Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Village of Mead
Volume 9, Issue 4 APRIL 2012

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held March 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office. Answering Roll Call were Chairman Mayfield; Trustees Halbmaier, Miller, A. Raver and Wielage. Also present were Clerk Moline, Utility/Maintenance N. Raver and Police Chief Carlson. Guests present were Jody Weible, Jennie Grasiani, Justine Ewan, Tim Adams, Tim Hannan, Patty Knott, Wayne, Kim and Paul Thorson, and Andy Harpenau.
GUESTS: Jennie Grasiani requested a Special Designated Liquor License from Jeffrey Subbert for a fundraiser for “Relay for Life” on April 21 at the Community Bldg. Jodi Weible, Planning Commission Chair, presented information regarding cell towers. Tim Hannan requested electricity to the batting cage. The board agreed to share the $300-$400 estimated cost for installation with the Ball Assoc. Tim Adams, JEO Consulting, reported the process to construct a new well. Andy Harpenau, Gretna Sanitation, discussed an agreement with the village to remove yard waste from the dumpsite. Patty Knott expressed concern regarding water usage and water/sewer rates.
The board entered executive session at 7:02 p.m. to discuss real estate options for a well. The board returned to regular session at 7:19 p.m.
REPORTS: N. Raver reported repairs to the park restroom roof, sewer blockage at a residence and bids for tree removal at the park. Moline reported auto gun battery replacement and upcoming Clerk School. Carlson presented the monthly police report and log. The Planning Commission Report and Library Report were reviewed.
Action was taken to approve the SDLL for the “Relay for Life” fundraiser on April 21, supported Planning Commission recommendation that cell companies be required to hire a consultant to meet needs prior to approval of any building permit for a tower and signed an agreement with Gretna Sanitation for yard waste removal.
The Certificate of No Remonstances on Community Bldg. lease was presented. An ordinance and lease agreement will be acted on at the April 10 regarding the 99-year lease of the Community Bldg. to Mead Rural Fire District #8. Rate of pay for the Building Inspector was increased to $20.00 per inspection.
The board entered executive session at 8:05 p.m. for annual evaluations of the Police Chief and Custodian and to review a complaint. The board returned to regular session and adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Saturday, May 5, 2012
8:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m.
Rain or Shine!
Maps will be available at local businesses.
If you wish to be placed on the Village Garage Sale Map please contact the Village Office at 624-2495 by FRIDAY, APRIL 27. A limited number of tables will be available to borrow from the Community Bldg. Contact the village office (624-2495) to reserve tables (limit 2).

The Wahoo Sheriff’s office will set off the firemen’s pagers if they receive a watch for this area. The fire siren will go up and down a few times. This is only to alert the fire department to be on the watch. It is also a good idea to keep tuned to a local TV channel / radio station if we are in a watch area.

If a funnel is actually spotted, they will blow a steady blast on the siren. This is your signal to take cover at once. For those residents or businesses without basements, go to the Alma Lutheran Church basement, 219 West 5th Street. A fireman will have the doors open if we are in a storm warning.

North of the Community Building – 220 E. 4th St.

TIN CANS: Rinse and if possible remove labels and smash. No paint, aerosol, rusty or burnt cans.

ALUMINUM: Aluminum cans and foil, rinsed.

PLASTIC MILK JUGS: Remove lids and rinse. It would be helpful if jugs could be cut in half or smashed.

#1 Polyethylene Terephthalate – Ketchup, Gatorade and Ocean Spray bottles, fizzy drink bottles and oven-ready meal trays (usually clear plastic jugs).
#2 High-density polyethylene – Colored bottles for milk, detergent and soap.
#3 Polyvinyl chloride – Food trays, cling film, bottles for mineral water and shampoo.
#4 Low density polyethylene
#5 Polystyrene -Yogurt pots, hamburger boxes, egg cartons, vending cups, plastic cutlery, protective packaging for electronic goods and toys.

PAPER: All paper must be separated as listed in each category. 1) Newspaper, 2) Mixed Paper (all other types of paper, and 3) Cardboard and Paperboard (flattened and in separate, marked container).


312 S. Vine St., P.O. Box 46
Mead, NE 68041-0046
Phone: (402) 624-2495
Fax: (402) 624-2024

Steve Mayfield, Chairman
Jim Halbmaier, Trustee
Adam Miller, Trustee
Ailene Raver, Trustee
Richard Wielage, Trustee

June Moline, Clerk/Treas. 624-2495
Nick Raver, Ut/Mnt. Supt. 443-9688
Jerry Carlson, Police Chief 624-2056
Vera Kuhr, Librarian 624-6605
Nick Raver, Fire Chief 443-9688

Saturday, June 9
9:00 am – 12:00 noon

This event is open to Mead residents ONLY!
All loads will be checked.

Example of items permitted:
Tires (fee will be charged), Appliances, Water heaters, Bicycles, Batteries, Trash

Items not permitted:
Wood, Grass Clippings, Construction refuse, Tree limbs


Saturday, April 14, 2012
Mead Community Building
1:30 – 3:00 PM

Green Acre Animal Clinic, Wahoo, will be present to administer pet vaccinations and the Village Clerk will be available to issue dog and cat licenses with proof of rabies vaccination and alteration. Available on the 14th will be vaccinations of rabies, distemper/parvo for dogs and rabies/distemper for cats. Products available to purchase will be Heartgard and Frontline for your pets. Blood tests for heartworm will also be available.

All dogs and cats within the village limits are required to be licensed by May 1. If you have any questions please contact the Village Office at 624-2495.

If you wish to license your pet other than this date, please come to the Village Office during regular office hours. You will be required to furnish proof of current rabies vaccination and alteration of your pet. If you wish to mail the paperwork and money to the office, please mail to Box 46. The tag and paperwork you furnished will be mailed to your address. Cost of the tags are $4.00 for altered dog or cat and $6.00 for intact animals.

Church Services

ALMA LUTHERAN 219 W Fifth St. / 402-624-3015
Worship – 8:30 am – first Sunday of the month (spoken)
10:30 am – all other Sundays
9:15 am Sunday School for all ages
7:00 pm Youth Meeting

PANERA BREAD – April 14, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

EVANGELICAL COVENANT 1540 Co Rd 10 / 402-624-6125
9:00 am Coffee & visiting
10:00 am Worship service (grade school age children dismissed for Kids Alive @ 10:30, nursery available during service)

PRIMETIMER’S – April 12, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Weekly Schedule
7:00 pm Men’s Study
6:00 pm Dinner 4 Change (free to everyone)
7:00 pm Life Group / Bible Study (an opportunity to hear answers to tough questions of the Bible)
7:00 pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Group

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC 213 E. Eighth St. / 402-624-3555
5:30 pm Saturday Mass
9:00 am Sunday Mass
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am Daily Mass – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
5:30 pm Daily Mass – Tuesday
8:00 am Daily Mass – Saturday


Sunday, April 1 8:30 a.m. Palm / Passion Sunday
Friday, April 6 7:00 p.m. Good Friday
Saturday, April 7 9:00 p.m. Easter Vigil
Sunday, April 8 8:30 a.m. Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Easter Service

Mead Community Group Healthy Family Tip of the Month

Positive Single Parenting Tips

Parenting without a partner can be difficult. The good days are quite fulfilling while the bad days can seem overwhelming and lonely. Here are a few tips to help maintain your sanity, sense of humor and to keep your children intact (regardless of age or stage)!

*Remember you do not live alone – as tempting as it is at times to let the housework pile up and the dishes fill the sink, your children deserve a clean and orderly environment. If your child is old enough, give him/her age appropriate chores to help. Sorting the laundry by color may even be fun for a four year old and a six year old can clean their bedroom and make their own bed.

*Remember you are the adult – having a partner to vent to about work, friends and family is often helpful. Children are not always able to recognize venting for what it is, and it can make them feel anxious and insecure.

*Don’t just give in – be careful about saying yes when you should be saying no or admitting defeat because you are too tired to argue. In the long run, your children will respect you more and you are teaching them to set boundaries.

*Schedule your time together – make it a priority to give individual attention to each of your children. Time is extremely precious and in the middle of trying to keep a household running, a job and your kids’ schedules you may miss opportunities that won’t happen if you don’t set an appointment and write it on your calendar.

*Pay Attention – when you are tired and overwhelmed, the first thing to do is focus. It is very easy to drift through life on auto-pilot but you will miss some important life changes in your children if you are not careful. Be especially attentive to where you can give positive reinforcement and well-deserved accolades.

For more information see

Mead Dump begins new seasonal hours on April 1st

April 1 – October 31 Wednesday 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

November 1 – March 31 First Saturday of the Month Only
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Tree branches, weeds, leaves and grass clippings are the only items allowed. All items must be unbagged. The dump is open to Mead residents only, at a charge of $2.00 per load.


Millions taking the risk = Thousands Dying due to DISTRACTED DRIVING!

Carol Daley (Executive Director Nebraska Operation Lifesaver) and Deb Ashworth (Nebraska Operation Lifesaver Trainer/Presenter) attended a seminar on Distracted Driving in Lincoln, Nebraska on Thursday, February 16th hosted by the National Safety Council. The seminar was presented to Nebraska Senators to provide them data and ask for their commitment in writing legislature banning cell phone usage in Nebraska.
There are approximately 300 million people in the United States that are cell phone users, and the research shows that 81% of drivers admit to talking on their cell phones while driving, and approximately 25% admit to text messaging while driving.
The research shows that cell phone users are SIX times more likely to be involved in an automobile accident and that drivers who are using their cell phones have slower reaction time than compared to a driver who is under the influence. The principle reason for this is cognitive; conversations cause “inattention blindness” which basically is LOOKING but not SEEING! One study actually shows that people engaged in phone conversations see up to FIFTY PERCENT LESS than other drivers.
Multiple studies have shown that there is NO DIFFERENCE between hand-free and hand-held phones. “Inattention blindness” is the principle issue – it’s not where your hands are – it’s where your head is!
When adults have a passenger in the car, it is shown that they are actually another set of “eyes” and that a front seat passenger actually REDUCES the risk of a crash up to 38% compared to someone talking on their cell phones. Adults with passengers actually have fewer crash rates than adults without passengers. This is NOT true in research on teen driving! Reaction time of teens driving and talking on cell phones is reduced dramatically when they are distracted.
Cell phones are a MUCH higher risk distraction than if the driver is listening to radio or music, eating, drinking, and or talking to other passengers.
Here’s some numbers from a Harvard Study:
Cell phone use while driving contributes to 6% or higher of crashes, which means that each year:
650,000 crashes,
350,000 injuries,
15,000 serious injuries, and
3,000 deaths!
The annual cost of cell phone related crashes is over $43 BILLION!
Nebraska Operation Lifesaver cares about YOU and YOUR families’ safety – please don’t use your cell phone while driving a vehicle! Stay safe and stay alive!


The Mead Days Committee is requesting donations for Mead Days 2012 to be held June 15, 16 and 17.

Donations can be in the form of cash or items for Bingo. All donations can be dropped off at the Bank of Mead or mailed to the Bank of Mead, Box 64, Mead, NE 68041.

Thank you for supporting Mead’s Annual Event – MEAD DAYS!


Village Board: Tuesday, April 10, 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission: Monday, April 23, 7:30 p.m.
Library Board: Wednesday, April 4, 7:00 p.m.
Fire & Rescue: Monday, April 9, 7:30 p.m.

The Village Board and Planning Commission meet at the Village Office,
Library Board at the Library and the Fire Department at the Fire Hall.