Mead Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2020; 530pm
Members Present: Jennifer Lee (2022), Jennie Grasiani (2022), Layla Giorgakopoulos (2022), Mary Mayfield (2024 ), and Viki Miller by phone (2020)
The library has been closed since March 16, 2020 due to Covid 19)
Absent: None
Library Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren-Library Director and Roberta Kisling-Library Assistant
A. Call to order at 542 pm. Lee advised of the Open Meeting Act posted on the west wall.
B. Visitors-None
C. Business items-None
D. Staff Reports-Director Van Ackeren stated during March 16 – May 31, 2020 we had 109 check outs, overdrive circulation was 69 ebooks, member amount saved was $2,093.83 and 18 curbside pickups. The library started Curbside Pickup and Home Delivery on April 16, 2020. Profit and Loss Statement for May 2020 was reviewed. Discussed maintenance that needed to be done, specifically the east outside wall painted and the carpet cleaned with the possibility of new interior lights, however the painting and carpet cleaning was deemed a priority. Van Ackeren advised of her upcoming vacation; June 26 thru July 5. It was decided to have the library remain closed until July 7, 2020. Discussed the safety procedures due to Covid 19 that needs to be implemented to ensure the health of patrons and staff. Van Ackeren will post all guidelines. Lori Moseman submitted her resignation effective July 1, 2020 (before the library opens to the public) however Moseman would like to continue to take care of the garden a few hours a week until a new garden care taker can be found. Van Ackeren showed Mayfield and Lee the bench in the garden that needs TLC (paint). Mr. Schroeder, the Village of Mead’s Accountant will be at the Village office on July 15th, 2020. Van Ackeren and a board member (Mary Mayfield) will meet with him to discuss the upcoming year’s budget. January 8, 2021 is the date for the Friends of the Mead Library fundraiser at the high school.
E. Board Member Reports-None
F. Approval of Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Report for March 2020, April 2020 and May 2020- Motion by Mayfield, Second by Giorgakopoulos, Vote: Lee-Yes, Grasiani-Yes, Giorgakopoulos-Yes, M. Mayfield-Yes, Miller-Yes. Motioned carried 5-0
G. Motion to Adjourn at 707 pm by Mayfield, Second by Giorgakopoulos, Motion carried. The Board then went into Executive Session at 707pm to discuss evaluations. Executive Session adjourned at 730pm.
H. Next meeting will be Monday, July 20, 2020 at 530 p