Village of Mead
Mead Messenger
July 2013
Volume 9, Issue 8
The Village of Mead Board of Trustees met June 11 at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Mayfield; Trustees Guyle, Miller, Wielage and Wimer. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance Supt. Raver, Police Chief Carlson and Librarian Black. Guest was Ben Day.
Ben Day, Olsson Assoc. reported on the land purchase for the wastewater project. He reported notification of $350,000 grants awarded to the village toward the wastewater project. Available low interest loans through SRF funding were also reported. Action was taken to request a letter from Project Attorney Miller to the Ecklund’s requesting removal of equipment from the acquired land; approved a Water Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson Associates; and approved the proposed modified project and timeframe for the wastewater project and prepare documents for SRF funding by Olsson Associates.
Raver reported receipt of the new skidloader; repairs at the park concession stand; light replacement at the concession stand by SECO; need to remount a light fixture at the baseball field; and removal of a dead tree at the park. Streets were cleaned June 11 with a projected completion date of June 12. Mosquitos will be sprayed by the City of Wahoo on June 14. The board agreed to no longer permit rental of the skidloader or dump truck. Permission was granted to the U.S. Dept. of Interior to run water tests for the Principal Aquifer Study.
Carlson reported on garages in need of repair; unmowed yards; and expected payment of a damage claim.
Moline reported sale of 55 pet licenses, ADA modifications to two picnic tables by Bob Hannan and upcoming training by Thoroughbred Systems for the water metering system.
The May 20 meeting minutes and Building Permits were reviewed. Permits being: 13-07 to Jeremy Harnish for a garage and 13-08 to Adam Miller.
The minutes of the May 15 Library Board meeting were reviewed. Noted was the resignation of Mary Mayfield from the Library Board. The board approved Kristin Konecky as a member of the Library Board.
An updated report of a Workmen’s Comp case was reported. Discussion was held on required mowing of lawns. A sign will be ordered from Mead Signs for a dump sign for when weather dictates its closing.
Action was taken to approve Res. 13-06, ADA Policy; Res. 13-08, Improvement on Highway 92 by NE Dept. of Roads; and Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wahoo to spray mosquitos.
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Village Board: Tuesday, July 9, 6:00pm
Planning Comm: Monday, July 22, 7:30pm
Library Board: Wednesday, July 17, 7:00pm
Fire & Rescue: Monday, July 8, 7:30pm
The Village Board and Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and Fire Dept. at the Fire Station.
312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone: (402) 624-2495
Fax: (402) 624-2024
Steve Mayfield, Chairman
Gary Guyle, Trustee
Adam Miller, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
Rod Wimer, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treas. 624-2495
Nick Raver, Ut/Mnt. Supt. 443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 624-2056
Nancy Black, Librarian 624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 443-9688
The wastewater project is proceeding with the recent purchase of 45 acres of land required for the retention lagoons. The influent manhole will be renovated at the mechanical plant. NDEQ has indicated that the Village qualifies for a small town grant of $250,000 and $100,000 of loan forgiveness for the project. Funding with a SRF loan is also available at a rate of 2.5% as compared to the municipal bond rate of 3.5%. This is all in relation to the Community Survey completed in August 2012. Census figures indicated the Median Household Income (MHI) level for the Village at $66,250 while the Survey indicated the MHI at $42,000. Thank you for taking the time to complete the Community Survey last year – it helped us received funding for our wastewater project!
WWAC (Water and Wastewater Advisory Committee ) has also advised the Board of Trustees that the Village is eligible for 35% forgiveness assistance through the DWSRF as of October 1, 2013 for a water project. Olsson Associates have been hired to complete of Study of Project for $16,500, with $15,000 supported by a Planning Grant, with the Village responsible for $1,500.
Church Services
Worship – 8:30 am – first Sunday of the month (spoken)
10:30 am – all other Sundays
PANERA BREAD, JULY 13, 10-11 AM, church basement
EVANGELICAL COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
9:00 am Coffee & visiting
10:00 am Worship service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30, nursery available during service)
Weekly Schedule
6:00 pm Dinner 4 Change (free to everyone)
7:00 pm Life Group / Bible Study
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30 pm Saturday Vigil
9:00 am Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
8:00 am Daily Mass – Saturday, when scheduled
Bob Hannan for all of your work in the Mead Park. Bob has replaced boards on two picnic tables making them ADA accessible, weeded and helped Nick make needed repairs at the concession stand.
Terry Miller for his dedicated service of mowing, spraying, preparing ballfields and serving as the village’s Building Inspector.
Dalene and Scott Selko and Stacy and Jerry Charles for their dedicated service as Co-chairs for Mead Days. They have coordinated Mead Days for many years.
The many volunteers who help during Mead Days!
The coaches who volunteer their time with the youth of Mead and surrounding areas.
Board Trustees Gary Guyle, Adam Miller, Rick Wielage and Rod Wimer and Utilities/Maintenance Supt. Nick Raver who volunteered their services during the Mead Clean Up Day. It was a rainy day, but two dumpsters were collected.
The many people who silently contribute to the Village of Mead without being known. Your contributions are valuable and very much appreciated.
The library has been busy getting ready for Summer Reading. Summer Reading Logs (reading for prizes) began on the last day of school for children of all ages. We have 35 signed up and are already giving away prizes! Prizes for reading will last until school starts or until prizes are gone.
Join Pat on Tuesday mornings at 10 – 11:00 a.m. for Coffee Hour at the library.
Don’t forget Story Time on Tuesday afternoon 4 – 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday mornings 11:30 – Noon! Fun for all ages, listen to a story, do a craft and enjoy a snack.
The Fashion Party at the library was a great success, 16 young ladies were present.
The Mead Public Library gives Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Frahm for the donation of matching library shirts for staff and summer reading camp volunteers. We also thank the Friends of the Library for the money to purchase book ends and materials.
The library has added new materials to the collection, some of them are listed here, many others are not so come on into the library and see what we have to offer
New Books:
“Before He Became a Monster” by Lawson McDowell; “12th of Never” by James Patterson; “2013 Ripley’s Believe it or Not”; “We Bought a Zoo” (DVD); “Car’s Life 3” (DVD); “Madly Madagasgar” (DVD); “P.K. Pinkerton and the Petrified Man” by Caroline Lawrence; “The Hit” by David Baldacci; “Freedomland” by Richard Price (donation); “Journey” by James A. Michener (donation); “Cozy Modern Quilts” by Kim Schaefer (donation); “Cuddle!” by Beth Shoshan (donation); “Sixkiller U.S. Marshal” by William W. Johnstone (donation); “All the Pretty Horses” by Cormac McCarthy (donation); “Trail of Tears, the Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation” by John Ehle (donation); “The Millionaire Dropout” by Vince Stanzione (donation); “Rogue” by Lyn Miller-Lachmann; “The Holocaust Scream” by Rachel Rosenberg (request); “Small Soldiers” (Animated DVD); “The Last Stand” (DVD); “Curse of the Dawn” by Karen Chance (audio book); “Stand up Guys” (DVD); “Brave” (DVD); “Shootout of the Mountain Man” by William W. Johnstone (donation); Scholastic Book Fair $24.99 Bundle of New Books (too many titles to name).
Thank-you to all the patrons who have donated books, your support of the library is very appreciated!
Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month
The final component of building Family Assets is having a strong connection with the community. Families that have deep interactions with friends and neighbors are more resilient and their lives are enriched by access to a variety of activities and resources.
Here are a few ideas of how you can build these assets in your family:
Talk in your family about who in your neighborhood or community matters most to you. Who are the people you would turn to for support or encouragement? Who would you be most likely to contact if you had good news to celebrate? Think about how you might strengthen the bonds with these individuals.
Map out the places in your community where you enjoy spending time together and where you are most comfortable.
Build new connections by planning to visit a new place in your community once every week or month. Talk to your friends about where they spend time and where they feel supported.
Give back to the places and people that matter to you. Thank family friends, send a note of appreciation, or make a financial contribution to organizations that have made you feel welcome.
As a family, volunteer together to help with community programs.
For more information, visit
BUILDING GUIDELINES for Village and one-mile extraterritorial residents . . .
Prior to beginning a construction or fencing project, please be aware that an APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT must be approved by the Mead Planning Commission. Commercial and Industrial applications must also be approved by the Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting. The Planning Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month, excluding December, (third Monday of the month in May if Memorial Day falls on the fourth Monday).
Construction items excluded are accessory buildings less than 150 sq. ft. that meet variance requirements, residential sidewalks and driveways. An application must also be approved by the Commission if you are planning to MOVE or demolish a building.
If action is taken prior to the approval of the Building Permit, the fee will be doubled PLUS a penalty fee of $100.00.
You are also required to contact Digger’s Hotline prior to disturbing soil. The telephone number is 811. A timeline must be followed to allow utilities to be located.
Please note that prior to erecting a swimming pool, you must adhere to the following guidelines: Any pool, spa or hot tub containing at least 18″ of water is required to be enclosed by a fence with a minimum height of 4’ and maximum height of 6’, with no opening greater than 4″ or larger. All gates are to be locked when not in use. Hot tubs and spas are not required to have fencing if they have locking tops and are kept locked when not in use. All chemicals and supplies must be stored in a secure area. Pools, spas and hot tubs are not permitted to be drained into the sanitary sewer system. Drainage is permitted into the storm sewer provided the chemicals contained in the pool, spa or hot tub is first diluted.
The weekend kicked off with great polka music by Dean Hansen, DJ by Wayne Kreifels, and 36 teams for Beer Pong Tournament and 14 for Chinese horseshoes. Eddie Couch provided a few inflatables for kids to play on Friday night. Storm came through about 7:30 p.m. and put a little damper on our attendance and fireworks show. Team Irish volunteered their time to raise money for their cancer society team.
Saturday began with the fun run with 52 participants. The weather was great and a special thanks to the Mead Community Group for providing a water station. Continued activities with 13 sand coed volleyball teams , 8 teams for horseshoes, over 25 entries into the parade with Mary Hass singing the Star Spangled Banner and PJ Quinn being the MC, kid games, movie sponsored by Mead Community Group and youth dodgeball tournament, kiddie tractor pull, whiffle ball home run derby tournament , variety show by Laura Ernest who was on “America’s Got Talent”, DJ Music by Cody Heinke and a great street dance by the City Limits sponsored by Mead Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department and a great fireworks show by JM Displays.
This year we expanded our Sunday events to include a BBQ contest, father/child obstacle course, Texas Hold’em and Backyard Olympics. A special thanks to Eddie Couch for providing inflatables for the kids to play on and music during Sunday events. It was lots of fun and some great food was shared with the community. Special thanks to our judges “Hot Grill on Grill” who are certified Kansas City judges. Looking forward to having more entries enrolled next year.
Due to the rain on Friday night and previous days, we were unable to have the Antique Tractor Pull. One of these years we will be able to have this. They worked many hours trying to get the track to dry out, but it just wasn’t enough.
Overall the weekend was a huge success for everyone. We had visitors from all over. The Mead Days Committee, Mead Ball Association, Mead Athletic Boosters and Mead Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department would like to thank everyone for participating. A special thanks to all the volunteers who made this weekend a success. Also a special thanks to the people who live around the park for the use of their electricity and allowing us to have these events at the park. Without your dedication and donations, Mead Days would not be possible. Thanks again and mark your calendars now for next years Mead Days – June 20-22, 2014. You can also check us out on Facebook – Mead Days. Why not become a friend?
Raffle Winners:
1st place $200 – Carol Sweredocki, 2nd place $100 – Tara Bailey; 3rd place $50 – Tim Hannan. Wyatt Winn and Jacob Feldhaus tied for the most sold tickets for the ball association and their team also won a picnic. Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket as well as sold them.
Sand Volleyball:
We had 13 teams entered into our sand volleyball tournament with great competition this year. It was fun for our players as well as our spectators, Silver Tournament – Kate and Travis Wagenkecht, Richard Andersen and Steph Freitag
Gold Tournament – Brook Bartek, Jenn Kellogg, Dillon Finch, Vat Chandhara
Chinese Horseshoes:
We had 14 teams entered into Chinese Horseshoes with Don and Tammi Wilken as the winners.
We had eight teams entered into our horseshoe contest and the winners were from Gretna and we don’t have their names. Sorry guys.
Beer Pong:
This year we had 36 Beer Pong teams and the winners were Josh Charles and Alex Carritt. Thanks for participants for riding the storm out.
Whiffle Ball:
We had four whiffle ball entries and the winners were Josh Quinn and JR Haag.
Kiddie Tractor Pull:
We had 25 participants for the kiddie tractor pull with winners being: 4-5 age group – Blake Hitz, 6-7 age group – Ty Clark, and age 8-9 – Kaysha Swartz. A special thanks to Mary Hanson and members of the Mead FFA for helping run the event.
Fun Run:
We had 52 participants with Darren Kelley and Mike John Divis tied for overall winner with a time of 21.24.
0-15 Female: 1st – Kelsie Sears, 2nd – Abby Miller, 3rd – Jessica Sjodin; 0-15 Male: 1st – Robert Delayde, 2nd – Ethan Dyas, 3rd – Tim Hunt; 16 – 30 Female: 1st – Angie Siske, 2nd – Lauren Wielage, 3rd – Moriah Nygren; 16-30 Male: 1st (tie) – Mike John Divis and Darren Kelley; 3rd – Erik Richard; 31-54 Female: 1st – Rose Sutton, 2nd – Kim Levin, 3rd – Lindsay Broughton; 31-54 Male: 1st – Aaron Delkhyde, 2nd – Shawn Havelka, 3rd – Chad Nadgwick; 55+ Female: 1st – Lynn Nygren, 2nd – Connie Williams, 3rd – Marilyn Jensen; 55+ Male: 1st – Ron Dobesh, 2nd – Roger Pelster, 3rd – Robert Williams
Texas Hold’em Tournament:
We had eleven participants with top three places awarded: 1st Place – Brad Osterloh, 2nd place – Patty Hagemann, 3rd place – Nick Raver. A special thanks to Brad Osterloh and Doug Patocka for hosting the event.
Kiss the Pig Contest:
Keshia Havelka was the lucky winner of the “Kiss the Pig” Contest sponsored by the Mead High School Volleyball girls. A special thanks to Tim and Sara Drews for providing the cute pig.
BBQ Contest Winners:
We had a total of three contestants in the chicken category, five contestants in the pork, seven contestants in the side dish and three in the pie contest. Thanks everyone for cooking and sharing your yummy food.
Chicken – Jason Lee, Pork – Michael Ireland, Side Dish – Warren Fick, Pie – Michele Kuhr, People’s Choice Award – Warren Fick.
Backyard Beer Olympics:
We had ten teams of two for the Backyard Olympics. Contestants had to play ladder game, washers, kam jam trash can, gallon bucket beer pong and the championship game was a slip and slide tippy cup. The winners were Shawn Havelka and Scott Selko.
Father/Child Olympics:
Eighteen teams competed for the Father/Child Olympics. A special thanks to Randy and Angie Siske for hosting the event. The winners were Gary and Sara Else.
A Big, Big Thanks to all that Donated to Mead Days 2013
Gold Donors $100.00+: 21 Century Builders, AWS, Bank of Mead, Charles Surveying, L.L.C., Jerry & Staci Charles, Country Store, Dean Hansen, Dan & Roberta Havelka, Tuning Fork Audio Productions – Cody Heinke, Insulfoam, Doug & Jeannette Johnson, Kid’s Corner Daycare, Konecky Oil, Mead Cattle Company, Mead Community Group, Mead Signs, Miller Lawn Service, Oriental Trading – Karen Porter, Platte Valley Implement, Raider Nation Auto-Plex, LLC, Rusty Rooster, Saunders County Development, Dalene Selko – Mary Kay, Scott & Dalene Selko, Subbert Well Service, Todd Valley Farms, Village of Mead, Wahoo Area Recreatioin Association
Silver Donors $50.00 – $99.00: Alma Lutheran Church, Big Rig Truck Accessories, Country Drive Golf Course, Cubby’s, Kickin’ It for the Cure Relay for Life, Region V, St. James Catholic Church, Sprinkled Pink, Vine Street Market & Catering
Bronze Donors $49.00 and under: 1st National Bank, BBQ Revolution, Bomgaars, Corner Market, Creative Hair Works, Dairy Queen, DJ Hair Design, Dos Margaritas, Marvin & Irma Dostal, Drew’s Outdoor Power, Eclipse Hair Design, James & Bonnie Edins, Edward Jones, Found & Flora, Fud & Tracy’s, Great Western Bank, Green Acres, Hair Studio – Judy Rasmus, Shawn & Penny Havelka, Husker Water, Inner Serenity Wellness Center, Jeris’ Cafe, Judy Nunn, Lindley Clothing, Loerch’s Jewelry, Lucille’s Gift Shop, Mocha K’s, Oriental Trading – Karen Porter, Robert & Elaine Pearson, Pizza Hut, Simon’s Antiques, Sunmart, Kent & Linda Sweet, The Window Box, Ray & Vera Huckeby, Virgl Implement, Wahoo Auto Parts, Wahoo Newspaper, Wahoo Pharmacy, Wahoo Super, Wahoo Warehouse Surplus, Wanahoo Aviation – Doug & Denise Patocka.
Mead Days 2013 would like to thank all our donors, including monetary, Bingo prizes and volunteer services (before, during and after), as Mead Days would not be a success without everybody’s hard work and donations. We apologize to any business that may have been accidently left off this flier, we thank you very, very much!!!!