Mead Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2016 5:30 p.m.
Mead Public Library
A. Call to Order
President Kavan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
B. Roll Call
Members Present: Kristin Kavan (2018), Jill Leise (2020), Viki Miller (2020), Mary Mayfield (2020).
Members Absent: Dale Rawson (2018).
Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren and Lori Moseman.
C. Recognize Guests
Guests Present: Paulette Mayfield, Mead Library Friends Foundation
D. Approval of Minutes, Bills and Financials, and Monthly Staff Reports
Motion by Leise, second by Mayfield to approve minutes of September 2016 meeting. Voting for: Kavan, Miller. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Kavan, second by Mayfield to approve bills, financial statements, and monthly staff reports. Voting for: Leise, Miller. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
September Snapshot: Patrons: 299. Member Amount Saved: $1396.94. Check Outs: 123. Overdrive Check Outs: 39. Volunteers: 2.
Letter from Mark Dommel was read and copy was sent to Village board.
Board signed thank you card to Jeanette Johnson from Mead Community Group.
Email about library insurance/liability related to volunteers was reviewed. Kavan will seek clarification.
E. Old Business
Kavan to continue edits of bylaws and submit for approval at the November meeting.
Friends request for back wall mural was denied due to insurance concerns and lack of time in curriculum reported by high school art teacher.
F. New Business
The library’s 2017 budget approved by the Village Board was discussed. Edits of strategic plan suggested by Nebraska Library Commission were approved with exception of those on SWOT Section. Staff will submit approved edits, inquire about SWOT, and report back.
G. Adjournment
Kavan adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 16, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at Mead Public Library.
Submitted by Jill Leise, Secretary