Village of Mead
Volume 15
Issue 7
JULY 2022
The Village Office will be closed July 4, 21, 22, and 25.
The Village of Mead Board of Trustees met June 14th at 6:00 p.m. at the Mead Community Building. Present were Chairman Thorson; Trustees Lee, Simon, and Wielage. Absent was Felty. Also present were Clerk Moline and Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent Luetkenhaus. Guests were Julie Ogden, Monte Dakan, Levi Durnal and Tracy Vogel.
SCHEDULED GUESTS: Street Superintendent Julie Ogden presented a proposed resurfacing plan for E. First St., Pine St. and Spruce St. from intersection of Second and Cedar Sts. to E. First St. Monte Dakan, Johnson Service Co., presented a proposal for sewer maintenance.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Action was taken to approve Master Agreement Work Order #4 with Olsson for GIS mapping of water and sewer utilities and approved the proposal from Johnson Service Co., to clean, vacuum, and CCTV collection system for years 2022 through 2026.
NEW BUSINESS: Bids were opened to sell the 2000 Ford Crown Victoria vehicle. Bids being: Shannon Luetkenhaus $551.00, Tracy Vogel $1,736.51, and Tyler Carlson $2,500. The following action was taken: adopt Ord. 791, Sale 2000 Ford Crown Victoria vehicle to Tyler Carlson for $2,500.00; Resolution 22-05, Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the creation of a Mutual Finance Organization; approved an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wahoo to spray mosquitoes for 2022; Ord. 792, Amend Off-road Vehicles; Ord. 793, Amend Planning Commission Members; Ord. 794, Amend Building and Zoning Administrator, appoint Terry Miller as Building and Zoning Administrator, Ord. 795, Wage for Building and Zoning Administrator; Resolution 22-06, Adopt Certificate of Occupancy Form; Ord.796, Amend Wage for Police—Special Events; and approved rental space to Twisted Thunder Fireworks at the Mead Park from June 22 through July 7.
REPORTS: Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent – Luetkenhaus reported monthly duties. Motion to allow an additional sixty days for removal of the bomb carts from the Quonset or rent will be charged. Planning Commission – The minutes of the May 23 meeting were accepted. Action was taken for the following permits: Permit 20-10, Sixty day extension to Scott Morin to construct a deck; Permit 21-03 One-month extension to Greg and Laura Clark to move in a house and construct a garage, approved previously with a variance; and Permit 21-20, Yong Construction until August 1 to construct an 8’ chain-link fence. Library – The minutes of the June 7 Library Board Meeting were accepted. Police – Sackett reported receipt of two computers and training. Clerk – Moline reported response from Co. Clerk regarding polling location, pet licenses and off-road permits sold to date, accountants will be in-house on July 13 for budget work, and receipt of a request for improvements of the ballfield lights.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Happy 4th of July!
ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W. Fifth St.
10:30 am – Sunday Worship
PANERA BREAD FREE TO THE PUBLIC Saturday following the second Friday every month, 10 am – 11 am. FREE TO ALL! This month the church will be open on SATURDAY, JULY 9.
ENCOUNTER LIFE MINISTRIES 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
9:15 am – 9:45 am Coffee Hour
10:00 am – Sunday Service
Every third Sunday evening 6:30 pm Sunday Night Service
6:30 pm – Kids in Action Grades 1st-6th
7:00 pm – Encounter Life Youth 7th – 12th
7:00 pm – Worship and Prayer with the Word
Every last Wednesday of the month is a FREE Community Meal 6:00 pm-6:45 pm
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Bread of Life Pantry. ALL ARE WELCOME!
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
4:30 pm – Saturday Mass
9:00 am – Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am – Tues-Wed-Thu-Fri Daily Mass
312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041
Phone: 402-624-2495
Fax: 402-624-2024
William Thorson, Chairman
Jason Felty, Trustee
Jason Lee, Trustee
Daniel Simon, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495
Shannon Luetkenhaus, Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent 402-616-9204
Thomas Sackett, Police Chief 402-443-6846
Laurie VanAckeren, Library Dir. 402-624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688
Village Board: Tuesday, July 12, 6:00pm
Plan Commission: Monday, July 25, 6:30pm
Library Board: Tuesday, July 5, 5:30pm
Fire/Rescue: Monday, July 11, 6:30pm
The Village Board & Planning Commission have been meeting at the Mead Community Building, Library Board at the Library, and Fire/Rescue at the Fire Station.
*Get your Off-road vehicles licensed to be in compliance with Mead Code.
*License your dogs and cats – $4.00 altered animal, $6.00 intact animal. If off of your personal property or on public property, you are required to pick-up your animal’s excrement.
*Grass and weeds are to be maintained at a height no greater than 12”. Grass clippings are NOT to be mowed into the streets.
*A fence is required to surround all pools/spas/hot tubs containing at least 18” of water. If the spa/hot tub has a lock attached this will forgo the fence requirement, but the spa/hot tub must be locked at all times when not in use. This includes property owners within the one-mile zoning jurisdiction of Mead.
Changes in the Building Process ~
After August 1st all Building and Demolition Permits will be considered and approved by the Village Building and Zoning Administrator, Terry Miller. You must still obtain and submit your application to the Village Office who will then contact Terry for review of your application. The Board of Trustees approved a five-member and one alternate Planning Commission. Their duties include reviewing and submitting their recommendation to the Board of Trustees for final approval of a Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Zoning Regulations, or amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board of Adjustment will address Variance requests.
A Steering Committee has been formed to amend the Comprehensive Plan in the near future. Planning begins with the collection of data to provide a comprehensive picture of the existing community. Analysis of the data provides the basis for developing forecasts of what the future will be in the planning area for the village. The plan identifies the tools, programs, and methods of carrying out proposals and recommendations once it is officially adopted by the community.
The MEAD MESSENGER is published monthly in Mead Public School’s monthly newsletter. Go to and click on “Informational”, then click “Newsletter” to find the current newsletter. If you wish to receive a paper copy, please contact Jessica Miller at the Jr-Sr. High School, 402-624-3435, and she will place your name on the mailing list. The Mead Messenger is also available at Click on “Information” and then click “Newsletters”.
Discussion will be held at the July 12 Board of Trustees meeting regarding future street paving projects at E. First Street, Pine Street, and Spruce Street from Second Street/Cedar Street intersection to E. First Street. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. at the Mead Community Building, 220 E. First Street.
The deadline to file as a candidate for the Village Board of Trustees in the November 8 general election is August 1 at the Saunders County Election Commissioner’s office.
Thank-you to the many residents who took the time to “spruce” up their properties during Mead Clean-up Day. Thank-you to Board Members, Bill Thorson, Jason Lee, Dan Simon, and Rick Wielage and employee, June Moline for helping dispose of the materials.
A special thank-you to Dalene Selko and Staci Charles for serving as Co-chairs for Mead Days. Also thank-you to the many volunteers who so graciously helped make the event happen and a huge success! It was a fun week-end.
Let ‘Er Rip Mead Days 2022 by Dalene Selko
The weekend started off with great polka music by Tom Sladek. A new event we added was Queen of the Court. We had 24 participants with Lauren Miller getting first place and Kate Miller getting second place in the grades 5-8 age group. In the high school division, Janie Munter was the overall winner with Hailey Mulbach placing second. It was a lot of fun to watch. Encounter Life Ministries held several fun games for kids to participate in with over 50 kids participating. We had 30 teams in our beer pong competition with Gregory Knuth and Noah Spangler as the winners. Second place went to Miranda Koertner and Derek Davis. Karaoke was fun with several local singers performing for the crowd. The evening finished with a great fireworks show by Midwest Fireworks.
Saturday started off with a lot of color! A packet was given to each participant to have a kick-off color celebration. We had 48 registered participants in our 5K color run. The weather was perfect. Each participant was able to receive six stations of color. A special thank-you to Mead volleyball and basketball players for being color dispensers and Mead PTO for assisting with the run this year. The overall winner was Sam Popken with a time of 22:41. It was so beautiful and fun. A special thanks to Ariel and Mitch Broekemeier for supplying water for our runners.
We continued with sand co-ed volleyball with eight teams. The winner of the tournament was the Bank of Mead—Scott Selko, Shawn Havelka, Keshia Havelka and Miranda Koertner. Second place went to Mead Signs—Rebecca Halbmaier, Emily Quinn, Demmy Patocka, Hunter Pickworth, Eli Vedral and Ezra Vedral. We had twelve teams for the horseshoe tournament with the winners being Jason Bird and Cole Pearson.
Mead Days Cont’d.
The parade was led by Tyler Carlson driving in memory of his dad, Jerry Carlson’s retired Mead cop car. A special moment of silence was held in honor of Jerry’s many years as our town cop and security for Mead Days. Mary Hass sang the National Anthem. PJ Quinn was our MC for the parade. A special thanks to Eckley Trucking for allowing us to use their parking lot for lineup and start.
This year we had a sanctioned kiddie tractor pull sponsored by Barnyard Pedal Pull. We had 25 contestants with the top three places qualifying for state.
4-year old female – 1. Brynlee Breazeale, 2. McKinleigh Drews, 3. Gentry Girmus
4-year old male – 1. Mason Subbert
5-year old female – 1. Millie Rodriquez
5-year old male – 1. Grisham Girmus, 2. Jack Groene, 3. Austin Byrd
6-year old female – 1. Lainey Bouc, 2. Hadley Breazeale
6-year old male – 1. Luke Wemhoff, 2. Marshal Glodowski
7-year old female – 1. Ellie Byrd
7-year old male – 1. Rhett Bouc
8-year old female – 1. Emily Byrd
8-year old male – 1. Grayder Girmus, 2. George Rodriquez
9-year old female – None
9-year old male – 1. Cooper Wemhoff
10-year old female – 1.Greeley Girmus
10-year old male – None
11-year old female – 1. Kamryn Ripne, 2. Emma Byrd
11-year old male – None
12-year old female – None
12-year old male – None
Big O Bounce provided our kids blowups this year with fun waterslides and bounce houses for all ages. Bingo was a huge event and thanks to the Encounter Life Ministries volunteers who helped run it. We enjoyed music during the day by the “Terry Olson Band”. Kids and adults also enjoyed face painting, Henna tattoos, and kiddie train rides. Kids also enjoyed being able to dunk a few Mead Public School administrators and teachers in the cheerleaders dunking tank. The Wildlife Encounters Show was very interesting and fun. Several kids were able to participate as well as pet the kangaroo. PJ Quinn auctioned off three wonderful auction items. A special thank-you to Raikes Organic Farms for donating the meat bundles that were included with the auction items. A special thank-you to all the people bidding on the items as well as those who purchased them.
The afternoon finished with a great juggling show by Tuey. Several volunteers were involved in the show. The show was very entertaining.
A special thanks to Bank of Mead for sponsoring Happy Hour and Pizza Hut pizza special. Also, a special shout-out to Roberta Havelka and her staff for providing a great concession stand all weekend.
Saturday evening, the band “Ecstatic” performed a great street dance. In our bags tournament we had 20 teams with the winners being Hayden Sabatka and Jacob Spicka.
Sunday began with a great pancake feed sponsored by the Mead Fire and Rescue Department. It was a hot day for a car show but we thank everyone who came out to enjoy the day. Special thanks to members of Stardusters, Euro Bistro, and Konecky Oil for sponsoring the event and providing some fun activities for the kids. We had approximately 50 car/truck entries.
Winners at the Car Show were:
Best of Show: Brad Richards, ‘55 Chevrolet Truck
Konecky Choice: Tom Janacek, ‘66 Chevrolet Impala
Starduster’s Choice: Dorothy Whited, ‘69 Mercury Cougar
People’s Choice: John Anderson, ‘51 Chevrolet Truck
Euro Bistro Choice: Kelli Hensen, ‘81 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
The Mead Days Committee would like to thank everyone for their hard work and support throughout the weekend. Mark your calendars for Mead Days 2023 June 16-18. We would also like to thank all of our donors and volunteers; without your generosity Mead Days would not be as successful as it is.
Thank You for all your support!!!
Platinum Donors – $300.00+
Bank of Mead Rainier Resources Holdings 1 LLC
Charles Surveying, LLC Rogge General Contractors
Darling Ingredients R&K Country Store
Insulfoam Rusty Rooster Saloon
Jeannette Johnson Saunders County Development
Konecky Oil, Inc. S2 Roll-offs & Refuse, LLC
Mead Cattle Co. Todd Valley Farms
Nutrien Ag Solutions Twisted Thunder Fireworks
PJ & Lesha Quinn Village of Mead
Raikes Organic Farms Wahoo Concrete
GOLD DONORS – $100.00 – $299.00 –
Tammy Bennett-Berkshire
Hathaway Real Estate
Bergman Trucking
Big Rig Truck Accessories
Blair Blue Bonnet Boutique
Terral Brabec
Buckmaster Construction
Carritt Crafted-Kari Carritt
Country Drive Golf Course
Double Eagle Beverages
Eckley Trucking, LLC
Euro Bistro
Feldhaus Ventures
Bobbie Feldhaus-Rodan & Fields
Fremont Moo Baseball
Frontier Co-op
Marvin & Mary Hass
Dan & Roberta Havelka
Husker Water Specialists, Inc.
Inspro Insurance, Inc.
Andy Jackson, Realtor
BHGRE-The Good Life Group
Jason & Tiffany King
Made It Myself Gourmet Shaved Ice
Miller Lawn Service
Mead Corner Storage
Mead Signs
NMC Cat-Alex Carritt
Pfeiffer Insurance Agency, Inc.
Raider Nation Auto Plex LLC
RMD Promotions, LLC/Imprint Designz
Seco Electric
Scott & Dalene Selko
Sid Dillon –Wahoo
Subbert Pumping
Subbert Well Service
Wahoo Aquatic Center/Civic Center
Wahoo Auto Parts
Wahoo State Bank
Staci Wiederstein-A Touch Of Glass
WL Anderson Livestock & Grain, LLC
Tracy Lihs-Scentsy
Knuth Iron
Vera Huckeby
SILVER DONORS – $50.00 – $99.00 –
Bromm Lindahl Freeman-Caddy
& Lausterer Attorneys at Law
BW’s Pub & Grill
Encounter Life Ministries
Pizza Hut
Corey Sorensen-Colby Properties
Mary Sorensen-Nebraska Realty
Moriah Wellman-Mary & Martha
Elizabeth Bladt – Karen Porter
Country Road Crafts Judy Rasmus –
Mitch & Ariel The Hair studio
Broekemeier Simon’s says
Chiming Silver – Antiques
Curt & Donna Pearson Sue’s creative
Dairy Queen Confections
Farmers mutual Sunmart
Insurance Sweet P’s Boutique
Fud & Tracy’s Kent & Linda sweet
Plumbing & heating Deb Virgl – Doterra
James & bonnie Edins Essential Oils
Keshia Havelka-Zyia Wahoo Newspaper
Tony & Bobbi Leslie Wahoo Pharmacy
Encounter Life Ministries Youth Group