Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Mead Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 19, 2018    5:30 pm



A.   Call to Order at 5:38pm


B.   Roll Call of Members Present: Mayfield 2020, Miller 2020 and Lee 2021.  

              Absent: Giorgakopoulos 2018 & Hagemann 2020.

              Library Staff: Moseman and VanAckeren.


C.  Recognize Guests/Public Items of Discussion  none


D.  Staff Reports

            Director’s Report

                1.  Spaghetti feed cleared $633.

                 2.  Old Kindles: ideas discussed were donation to school or nursing home,

                        sell, give to a needy reader.  

                 3.  Notice of meeting postings: Jennifer will handle composing and printing for


                4.  The framing for the front flower bed was damaged.  Appears that it was hit

                     with snowplowing.  The sidewalks aren’t being shoveled, the staff is having

                     to do this.  Who is actually responsible for the public sidewalks?

                5.  Meeting minutes, after final revisions, need to be e-mailed to June.

                             a. e-mail minutes to board and library.

                             b. Revise minutes

                             c. Secretary will Send to June by the last day of the month.


E.   Board Member Reports none


F.  Approval of Minutes, Bills and Financial, and Monthly Reports for January 2018

   Motion by Miller, 2nd by Mayfield.  Yay: 3  Nay: 0


G.  Business Items

1. Strategic Plan

    Continue discussion of Goal 2

    At this point, we don’t know if it’s even possible.  Laurie will follow up

    with Megan Engle at the school.  Tabled further discussions.  


2. Review Public Relations and Marketing Policy

          Policy was reviewed and edits made.

Motion by Mayfield to approve edits and review.  2nd by Lee.  Yay: 3  Nay: 0


H.         Adjournment at 6:24pm