Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610


Volume 9, Issue 9


     A regular meeting of the Village of Mead Board of Trustees was held July 9 at 6:06 p.m.  Present were Trustees Gary Guyle, Adam Miller, Rick Wielage and Rod Wimer.  Absent was Chairman Steve Mayfield.  Also present were Clerk June Moline, Utility/Maintenance Supt. Nick Raver and Library Director Nancy Black.  Guests were Ben Day and John Haag.
     A public hearing was called at 6:12 p.m. to amend the zoning ordinance.  Action was taken to approve the amendment of Chapter 11, Article 3, Section 11-311, M-1 Light Industrial, with the addition to A.  Permitted Uses, 1 j.  Field crops when outside corporate limits.   Ord. No. 639 was approved to adopt the amendment.
     The board returned to regular session at 6:16 p.m.
SCHEDULED GUEST:  Ben Day, Olsson and Assoc., discussed an inquiry from a local business to hook up to the sewer system while the wastewater project is constructed.  Concerns were expressed by Haag with discussion following.  Ben reported approval by the DEQ for the wastewater project, timeline of project, and process to remove and sell the center pivot located on the land where the lagoons will be constructed. 
     Action was taken to allow Burniel Ecklund to use our well hooked to his center pivot until 8/17 to water crops.
UTILITY/MAINTENANCE REPORT:  Raver inquired about budgeting for a new tractor and who’s responsible for removal of a dead tree overhanging several properties. 
POLICE REPORT:  The monthly police report was reviewed.
CLERK REPORT:  Moline reported accountant is scheduled to complete a 9-month audit on 7/16 and presented the updated ADA Review.
PLANNING COMMISSION:  The minutes of the 6/24 meeting were presented as well as approved permits.  Permits being:  Mike and Stacy Luetkenhaus-construct house; Dennis Berry-erect split rail fence; Shannon Hoover-addition to house; Jeremy Nordboe-erect fence.
LIBRARY REPORT:  No report provided.
NEW BUSINESS:  Resolution 13-09, amend ADA Policy, Reasonable Accommodation Procedures was approved. 
     The board entered executive session at 7:30 p.m. for the annual evaluation of the Utility/Maintenance Supt.  The board returned to regular session at 7:50 p.m.  Action was taken to approve a 4% wage increase to the Utility/Maintenance Supt.
     The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

FOR SALE:  The Village of Mead will be accepting sealed bids for a 1996 Zimmatic 3-Tower Center Pivot Irrigation System.  For information contact the Village Office.

NEWS FROM MEAD PUBLIC LIBRARY by Nancy Black, Library Director
June was a very busy month here at Mead Public Library.  There were 57 young people that signed up for Summer Reading, between 30 and 40  of those daily attended the Summer Reading Camp June 17 – 22, the rest are all participating in the reading log program which will run all summer long.

Thank-you to all of those who participated and helped with running the program to make it a great success!

The library has tickets left for Summer Reading Night with the Omaha Stormchasers.  These tickets are good on Aug. 11 or Aug. 12 and will admit one child to the game in Omaha.  Please come into the library and pick up some tickets for your family “while supplies last”!
Story time on Tuesday 4 – 4:30 and Saturday 11:30 – Noon is fun for all!  Come join us for stories, crafts and a snack and don’t forget coffee hour Tuesday mornings with Pat, 10 – 11:00 a.m.
The Mead Public Library is proud to supply local book clubs with book club kits from the NE Library Commission.  Come on down to the library and get a list of books available.

The following new books were added in June/July 2013:
“My First Spanish Phrases” by Jill Kalz (donation by ELS); “Bag in the Wind” by Ted Kooser (donation by ELS); “Dark Eyes” by William Richter (donation by ELS); “My Wife’s Affair” by Nancy Woodruff (donation); “The Rebel Princess” by Judith Koll Healey (donation); “Daredevel” (DVD) (donation); “Committed: A Rabble-Rouser’s Memoir” by Dan Mathews (donation;) “Charmed & Enchanted” by Nora Roberts (donation); “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque (donation); “Crown of Thorns” by Sigmund Brouwer (donation); “Baby Loves Summer!” by Karen Katz; “Paperboy” by Vince Vawter; “At the Beach” by Alexa Andrews; “Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awsomeness/Good Croc, Bad Croc” (DVD) “The Guilt Trip” (DVD)
“Secrets of Mary’s Bookshop” series:  “Reading the Clues” (donation); “A New Chapter” (donation); “Rewriting History” (donation)
“His Fair Assassin” series:  Book #1 “Grave Mercy” by Robin Lafevers (donation)
“Summer Reading Camp” Donations: “Egypt” by Stephen Krensky; “Mummies and Pyramids” and
“Mummies” by Joyce Milton;
“I Survived” series by Lauren Tarshis:  “I survived the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863”; “I survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001”; “I survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912”; “I survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005”; “I survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941”; “I survived the Shark Attacks of 1916”; “I survived the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906”


The Wastewater Project is progressing.   Sealed bids for construction of the lagoons and force main, upgrade of the liftstation and possible demolition of the mechanical plant were received on July 17. 

A Public Hearing and Special Meeting will be held on July 23 to award bids, sign loan documents, discuss funding for the project and pass a Resolution to sell the center pivot located on the land required for the project.  Sealed bids for the center pivot will be opened and awarded at a Special Meeting on August 5.  Projected construction date for the wastewater project will begin September 1.  The estimated completion date is projected as May 1, 2014.

312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone:  (402) 624-2495
Fax:  (402) 624-2024
Steve Mayfield, Chairman
Gary Guyle, Trustee
Adam Miller, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee
Rod Wimer, Trustee
June Moline, Clerk/Treas.  624-2495
Nick Raver, Ut/Mnt. Supt.  443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief  624-2056
Nancy Black, Librarian  624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 443-9688

Village Board:  Tuesday, August 13, 6:00pm
Planning Comm:  Monday, August 26, 7:30pm
Library Board:  Wednesday, August 21, 7:00pm
Fire & Rescue:  Monday, August 12, 7:30pm
The Village Board and Planning Commission meet at the Village Office, Library Board at the Library and Fire Dept. at the Fire Station.

Community Church Services

EVANGELICAL COVENANT  1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125

 9:00 am  Coffee & visiting
10:00 am  Worship service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30, nursery available during service)
Weekly Schedule
  6:00 pm  Dinner 4 Change (free to everyone)
  7:00 pm  Life Group / Bible Study

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC  213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555

5:30 pm  Saturday Vigil
 9:00 am  Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
 7:00 am  Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  8:00 am  Daily Mass – Saturday, when scheduled

ALMA LUTHERAN  219 W Fifth St. / 402-624-3015

Worship – 8:30 am – first Sunday of the month (spoken)
 10:30 am – all other Sundays

PANERA BREAD, AUGUST 10, 10-11 AM,  in the church basement, FREE TO ALL

Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month
     Distracted driving is a topic we see a lot of in the news, as it is often the cause of many automobile accidents.  Technically, distracted driving is doing anything while operating a vehicle that takes your mind and hands away from concentrating on driving.  Commonly we hear of cell phone use, talking on the phone and/or texting.  It can also include things like eating, listening to music, changing the radio station, applying make-up, or reading.  Most drivers think they are capable of multi-tasking,  that is, doing more than one thing at a time.   The fact is, driving itself is already a multi-tasking operation. 
     The numbers support the risks taken when the main focus is not on driving.  Talking on a cell phone increases the chances of crashing times four.  This is about the same risk as being legally intoxicated.   Use of a hands free device does not help.  Talking while driving causes a deficit in peripheral vision and increases “inattentional blindness”, looking at things but failing to see them.  If we text while we drive we are eight times more likely to be involved in a collision.  It is proven that when texting, our eyes are being taken off the road for five to seven seconds at a time.  That is like putting a blind fold on for that time period and trying to drive.  
     We live in a world that keeps going faster and faster, and in order to get everything done and stay connected we feel we must combine activities.  However, consider how important the conversation is and if it worth putting your life and other’s lives at risk. 
     Talk about it at your next family meal together and parents remember you are the best teacher, your example.   
For more information on this topic see