ALL!  This month the church will be open on MAY 11.



402-624-6125, also on Facebook


9:15 am – 9:45 am Coffee Hour

10:00 am – Sunday Service

Every third Sunday evening 6:30 pm Sunday Night Service


6:30 pm – Kids in Action Grades 1st-6th

7:00 pm – Encounter Life Youth 7th – 12th

7:00 pm – Worship and Prayer with the Word

Every last Wednesday of the month is a FREE Community Meal 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm

 JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555 & on Facebook

4:30 pm – Saturday Mass

9:00 am – Sunday Mass

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am – Tues-Wed-Thu-Fri Daily Mass



Phone: 402-624-6605   E-mail:

Spring Hours:

                            Monday  330p-8p   Tuesday  9a-12n & 330p-515p   Wednesday  330p-8p

                              Thursday  9a-12n & 330p-515p  Friday  8a-1130a   Saturday 9a-12n    

The library will be closed on May 3, 27, 29 and 31.


Tuesday, May 7 – The Mead Public Library Board will have its monthly meeting at the Library at 6p. The session is open to the public.

Events for May:

Monday, May 6 and 13 – Participate in Adult DIY Craft Night from 6p-8p. Bring your own craft to work on and enjoy visiting with friends.

Tuesday, May 7, 14, 21 and 28 –  Coffee Time and conversation at 10a.

Friday, May 3 – Calling all kids in grades 4th through 10th!  Join us for a fun filled evening at the ZOMBIE PROM!  Starting at 6p.  Games, prizes, costume contest and FOOD!  Bring a friend and be prepared to have a great time! This event is sponsored by the Nebraska Library Commission and The Friends of the Mead Public Library.

Saturday, May 4 – Stop by the library for our annual Book Sale, from 9a til 2p!  Something for everyone!  Free Will Donations will go towards our Summer Reading Program.  We will also be selling pies!  Purchase a pie for $15, through The Friends of the Mead Public Library.  Come early!  Supplies are limited.

Wednesday, May 8 Come at 630p for the Adult Book and Dessert Club. Meet author Tammy Marshall!  She will be here discussing her book, Clearwater House, with us.

Monday, May 20 – Join the group that meets for the Library’s Adult Book Club Potluck from 630p-8p. Please bring a covered dish to share.


Be sure to check out the Mead Public Library on Facebook and Instagram! 


Summer Hours (Starting May 28, 2024)

Mon. 4p-8p      Tues. 9a-2p      Wed. 8a-2p      Thur. 12n-4p      Fri. 2p-5p     Sat. 9a-12n


The street project to pave First Street from Spruce Street to Co Rd 10 and Pine Street will begin on approximately May 15. The projected timeline to complete the project is September 30. JEO is the engineer and ME Collins Contracting Company is the contractor for the project.



Mead High School Class of 2024


The ceremony will be held May 11 at the gymnasium. Baccalaureate begins at 1:00 pm and Commencement at 2:00 pm.


A special thank-you to everyone who attended the Dog and Cat Vaccination Day on March 30. Dog and cat licenses were issued and Dr. Dobesh completed  vaccinations on numerous dogs and cats.




Saturday, May 4

8:00 am – 2:00 pm


Rain or Shine


Contact the Village Office by Monday,
April 29 if you wish to have your location placed on the village map.



Village Board:  Tuesday, May 14, 6:00pm

Library Board:  Tuesday, May 7, 6:00pm

Fire/Rescue:  Monday, May 13, 6:30pm


The Village Board meets at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library, and Fire/Rescue at the Fire Station.



If you are planning a construction or demolition project you must submit an Application for a Building Permit or an Application for a Demolition Permit to the Village Office. The permit will be reviewed by the Building /Zoning Administrator. Once his approval or denial of the permit has been received, contact will be made with the applicant. If approved, a permit will be typed and a letter sent that the permit may be obtained once payment has been received. There is a penalty attached when a project is started prior to approval.


Items not requiring a permit are temporary dog kennels, sidewalks, driveways, cement patios, and concrete slabs. Any shed 150 square foot or less does not require a permit but does need to meet setbacks. Check with the village office for the setbacks for your zoning district. A permit is required prior to cutting or grinding of village curbs. A locking fence is required for any pool containing at least 18” of water. All spas and hot tubs must be locked when not in use.


Zoning and subdivision regulations apply to all property owners within the one-mile jurisdiction of the village.


Feral cats were discussed at the April 9th meeting of the Board of Trustees. Given direction by Kathy Robertson who works with municipalities in controlling cat colonies, the board will address the issue at the May 13 meeting. Proposed is an ordinance to require all outdoor cats (family owned or feral) to be spayed or neutered. Suggested was to start a committee to do fundraising and seeking of donations to defray the cost of the surgery for feral cats.




8 am – 11 pm, downtown Mead


Items not permitted: tires, wood, pallets, construction refuse, grass clippings, tree limbs, trash


This is a great opportunity to get your outdoor property cleaned up!


We accept most other items: large household items such as couches, tables, chairs, dressers, desks, tv’s, microwaves, computers, bicycles, grills, lawnmowers, etc.


DUMP HOURS for April 1 – October 31

Wednesday 5 pm – 7 pm

Saturday 8 am – 12 pm

Items permitted are weeds, tree branches, leaves, and grass clippings. All items must be unbagged. A dumpster is on-site for disposal of iron/metal products ONLY.


A busy weekend has been planned for June 14-16. Mead Days will be celebrated on Friday evening the 14th and Saturday the 15th which will include a full day of scheduled events. June 16 a Pancake Feed at the Fire Hall will be held 8 am – 12 pm and a Show N’ Shine Car Show in downtown Mead from 11 am – 5pm. We hope you can attend several or all of the planned events!



The Saunders County Sheriff’s Office will set off the firemen’s pagers if they receive a watch for this area. The fire siren will go up and down a few times to alert the fire department members to be on the watch. It is also a good idea to keep tuned to a local TV channel / radio station if we are in a watch area.


If a funnel is spotted, they will blow a steady blast on the siren. This is your signal to take cover immediately. For those residents or businesses without basements, go to the Alma Lutheran Church basement, 219 W. Fifth Street. A fireman will have the doors open if we are in a storm warning.



312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46

Mead, NE  68041

Phone:  402-624-2495

Fax:  402-624-2024 



William Thorson, Chairman

Jason Felty, Trustee

Jason Lee, Trustee

Daniel Simon, Trustee

Richard Wielage, Trustee


June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495

Shannon Luetkenhaus, Utility/Maintenance Supt. 402-616-9204

Thomas Sackett, Police Chief 402-443-6846

Laurie VanAckeren, Library Director 402-624-6605

Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688


WE HAVE NEW DUG-OUTS COMING! THANK-YOU, Greg LaVigne of Security Fence for donating the poles and fencing for the new dugouts at the park ballfield. Benches were constructed by Trey Miller and installed with the help by members of the Ball Association. Shannon Luetkenhaus, Bill Thorson, Aaron Seeman, and Todd Clark have been busy erecting the poles and roof and pouring and smoothing the concrete.



A Franchise Agreement has been adopted with Spectrum to bring services to the Village of Mead and a small area outside of the village limits.  Therefore, they will be busy laying or hooking onto poles for their services. The State of Nebraska is working on expanding Broadband services and Spectrum was awarded a grant to provide these services to Mead. More information will be provided by Spectrum in the near future as to availability of services and costs.


Thank you to Levi Durnal for his many years of dedicated service on the Mead Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. He has served in the capacity as Board Chairman of the Commission for many years. You will be missed Levi!


Thank you to everyone for the many volunteers and contributions and those attending the Easter Egg Hunt. It was a cold day but the search for eggs was on!



April 28 – May 4