Village of Mead
Volume 15, Issue 1
The Village of Mead Board of Trustees met December 9 in a special meeting at 5:00 pm at the Village Office. Present were Chairman Guyle; Trustees Felty, Thorson, Wielage, and Wimer. Also present were Clerk Moline and Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Raver. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss concerns and the progress of the water project. The meeting adjourned at 5:53 pm.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead met December 10 at 6:00 pm at the Village Office. Answering roll call were Chairman Guyle; Trustees Thorson, Wielage, and Wimer. Absent was Trustee Felty. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Raver, and Police Chief Carlson. Guests were Josh Girmus and Craig Reinsch.
Thorson was nominated as Chairman and Wimer as Chairman Pro Tempore. The following appointments for 2020 were approved: Police Chief – Jerry Carlson; Clerk/Treasurer – June Moline; Utility/Maintenance Superintendent – Nicholas Raver; Attorney – Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy and Lausterer; Accountant – Ed Schroeder; Engineer – Olsson; Building Inspector – Terry Miller; Zoning Administrator – Jerry Carlson; Nuisance Enforcement Officer – Jerry Carlson; and Hearing Officer – Adam Miller. Approval was given for: Official Depository – Bank of Mead; Insurance Carrier – Inspro Insurance; 401k Administrator – Retirement Plan Consultants; Official Newspaper – Wahoo Newspaper; method of posting of meetings – Village Office, Bank of Mead, and Mead Post Office; manner in which Planning Commission and Library Board are chosen is by appointment by the Board of Trustees; Common Board Facility – Wielage and Wimer ; Municipal Board of Health – Thorson, Carlson, and Andrew Eckart; Board of Adjustment – Thorson, Felty, Guyle, Wielage, and Ricky Miller; alternate Wimer; and Street Superintendent – Julie Ogden.
Felty entered the meeting at 6:14 p.m.
A Public Hearing was called at 6:14 pm to address an application from Audra Wirth to rezone her property at 416 S. Vine St. Ordinance No. 738 was adopted to rezone the property at 416 S. Vine St. from Neighborhood Business to Multiple-family Residential. The hearing adjourned at 6:16 p.m.
Craig Reinsch reported on the water project and bid for Phase II which was not accepted. Change Order 1 with Maquire Iron for fencing was approved.
REPORTS: Police – The monthly police report was given. Utility/Maintenance Superintendent – A dump violation and draining of the lagoons was discussed. Planning Commission – The minutes of the November 25 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing were accepted and Building Permit 19-23 to Girmus Investments to construct two storage sheds at 1058 Sunburst Lane. Library – The minutes of the November 18 Library Board meeting were accepted. Clerk – Moline noted the upcoming Appreciation Dinner.
Second reading of Ordinance 737 Unsafe Buildings was approved.
The Common Board Facility Agreement with Mead Public Schools and Master Agreement for Professional Services with Olsson were approved. Discussion was held on S-2 containers, insurance claim for damage to a trailer, and donation of trees from Josh and Courtney Girmus.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Bill Thorson was elected Chairman of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees at the December 10 meeting. Thank you, Gary Guyle for serving as Chairman of the Board for the past year.
ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W. Fifth St. / 402-624-3015
9:30a.m. – Sunday School for all ages (second, third, and fourth Sundays of the month)
10:30a.m. – Sunday Worship
PANERA BREAD FREE TO THE PUBLIC, Saturday following the second Friday every month, 10AM – 11AM. There is always plenty of bread, rolls, coffee cake, bagels, and cookies. This month the church will be open on SATURDAY, JANUARY 11.
MEAD COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
10:00a.m. – Sunday Encounter Service
6:00p.m. – We’d like to treat you to a FREE meal!
7:00p.m. – Adult Groups, Jr & Sr High Youth Group
6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m. – Kids in Action (elementary age children)
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30p.m. – Saturday Mass
9:00a.m. – Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00a.m. – Daily Mass
Village Board: Tuesday, January 14, 6:00 pm
Planning Commission: Monday, January 27, 7:30 p.m.
Library Board: Monday, January 20, 5:30 p.m.
Fire/Rescue: Monday, January 13, 7:30 p.m.
The Village Board & Planning Commission meets at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and Fire/Rescue at the fire station.
Any vehicle parked in violation of any traffic regulations or parked so as to obstruct the free movement of traffic or to cause a traffic hazard, or parked on any street or alley obstructing the removal of snow may be immediately removed upon order of the Police Department. 5-304
Upon a snowfall of two (2”) inches or more it shall be unlawful to park or stand any vehicle on any street within the Village of Mead until the street has been cleared of snow. 5.311 (THIS MEANS ONCE IT HAS SNOWED 2” YOU WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF MUNICIPAL CODE IF YOUR VEHICLE IS NOT REMOVED FROM THE STREET.)
It shall be unlawful for the occupant of any lot or lots or the owner of any vacant lot or lots within the corporate limits to allow snow, sleet, mud, ice, or other substance to accumulate on the sidewalks or to permit any snow, sleet, ice, mud, or other substance to remain upon said sidewalk. All sidewalks within the Municipality shall be cleaned within twenty-four (24) hours after the cessation of the storm. 8-201
Mead Days …Makes Improvements…
We would like to personally thank Schutt Electrical and Construction, OPPD, Mead Public Schools, and Valmont Industries for their assistance installing a light for the basketball/tennis courts at the elementary. With our Mead Days funds we were able to purchase and have lights installed that will be available for residents and children to use on our courts after dark. It has a built-in timer that it can only be used during certain hours. Thanks again everyone.
Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the “Adopt a Family Christmas Project”. Thank you to the Bank of Mead and Mead Public Schools Guidance Counselor Dawn Moser for spearheading this project.
Thank you to the Mead Fire/Rescue Department for sponsoring Santa’s visit. The youngsters look forward to his annual stop at the elementary school and Mead library.
312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041
Phone: 402-624-2495
Fax: 402-624-2024
Bill Thorson, Chairman
Jason Felty, Trustee
Gary Guyle, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
Rod Wimer, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treasurer 402-624-2495
Nick Raver, Utility/Mnt. Supt.402-443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 402-443-6846
Laurie VanAckeren, Library Director 402-624-6605
Lori Moseman, Ass’t Library Director
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 402-443-9688
Library Hours
Tuesday 10am-1pm & 4pm-8pm Friday 9am-2pm
Wednesday 4pm-8pm Saturday 9am-12noon
Thursday 9am-3pm Closed: Sunday and Monday
NOTE: The library will be closed on Wednesday, January 1.
Monthly Schedule
Coffee Hour is scheduled every Tuesday at 10am. Come for coffee and conversation.
Story Time for young children is offered every Tuesday at 430pm. We will read a book or two, make a craft, and have a take-home surprise.
The Lunch Bunch Book Club will gather Friday, January 17, from 12noon-1pm. Bring your lunch if you wish & join us for coffee & discussion of this month’s book. Everyone is welcome!
The next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Mead Public Library Board of Trustees will be Monday January 20, at 530pm in the Library. The public is invited to attend and participate in the session.
Special Events
Thursday, January 2 – The library is starting a new program for toddlers ages 1-4 on the first Thursday of each month. Come from 10-1030am on Thursday, January 2, to read books, make crafts, and visit with other parents.
Wednesday, January 15 – Family Bingo Nite. Calling will begin at 630pm so stop by and enjoy playing Bingo with your family and friends. There will be snacks and prizes.
Friday, January 24 – No School! Movie Time at 10 am. We will show a new release movie. It is rated PG. Bring a covered drink and popcorn will be provided.
Saturday, January 25 – Mead Library Friends of the Foundation will host the Annual Sloppy Joe Supper Fundraiser at Mead High School. Come support the Library during the Mead vs. Malcom basketball games.