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Mead Library Board Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2015

  1. Call to order

Patocka called to order the regular meeting of the Mead Library Board at 5:30pm on October 21, 2015.

  1. Roll call

The following persons were present: Members: Kavan, Carritt, Nicola, Patocka, and (New Board Member) Leise. Directors: VanAckeran and Mossman. Visitors: None.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Patocka read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved with corrections by Nicola, seconded by Kavan.

The expense reports, petty cash and profit and loss reports for September were reviewed and approved by Kavan and seconded by Carritt.

Sept Snapshot: Daily Record: 272 Patrons, Amount Saved by Patrons: $1764.58. Check outs: 132. Overdrive Check Outs: 18. Volunteers: 4

  1. Open issues

  1. Overdrive and Kindle Training. Overdrive is a top priority to educate the patrons on using.
  2. Policy Review by Board and Directors for ongoing Strategic Planning Preparation. Circulation Policy approved as written. Exhibits, Display and Bulletin Boards Policy; approved as written.
  3. Thanksgiving Day and weekend hours of operation discussed. Mossman reaching out to Mr. Childers for clarity on procedures for posting and closing.

  1. New business

  1. Adult Book Club and TAB (Teen Advisory Board) to be launched in late October by VanAckeran. She will report on first meeting(s) successes and opportunities in November.
  2. Board approved Director VanAckeran’ attendance to the CASTL meeting in Syracuse. She was instructed to submit mileage and Mossman to cover Library hours.
  3. Finance Policy changes submitted for review in November. Marketing Policy; revisit in November with suggestion to simplify. Unattended Children Policy changed to Patron Behavior Policy; Directors to submit changes and additions in November.
  4. CEC for Policy Review to be submitted by Mossman.
  5. Next Meeting: November 18th 5:30pm.

  1. Adjournment

Patocka adjourned the meeting at 7:00.

Minutes submitted by:  Denise Patocka