Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Mead Library Board Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2016


I.          Call to Order

             Patocka called to order the regular meeting of the Mead Library Board at 5:30 p.m. on April 20, 2016.


II.        Roll Call         

The following persons were present:  Members:  Kristi Kavan, Denise Patocka, Jill Leise, Dale Rawson, and Viki Miller.

            Directors:  Laurie Van Ackeren and Lori Moseman

            Guest:  Scott Childers


III.       Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

            Patocka read the minutes from the last meeting.  The minutes were approved by Patocka and seconded by Kavan.


            The expense reports, petty cash, and profit and loss reports for March were reviewed and approved by Patocka and seconded by Kavan.


            Staff reports were reviewed.  March Snapshot:  Patrons:  346.  Amount saved by Patrons:  $2,030.87.  Check Outs:  176.  Overdrive Check Outs:  10.  Volunteers:  2.


IV.       Unfinished Business

            Smoke detectors for the library are still needed.


V.         New Business

            Scott Childers, Director of the Southeast Library System, spoke about Mead’s upcoming accreditation.  He reviewed the process, talked about the questionnaire part of the application, shared the benefits of starting work on the strategic plan now, and provided board members with a sample plan for their reference.


VI.       Next Meeting:

            May 18, 5:30 p.m.


VI.       Adjournment

            Patocka adjourned the meeting at 7 p.m.



Minutes submitted by Jill Leise