Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Volume 9, Issue 2

Village of Mead Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees met in a Special Meeting on Dec. 20 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office, along with members of the Planning Commission. Present were Chair Mayfield; Trustees Halbmaier, Raver & Wielage. Absent was Trustee Miller. Also present was Clerk Moline. Guests present were Steve Kadavy, Jay Hanson, Randy & Seth Robeson, Inez Rodriquez, Colleen Morrissey, Paul & Patty Knott, Jeff & Jennifer Getzschman, Melissa Konecky, Jody Weible, Dennis Berry, Rick Miller & Connie Schliffke.
Action was taken to approve a Drainage Project Agreement with Frontier Co-op relating to the construction of a fourth grain bin and approved construction of the bin. Wording to be placed in the Community Bldg. lease to the Mead Rural Fire Dist. was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

The Board of Trustees met Jan. 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office. Present were Chair Mayfield; Trustees Halbmaier, Miller, Raver & Wielage. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utilities/Maint. Supt. N. Raver & Police Chief Carlson. Guests were Regan Else, Dennis Berry, Duane Johnson, Steve Kadavy, Dave Henke, Patty Knott, Don Anderson, Julie Ogden & Eric Nelson.
SCHEDULED GUESTS: Regan Else presented a proposal for a 410(h) plan with Horizon Financial. The plan was approved. Dennis Berry discussed a drainage concern along his property. Don Anderson discussed a lease for the Community Bldg. between the village and Mead Rural Fire Dist. #8 for 99 years at $1.00 per year. Julie Ogden, JEO Consulting, presented the Final Street Study & discussed drainage resolutions. The One & Six Year Street Study was reviewed.
UTILITY/MAINT. SUPT. REPORT: N. Raver reported attempted contact with Sargent Drilling, pump installation at the wastewater plant & need for repair of a water line at a residence.
CLERK REPORT: Moline reported upcoming vacation, Christmas Party & use of the Comm. Bldg. for 2012 elections.
POLICE REPORT: The monthly report was presented.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: The minutes of the 12/20 Special Meeting were reviewed. A Building Permit was approved to Frontier Co-op to construct a truck scale.
LIBRARY REPORT: Review of the 11/2 meeting minutes and discussion of library activities took place.
OLD BUSINESS: Action was taken to waive third reading & adopt Ord. 618, Water Rates & Ord. 619, Sewer Rates & accept $200.00 bid from Ashland Tree Service to top one tree in the alley between Hankes’ & Rasmus’.
NEW BUSINESS: Res. 12-03, 99 year lease agreement between the Village of Mead & Mead Rural Fire District #8 for the Community Bldg. was approved. Discussion was held on EMC Insurance inspection.
The board entered executive session at 8:05 p.m. for Clerk/Treasurer annual review. The board returned to regular session at 8:10 p.m. Clerk/Treasurer was awarded a $.75 per hr. wage increase.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Consideration of 99-Year Lease of Community Building to Mead Rural Fire Department

The Village of Mead and Mead Rural Fire Department #8 has signed a Resolution to allow the Fire Department to lease the land and Community Building/Fire Station with a 99-year lease. The lease rate is $1.00 per year. Option in the resolution call for the Village of Mead to pay half of the electricity, heat and property insurance to the Fire Department. The village will provide water and sewer services to the building. The village will be permitted to use the building at no cost for village events (elections, town hall meetings, Pet Clinic). The resolution will be published in the Wahoo Newspaper for three consecutive weeks, beginning January 26. Thirty days following the final publication if no remonstrance is received from the public, an Ordinance will be adopted to allow the lease. If you have questions or concerns regarding the lease, please contact a Trustee or the Village Office.


As winter weather approaches, Village Ord. 5-311 requires that following a snowfall of 2” or more, it shall be unlawful to park or stand any vehicle on any street within the congested district (Vine St. from 3rd St. to 5th St. and 4th St. from the alley adjacent to Blocks 24 and 33 to Vine St. and from alley adjacent to Blocks 25 and 32 to Vine St.), between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. of the following day. All vehicles must be removed promptly from the designated “Snow Emergency Route” that is marked by signs.

On all other streets, parking shall be restricted to the north and west sides of the streets on even numbered days of the month and the south and east sides of the streets on odd numbered days of the month until the streets have been cleaned.

Village ordinance designates that all sidewalks shall be cleaned within 24 hours after the cessation of snow.

Snow Emergency Route
Snow Emergency Route within the Village of Mead is defined as Elm Street from Highway 92 to Eighth Street, Vine Street from First Street to Eighth Street, First Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, Fourth Street from Elm Street to County Road 10, and Eighth Street from Oak Street to County Road 10.
Signs are posted on the streets indicating they are designated as the Snow Emergency Route. Parking on these streets is not permitted during snow accumulation. No parking on side streets is also encouraged to aid in snow removal in a timely fashion.

BUILDING GUIDELINES for Village and one-mile extraterritorial residents . . .
Prior to beginning a construction or fencing project, please be aware that an APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT must be approved by the Mead Planning Commission. Please complete the application and return it to the village office the Thursday prior to the meeting. When application is made, you will be placed on the Planning Commission agenda. The Planning Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month, excluding December. You can pick up the application form at the Village Office, call and one will be mailed or emailed to you, or you can find a copy on the village website @
Construction items excluded are accessory buildings less than 150 sq. ft. and residential sidewalks and driveways. A fence is required prior to erecting a swimming pool, spa or hot tub. An application must also be approved by the Commission if you are planning to RELOCATE OR DEMOLISH A BUILDING.
If action is taken prior to the approval of the Building Permit, the fee will be doubled PLUS a penalty fee of $100.00.
You are also required to contact Digger’s Hotline prior to disturbing soil. The telephone number is 800-331-5666 or 811. A timeline must be followed to allow utilities to be located.

Church Services

EVANGELICAL COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
9:00 am Coffee & visiting
10:00 am Worship service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30, nursery available during service)

PRIMETIMER’S – February 9, NOON Potluck & Fellowship

Weekly Schedule
7:00 pm Men’s Study
6:00 pm Dinner 4 Change (free to everyone)
7:00 pm Life Group / Bible Study (an opportunity to hear answers to tough questions of the Bible)
7:00 pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Group

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30 pm Saturday Mass
9:00 am Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
5:30 pm Daily Mass – Tuesday
8:00 am Daily Mass – Saturday

ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W Fifth St. / 402-624-3015
Worship – 8:30 am – First Sunday of the month (spoken)
10:30 am – All other Sundays
9:15 am – Sunday School for all ages

PANERA BREAD – February 11, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Steve Mayfield was elected Chair of the Village Board of Trustees at the December 13 meeting.

Thank you to Ailene Raver for her service as Chair the past number of years.


Village Board: Tuesday, February 14, 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission: Monday, February 27, 7:30 p.m.
Library Board: Wednesday, February 1, 7:00 p.m.
Fire & Rescue: Monday, February 13, 7:30 p.m.

The Village Board and Planning Commission
meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library
and the Fire Department at the Fire Hall.


312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone: (402) 624-2495
Fax: (402) 624-2024

Steve Mayfield, Chairman
Jim Halbmaier, Trustee
Adam Miller, Trustee
Ailene Raver, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee

June Moline, Clerk/Treas. 624-2495
Nick Raver, Ut/Mnt. Supt. 443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 624-2056
Vera Kuhr, Librarian 624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 443-9688


The Annual Mead Garage Sale Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 5, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Start cleaning those closets NOW!


Saturday, April 14
Mead Community Building
1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Dr. Dobesh will be available to administer pet vaccinations and Clerk Moline will be on site to issue pet licenses. Pet products will be available to purchase from Dr. Dobesh. ALL DOGS AND CATS ARE TO BE LICENSED BY MAY 1.

Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month

Valentine’s Day naturally makes us turn our thoughts to romance and relationships. As parents we play an important role in teaching our children how to have healthy relationships and develop social skills involved in conflict resolution and intimacy. Not only are parents vital, but relationships with siblings, peers, and other adults outside the family can be extremely beneficial in guiding and promoting social development.

Healthy relationships are about trust, honesty and compromise. When children do not form healthy skills, sometimes they find themselves in abusive relationships. This abuse can be physical, mental or emotional. The best time to talk about unhealthy relationships is before they start. By helping kids and teens develop healthy relationship skills early, they will have a better chance at positive interactions as they mature.

Here are some skills that you can work on with your children to help them develop and maintain healthy relationships:

Respect – showing consideration for the feelings and well being of the other person.

Anger Management – dealing with anger in positive, non-violent ways.

Problem Solving – knowing how to break problems down, find possible solutions, and consider the likely outcomes for each solution.

Negotiation and Compromise – turning problems into “win-win” situations in which each partner gets some of what he or she wants.

Assertiveness, Not Aggression – asking for what one wants clearly and respectfully, without threats, intimidation, or physical force. Assertive communication means respecting the rights of others, as well as your own rights.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

For more information on talking to your child visit Choose Respect

Source: Hair, E.C., Jager, J., and Garrett, S.B. (2002) Helping Teens Develop Healthy Social Skills

Did you happen to notice any of the 40 Developmental Assets stickers that were on the popcorn bags at the basketball game on January 21st at Parent’s night? Contact a member of the Mead Community Group and tell them what it said to win a prize!

Attention Parents of 5th – 8th graders!

Immediately following the home basketball game on Friday, February 17th, the Mead Community Group is sponsoring a 5th Quarter Activity for 5th – 8th grade students. There will be supervised games, music and other activities. Please plan to pick your students up by 11:00 pm. No charge to attend