Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Village of Mead



Volume 17, Issue 1                                                                                                                          JANUARY 2024




A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held December 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Village Office. Answering roll call were Chairman Thorson; Trustees Lee, Simon, and Wielage. Absent was Trustee Felty. Also present was Clerk Moline.


NEW BUSINESS:  The following appointments were approved for 2024: Clerk/Treasurer – June Moline; Utilities / Maintenance Superintendent – Shannon Luetkenhaus; Police Chief – Thomas Sackett; Water/Sewer Commissioner – City of Wahoo; Attorney – Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer; Accountant – Ed Schroeder; Engineer – Olsson; Building Inspector – Terry Miller; Building and Zoning Administrator – Terry Miller; Nuisance Enforcement Officer – Thomas Sackett; Hearing Officer – Adam Miller. The Official Depository is the Bank of Mead; Insurance Carrier – Marsh McLennan Agency; 401k Administrator – Retirement Plan Consultants; and Official Newspaper is the Wahoo Newspaper. The designated method of posting of meetings is at the Village of Mead, Bank of Mead, and Mead Post Office. The designated manner in which the Planning Commission and Library Board are chosen is by appointment.  Simon and Wielage were appointed to serve on the Common Facility Board; Municipal Board of Health is Thorson, Sackett, and Andrew Eckart; and Board of Adjustment is Thorson, Felty, Lee, Wielage and Planning Commission Chair Levi Durnal, with Simon serving as the alternate. Julie A. Ogden, was appointed as the 2024 Street Superintendent .


Action was taken to obligate $6,086.81 for pump repairs at the lagoon using ARPA funds; adopted Resolution 23-13 Year-end Certification of Village Street Superintendent 2023; authorized the signing of the Year-end Certification of City Street Superintendent for 2023; approved Master Work Order #7 with Olsson for SCADA On-Call Services for 2024; and adopted Ordinance 821, Minimum Wage Increase.


Discussion was held on price increases for electricity by OPPD; radio project by Saunders County; and attorney’s opinions regarding fence requirement for swimming pool / spas / and hot tubs; and 501(c)(3) organization.


REPORTS: Police: Thorson reported final report on stolen vehicle case and pick-up illegally parked.  Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent: Thorson reported installation of Christmas decorations, arrival of UTV, and water issue. Planning Commission: The minutes of the September 25 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing were approved. Clerk – Moline reported a delinquent water/sewer account and upcoming Appreciation Dinner.


The meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm.


The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree; the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” -Burton Hillis


Congratulations to Daniel and Tasha Trost on winning the Holiday Light Fight for 2023! Thank you to all that entered the contest.  All of the lighting is beautiful and adds to the holiday season.



ALMA LUTHERAN  219 W. Fifth St.

402-624-3015, also on Facebook

9:30 am – Sunday School for all ages through 8th grade (no Sunday School the first Sunday of the month)

10:30 am – Sunday Worship


PANERA BREAD FREE TO THE PUBLIC  Saturday following the second Friday every month, 10 am – 2 pm. FREE TO ALL!  This month the church will be open on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13.



402-624-6125, also on Facebook


9:15 am – 9:45 am Coffee Hour

10:00 am – Sunday Service

Every third Sunday evening 6:30 pm Sunday Night Service


6:30 pm – Kids in Action Grades 1st-6th

7:00 pm – Encounter Life Youth 7th – 12th

7:00 pm – Worship and Prayer with the Word

Every last Wednesday of the month is a FREE Community Meal 6:00 pm-6:45 pm


JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555 & on Facebook

4:30 pm – Saturday Mass

9:00 am – Sunday Mass

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am – Tues-Wed-Thu-Fri Daily Mass


Thank you to everyone who contributed gifts or money toward the “Adopt a Family Christmas Project”. Your acts of kindness warmed another’s heart.

Thank you to the Mead Fire/Rescue Department for helping Santa as he made his annual visit to Mead Elementary School and the Bank of Mead on December 20th.

Thank you to the residents who participated in the Holiday Light Fight. You brightened our community!

Thank you to Dalene Selko and Staci Charles for spearheading the Mead Holiday Event on December 2. There were many volunteers involved who will remain unnamed but please know you are appreciated for helping make this event a success!



Village Board:  Tuesday, January 9, 6:00pm

Library Board:  Tuesday, January 2, 6:00pm

Fire/Rescue:  Monday, January 8, 6:30pm

The Village Board meets at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library, and Fire/Rescue at the Fire Station


312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46

Mead, NE  68041

Phone:  402-624-2495

Fax:  402-624-2024 



William Thorson, Chairman

Jason Felty, Trustee

Jason Lee, Trustee

Daniel Simon, Trustee

Richard Wielage, Trustee


June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495

Shannon Luetkenhaus, Utility/Maintenance Superintendent 402-616-9204

Thomas Sackett, Police Chief 402-443-6846

Laurie VanAckeren, Library Director 402-624-6605

Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688



Phone: 402-624-6605   E-mail:


Winter Hours:

Monday  330p-8p   Tuesday  9a-12n & 330p-515p   Wednesday  330p-8p   

Thursday  9a-12n & 330p-515p   Friday  8a-1130a   Saturday 9a-12n  


We will be closed on Monday, January 1, and Friday, January 19.


Tuesday, January 2 – The Mead Public Library Board will have its monthly meeting at the library at 6p. The session is open to the public.


Events for January:

Tuesday, January 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 – Join us for Coffee Time and conversation at 10a.

Monday, January 8, 15, and 22 – Participate in Adult DIY Craft Night from 6p-8p. Bring your own craft to work on and enjoy the conversation.

Wednesday, January 10 – The Adult Book Club will host a Holiday Potluck at their monthly meeting at 6:30p. Bring a dish to share!

Wednesday, January 17 – Come at 630p to experience a Bullet Journal Workshop.  RSVP by January 8 to reserve your spot. We will supply all journal materials for you.

Saturday, January 27 – Stop in between 10-11a to make a Kids’ Winter Craft. All young people are welcome .

Monday, January 29 – Join the group that meets for the Library’s Adult Book Club from 630p-8p. Please bring a dish to share.


Be sure to check out the Mead Public Library on Facebook and Instagram!



Upon a snowfall of two (2”) inches or more it shall be unlawful to park or stand any vehicle on any street within the Village of Mead until the street has been cleared of snow. 5.311

Any vehicle parked in violation of any traffic regulations or parked so as to obstruct the free movement of traffic, or to cause a traffic hazard or parked on any street or alley obstructing the removal of snow may be immediately removed upon order of the Police Department. 5-311.1

     It shall be unlawful for the occupant of any lot or lots or the owner of any vacant lot or lots within the corporate limits to allow snow, sleet, mud, ice, or other substance to accumulate on the sidewalks or to permit any snow, sleet, ice, mud, or other substance to remain upon said sidewalk.  All sidewalks within the Municipality shall be cleaned within twenty-four (24) hours after the cessation of the storm. 8-201



If you log onto Pay Port to pay your water / sewer bill online please use The village will be sent an email that you have paid your bill and your account will be credited. Other options for payments are setting up automatic payments on the 15th of the month through your financial institution, debit / credit cards, or simply the old-fashioned way, cash or check. If you wish to set up automatic payments you will need to complete an “Authorization for Direct Payment” form at the Village Office.


Thank you to the following sponsors of the Mead Holiday Event

AWS, Village of Mead, Bank of Mead, Roberta Havelka and Shelby Winter, R & K Country Store, Todd Valley Farms, Charles Surveying, Mead Public Library, Mead Signs, Insulfoam, Champion Feeders, RMD Promotions, Alma Lutheran Church, Encounter Life Ministries, Mead Days Committee, Mead Fire and Rescue Department, and Santa Claus.



A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held November 30 at 5:30 pm at the Mead Community Building. Present were Chairman Thorson; Trustees Felty, Simon, and Wielage. Absent was Lee. Also in attendance were Clerk Moline and Planning Commission members Andrew Jackson and Robert Morin. Guest was Mason Herrman.


Mason led discussion on amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Grammarly will be used to “clean-up” grammar and punctuation within the documents.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.