Mead Library Board
Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015
Present: Jenny Carritt, Mary Laughlin, Sara Nicola and Denise Patocka
Absent: Kristi Kavan
Library Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren and Lori Moseman
Next Meeting: June17, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.
Mead Public Library Board met in regular monthly session on May 20th, 2015, at
6:30 p.m at the library. Patocka called meeting to order. Nicola read minutes of April 15, 2015, meeting. Motion to approve minutes made by Patocka with second by Carritt.
Old Business:
Scott Childers met with new staff Laurie Van Ackeren and Lori Moseman on Monday, May 4, to begin orientation and training.
April statistics were discussed – checkouts from library: 238, checkouts from Overdrive: 26, visits to the library in April: 238 adults, 93 children.
Expense reports, petty cash and profit and loss reports for April were reviewed. Motion by to approve April financial reports made by Patocka with second by Carritt.
New Business:
Van Ackeren shared staff goals for period of May 2015-October 2015. Areas of focus will include: staffing and board, programming, policies and procedures, fiscal, library collection, community interface and professional development. Board members provided input and answered staff questions related to goals.
Patocka reviewed current budget line item balances. Funds received in April from Nebraska Library Commission and Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley v Petersons Neinet, LLC will be allocated to any areas we have shortfalls. Suggestions were made for spending for remainder of fiscal year.
Amazon bill from April 8, 2015 was examined and staff were informed total of invoice needs to be paid each time rather than carrying balance. Van Ackeren will discuss this with City Clerk’s Office.
Van Ackeren and Moseman will contact Scott Childers about future income related to library accreditation levels.
Registration form for Summer Reading Camp staffed by Amanda Lee was shared. Patocka will get a schedule of events to library staff so they can plan for space requirements and promote activities.
Moseman inquired about availability of Microsoft Office on two public access terminals. Status will be updated at next meeting.
Carritt reported Board needs to complete 20 Continuing Education (CE) Units by August 2017. Potential ways members might earn them were reviewed.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Patocka with second by Nicola. Meeting adjourned approx 7:45pm.
Submitted by Lori Moseman and Laurie Van Ackeren