Volume 10, Issue 7
JULY 2015
The Village of Mead Board of Trustees met in a Special Meeting on May 29 at 6:00 pm at the Village Office. Present were Board Chairman Guyle; Trustees Havelka, Nicola, Wielage and Wimer. Also present was Clerk Moline.
Discussion was held on who is responsible for enforcement of a business driveway off Hwy 92; response by Engineer Day regarding concern with village utilities during future maintenance of Hwy 92; process to supply water to AltEn; and appointment of a Hearing Officer.
Action was taken to approve bulk sale of water at $30.00 per month plus $20.00 per 1,000 gallons used and rescind Resolution 15-11. Resolution 15-12, Declared Nuisance on Property located at 1020 Co Rd M, Mead was adopted following a written report submitted by the Nuisance Enforcement Officer.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
A Regular Board Meeting of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees was held June 9 at 6:00 pm at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Guyle; Trustees Havelka, Nicola, Wielage and Wimer. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance Supt. Raver and Library Assistant Laurie Van Ackeren. Guests were Tanner Shaw and Andrew Dietzel.
The minutes of the May 1 Regular Meeting and May 29 Special Meeting and amended minutes of the April 14 Regular Meeting, Treasurer’s Report and claims were approved.
GUESTS: Tanner Shaw, AltEn, was present to finalize plans to provide water to AltEn. Andrew Dietzel thanked the board for action taken to reduce stop sign violations.
REPORTS: Library: The minutes of the May 20 Library Board meeting were approved. Discussion centered on Summer Reading, upcoming events and repair projects at the library. Utility/Maintenance: Raver reported need for replacement of the sewer jetter, sewer line maintenance, mosquito spraying and ballfield material. Police: The monthly police report was presented. Complaints of maintenance on properties were discussed. Planning Commission: The minutes of the May 18 regular meeting and Building Permits were reviewed. Reappointed to the board was Levi Durnal. Appointed to the board were Ruth Dobesh and Audra Wirth. Clerk: Moline reported meter maintenance. The meeting adjourned at pm.
NEW BUSINESS: Action was taken to appoint Alberto Silva as Hearing Officer through December 7, 2015; adopt Resolution 15-13, Lower Platte North Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, waive three readings and adopt Ordinance 665, Rate for Bulk Water Sales and agreement to sale bulk water to AltEn. Discussion was held on a delinquent water/sewer account.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
· Church Services
· Pool – Hot tub – Spa Guidelines
· Community Surveys
· Thank You
· Storm Warning Procedures
· Building Guidelines
· Mead Community Group News
· Library News
· Planning Commission Member Needed
· Mead Days
ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W. Fifth St. / 402-624-3015
8:30a.m. – Worship – First Sunday of the month
9:30a.m. – Worship – All other Sundays
PANERA BREAD – FREE TO THE PUBLIC, available the Saturday following the second Friday of the month. JULY 11, 10:00 am – 11:00 am in the church basement.
MEAD COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
9:00a.m. – Coffee & Visiting
10:00a.m. – Worship Service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30, nursery available during the service)
Wednesday’s – MCC serves a free meal to anyone in the community from 6:00 – 6:45 pm. (Please join us, there are no requirements or expectations! If you’re coming for the first time, please consider calling the church office at 624-6125 to let us know how many are attending so we can prepare accordingly. If you cannot call prior to coming the first time, it’s okay, come anyway.) 6:45 pm – Kids in Action; 7:00 pm – Student Ministries (Jr/Sr High); 7:15 pm – Adult Group
Thursday’s – 7:00 pm – Prayer Encounter
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30p.m. – Saturday Vigil
9:00a.m. – Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00a.m. – Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
8:00a.m. – Daily Mass – Saturday, when scheduled
All grass and weeds are to be maintained at a height no greater than 12”. Grass clippings are NOT to be mowed into the streets. Homeowner’s are required to trim tree branches to a height of at least 14’ above the surface of a street or sidewalk abutting their property.
DOG OWNERS ~ Please keep your dogs on leash when off your property. You are also required to pick up excrement from public / private property other than your own.
Thank you to the members of the Village Board of Trustees, Gary Guyle, Shawn Havelka, PJ Nicola and Rod Wimer for their help at the Mead Clean-up Day. Additional help was provided by Nick Raver, June Moline, Blaine Nicola and Lyle Vasa. There were five dumpsters of discarded items and one dumpster of iron / metal products collected. Thank you to all who joined in this event to spruce up their property.
Community Surveys were mailed to Mead residents in May. Please return the surveys to the Village Office as soon as possible. All survey information is kept confidential and will be assessed by the Southeast Nebraska Development District. It is imperative that ALLresidents of Mead accurately complete and return the surveys in order to be considered for grant funding. As you know, infrastructure and community projects cost money; so any funding the community may receive through grant funding will help offset the cost. Thank you for your cooperation in completing and returning your survey.
The surveys will be kept in an envelope for SENDD employees to pick up and tabulate. Thank you for your cooperation!
Prior to erecting a swimming pool, you must adhere to the following guidelines: Any pool, spa or hot tub containing at least 18” of water is REQUIREDto be enclosed by a fence with a minimum height of 4’ and maximum height of 6’, with no opening greater than 4” or larger. All gates are to be locked when not in use. Hot tubs and spas are not required to have fencing if they have locking tops and are kept locked when not in use. All chemicals and supplies must be stored in a secure area. Pools, spas and hot tubs are not permitted to be drained into the sanitary sewer system. Drainage is permitted into the storm sewer provided that chemicals contained in the pool, spa or hot tub are first diluted.
Thank you!
Dalene and Scott Selko and Staci and Jerry Charles for co-chairing the Mead Days celebration. Also thank you to the many volunteers who helped at the 3 day event.
Coaches and officials of Mead Youth Programs!
To the many volunteers who remain anonymous, but certainly your contributions do not go unnoticed. Know that whatever you contribute, large or small, it all helps make Mead a better place to live!
Thank you,
Steve Kadavy, for your years of service on the Mead Planning Commission.
Village and One-mile Extraterritorial Residents
Prior to beginning any construction or fencing project, please be aware that an APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT must be approved by the Mead Planning Commission. Commercial and Industrial applications must also be approved by the Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting. Construction projects excluded are accessory buildings less than 150 sq. ft. that meet variance requirements, residential sidewalks and driveways. An application must also be approved if you plan to MOVE OR DEMOLISH A BUILDING.
If a project is started prior to approval, an additional $100.00 penalty fee will be assessed to the project.
You are also required to contact Digger’s Hotline at 811 prior to disturbing soil. Expect a timeline of two days for utility personnel to arrive on-site to locate any utilities. This is a free service to you.
The Wahoo Sheriff’s office will set off the firemen’s pagers if they receive a watch for this area. The fire siren will go up and down a few times. This is only to alert the fire department to be on the watch. It is also a good idea to keep tuned to a local TV channel / radio station if we are in a watch area.
If a funnel is actually spotted, they will blow a steady blast on the siren. This is your signal to take cover at once. For those residents or businesses without basements, go to the Alma Lutheran Church basement, 219 West 5th Street. A fireman will have the doors open if we are in a storm warning.
Mead Community Group Newsletter Article – June 2015
“ask me where I’m going” is another great resource from Search Institute Publications with suggestions as to how we can relate to the young people in our lives. Here in an excerpt:
Do you remember what it felt like to be a teenager? Eager for freedom, yet still in need of guidance? Wanting encouragement to grow and to try new things, but also wanting to be included and accepted just for being you?
For teens today, much of what they desire in life is no different. Although they seem to face many more difficult choices than teens of previous generations, the need to know that someone cares about who they are and what they hope for remains the same. Knowing someone really cares can make all their dreams, big and small, feel possible. Given today’s complex world, just how can we show a teenager we care? As adults, we so easily rally around babies and young children. But with teens we often hold our breath, hoping they’ll somehow make it through the teen years safe and sound. To help teens grow into healthy, caring, responsible people, adults need to rally around teens as well. We need to listen to what teens want adults to hear. Any adult in their lives can make a difference, not just parents or teachers. It doesn’t matter whether they are your own kids, relatives, neighbors, or strangers walking down the street. Think about what they have to say. What they hope for, and deserve, is possible and necessary. Next month we will share some real words from real teens and realize just how simple, wise, and realistic their requests are.
The next Mead Community Group meeting will be Tuesday, September 1 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Mead High School commons. Please join us.
BOOKS: “Gathering Prey” by John Sanford, “The Pink Suit” by Nicole Mary Kelby, “American Sniper” by Chris Kyle, “Motive” by Jonathan Kellerman, “The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee” by Tom Angleberger, “Lie by Moonlight” by Amanda Quick, “The Visitation” by Frank Peretti, “14th Deadly Sin” by James Patterson, “Hope, A memoir of survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus and “Finding Me, A decade of darkness, a life reclaimed” by Michelle Knight.
DVDS: Wild, Earth to Echo, Black or White, 8 Mile, American Sniper & Seventh Son
Our DVDS are now categorized by rating (G, PG, PG13, R & Informational).
A HUGE thank you to all who donated materials! Thanks also to whoever dropped off the vacuum cleaner at our door! It is Much Needed and Much Appreciated!
The next Mead Library Board Meeting is July 15 at 6:30pm. Open to the public! Everyone is welcome!!
Anyone wanting to order a Mead Alumni Book, please sign up at the library.
Mead Library Summer Reading Program Begins July 6 through July 31, 2015! Stop by the library to sign up! Ages 1 – 14 welcome! Tons of prizes! Lots of fun events (see below)! Free book just for joining!
July 9, Thursday: 10:30am Movie Morning! All ages welcome! Popcorn provided, please bring your own covered drink. This movie is rated PG and is full of adventure, bravery, excitement and friendship…many have named this movie the New ET.
July 10, Friday: 10am “Oldie but Goodie” Movie Morning! All ages welcome, but geared toward our Mead Sassy Senior Crowd! This movie musical stars Dick Van Dyke, Janet Leigh & Ann-Margret. It is about a rock singer who travels to a small Ohio town to make his “farewell” television performance and kiss his biggest fan before he is drafted. Made in 1963. Popcorn provided, please bring your own covered drink.
July 25, Saturday: Lunch and a Movie! 11am-11:45am We will be serving hot dogs and chips (please bring your own covered drink). Family movie at noon for All Ages! Rated PG.
July 29, Wednesday: Book Signing Author Leigha Brandt will be discussing and signing her first SCI-FI novel, “Destruction” from 2pm-5pm . Books, poster’s and other items will be available for purchase. We have a copy of “Destruction” at the library so stop by and check it out! Excerpt: “In a world of creatures and uncertainty, I was unearthly. A dark angel and a guardian combined with a will to do good, but a mind to cause total destruction…”
August 13, Thursday: NRD will be having a Reptile Show at YOUR Library at 11am.
The library will be closed on Saturday, July 4th. Happy Independence Day!!!!
The Village of Mead is in need of a member of the Planning Commission. If you are concerned about the community and willing to learn zoning regulations, please contact the Village Office, Board of Trustee or a member of the Planning Commission.
312 S. Vine St., Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Telephone 402-624-2495
Fax 402-624-2024
Gary Guyle, Chairman
Shawn Havelka, Trustee
PJ Nicola, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
Rod Wimer, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495
Nick Raver, Utility/Maint. Supt. 402-443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 402-443-6846
Lori Moseman/Laurie Van Ackeren, Library Director/Assistant 402-624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688
Village Board: Tuesday, July 14, 6:00pm
Planning Comm.Monday, July 27, 7:30pm
Library Board: Wednesday, July 15, 6:30pm
Fire & Rescue: Monday, July 13, 7:30pm
The Village Board & Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and Fire & Rescue at the Fire Station.
GOLD DONORS -$100.00 & up-
AltEn Operating – Mead Ethanol Plant,; AWS Well Co, Inc.; Bank of Mead; Bergman Trucking; Big Red Bounce; Buckmaster Construction; Charles Surveying; Country Drive Golf Course; Dean Hansen; Dillon Brothers Motorsport; Double Eagle Beverage; Feldhaus Ventures; Frontier Co-op; Glacial Till Vineyard; Hy-Vee; Inspro Insurance; Insulfoam; Doug and Jeannette Johnson; Kerry and Angela Knuth; Konecky Oil; Matan’s Welding; Mead Cattle Co.; Mead Community Group; Mead Signs; Miller Lawn Service; The Farm; Karen Porter—Oriental Trading; Raider Nation Auto Plex LLC; Raikes Farm Enterprise; Riggins Ag Equipment; Saunders County Development; SECO Electric; Dalene Selko—Mary Kay; Scott and Dalene Selko; Sid Dillon Chevrolet—Wahoo; Simons Home Store; Subbert Well Service; Todd Valley Farms; Village of Mead; Wahoo Civic Center; Wahoo State Bank
SILVER DONORS – $50.00 – $99.09 –
Alma Lutheran Church; Big Rig Truck Accessories; Case Implement; Country Store; Creative Hair Works; Cubby’s Convenience Store; G & L Café; Vera and Ray Huckeby; Lasting Looks Beauty Salon; Makovicka/Sylliaasen Physical Therapy; Rusty Rooster; St. James Catholic Church; Svoboda Funeral Home; Vine Street Market; Wanahoo Aviation; Water Engineering, Inc.; Wylee Anderson Livestock Grain
BRONZE DONORS – $49.00 & under –
Acapulco Mexican Grill; Alice Adams; Bomgaars; Aaron and Kari Carritt; Casey’s General Store; Corner Market; Chip’s Restaurant & Bar; Creative Hair Works; Dailey Real Estate; Dairy Queen; James and Bonnie Edins; Jaris’ Café; Edward Jones; Farmers Mutual Insurance Agency; Found and Flora; Fud & Tracy’s Plumbing & Heating; Green Acre Animal Clinic; Husker Water Specialists, Inc.; Tori Konecky-Wild Tree; Lindley Clothing Company; Loerch’s Jewelry and Gifts; Lucille’s Gift Shop; Mocha K’s; Pizza Hut; Platte Valley Implement; Judy Rasmus-Hair Studio; Connie Schliffke; Simon’s Antiques; Subway; Sun Mart Foods; Kent and Linda Sweet; Wahoo Auto Parts/Car Quest; Wahoo Bakery; Wahoo Nails & Spa; Wahoo Newspaper; Wahoo Pharmacy; Wahoo Super; Warehouse Surplus
Raffle Winners: 1st place $200-Tim Mittan, 2nd Place $100-Alex Harrigar, 3rd place $50- Rob Cline. The 7/8 Boys Baseball Team sold the most raffle tickets and won a picnic. Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket as well as sold them.
Sand Volleyball : We had 7 teams entered into our Sand Volleyball Tournament with great competition this year. It was fun for our players as well as our spectators. Tournament winners were Silver Division-Maddy Nygren, Dana Meduna, Nate Jurgensmeier and Brandon Nygren and Gold Division-Scott Selko, Keshia Havelka, Shawn Havelka, Penny Havelka, Miranda Charles and Christi Roschewski.
Chinese Horseshoes: 24 teams entered into Chinese Horseshoes with Kurt and Hop Christensen as the winners.
Horseshoes: We had16 teams entered with the winners being Chris Johnson and Tony Henderson.
Beer Pong: This year we had 22 Beer Pong teams and the winners were Jordan Moline and Brian Romans.
Kiddie Tractor Pull: We had 29 participants enter the Kiddie Tractor Pull with winners being age 4-5 Max Volpp, age 6-7 Jack Vanslyke and age 8-9 Nolan Vanslyke.
Fun Run : We had 76 participants with Kaleb Weist as the overall winner with a time of 17.30. Results: 0-15 Female -1st Lily Spangler, 2nd-Kiley Bamesberger, 3rd-Abby Miller; 0-15 Male-1st Sheldon Johnson, 2nd-Seth Janecek, 3rd-Emilio Silva; 16-30 Female-Marisa Mika, 2nd Maggie Dailey, 3rdMaggie Holub; 16-30 Male-1st Kaleb Weist, 2ndDarren Kelley, 3rd Billy Mayer; 31-54 Female-1stRose Sutton, 2nd Jay Wood, 3rd Laura Fick; 31-54 Male-1stPat Poehling, 2nd David Overmeyer, 3rd Dan Hess; 55+ Male-1st Brock Angelos, 2nd Roger Pelster, 3rdKen Taylor
BBQ Contest
A special thanks goes out to our judges who donated their time to this event. They are professional and certified judges. Also a special thanks to all the contestants who cooked so many delicious entrees.
Pork Total of 6 entries: 1st Wham Blaster-Shawn Havelka Score 129, 2nd No Clue BBQ Score 116, 3rd Master Baster 114
Chicken Total of 6 entries:1st Master Baster-Rod Wimer Score 125, 2nd Wham Blaster—Score 123, 3rdNo Clue BBQ 120
Chef Choice Total of 9 entries: 1st Wham Blaster-Shawn Havelka Score 125, 2nd No Clue BBQ Score 123, 3rd Smokin’ Bandits Score 118
People’s Choice Total of 7 entries: 1st Wham Blaster-Shawn Havelka Votes 119, 2ndSloppy Seconds-Votes 101, 3rd Smokin’ Bandits Votes 92
Desserts Total of 1 entry: 1st Michelle Kuhr Score 127
Side Dish Total of 10 entries: 1st Kosher Pork-Matan Grasiani Score 133, 2nd Master Baster- Score 123, 3rd Master Baster- Score 121
Finally after fifteen years, we were able to have a “dry” Mead Days. The weekend kicked off with great polka music by Dean Hansen, DJ by Wayne Kreifels, and 22 teams for the Beer Pong Tournament. Fireworks were by J and M Display and they did an awesome job this year. Mead Community Group provided fun games for middle age children before the fireworks.
Saturday began with the Fun Run with 76 participants. The weather was great and a special thanks to the Mead Community Group for providing a water station. Continued activities were 7 Sand Coed Volleyball teams, 16 teams for Horseshoes, over 25 entries in the Parade, with Mary Hass singing the Star Spangled Banner and PJ Quinn serving as MC, kid games, a movie sponsored by the Mead Community Group, Youth Dodgeball Tournament, Kiddie Tractor Pull, special show by the Real Princesses of Omaha, Hypnotist Show by Edward Wunder, and Blow-Up games provided by Big Red Bounce House. There were 24 teams for Chinese Horseshoes and a great Street Dance with music by the Jake Gill Band, sponsored by the Mead Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department.
Sunday events continue to grow every year. I don’t think anyone left the park hungry from eating all of the great BBQ food. A special thanks to all of the contestants. We had several BBQ contestants with multiple food entries. We had a blast and judges really loved the food. The backyard games were set up to enjoy while listening to great music by Bucka Ruse. We also sponsored a Wine Tasting event with wine furnished by Glacial Till Winery and craft beers from Nebraska Brewing Companies. It was lots of fun and some great food was shared with the community.
Overall the weekend was a huge success for everyone. We had visitors from all over and ages. The Mead Days Committee, Mead Ball Association and Mead Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department would like to thank everyone for participating. A special thanks to all the volunteers who made this weekend a success. Also a special thanks to the people who live around the park for the use of their electricity and allowing us to have these events at the park. Without your dedication and donations, Mead Days would not be possible. Thanks again and mark your calendars now for next year Mead Days June 17-19, 2016. It’s always the third weekend in June.