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Library Board Meeting 18-JUN-18

Mead Nebraska > News > Board Minutes > Library Board Meeting 18-JUN-18

Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Minutes of Meeting
Monday, June 18th @ 5:30 PM

A.) Meeting was called to order by President Paulette Mayfield at 5:35 PM.

B.) Roll Call of Members Present: Paulette Mayfield (2020), Vicki Miller (2020), Layla
Giorgakopoulos (2018) and Jennifer Lee (2018.) Also present, Director Laurie and
Assistant Director, Lori.

C.) No Guests or Public Items to discuss.

D.) Staff/Director’s Report for May:
Attendance was up substantially with several programs offered: Coffee Hour, Adult Book Club,
Storytime, Mother’s Day Craft, Seed Planting and Summer Reading Camp. It was decided that the Board will ask Mary to draw up an Excel sheet showing the monthly Director’s Report for the entire year to allow us to see how attendance is comparable.

E.) Board Member’s Reports:
President Paulette made a motion to approve that by-laws be re-written to allow each new Board Member to serve their own 4-year term instead of only finishing out their predecessor’s term. Seconded by Jennifer, motion carried. Board voted to re-appoint Layla Giorgakopoulos and Jennifer Lee to another 4-year term starting in July. Board also reviewed the library’s Volunteer Policy and Exhibit/Display Policy and decided that no changes would be necessary.

F.) Vicki motioned to approve all mInutes, Bills and Financial, and Monthly Reports for May 2018. Seconded by Paulette, motion carried.

G.) Business Items:
Staff Evaluations were discussed and will be given to June at Village Office. Board also discussed the raise percentages that we would like to see implemented for next year: 5% for the Director, 3% for the Assistant Director and 3% for the Library Assistant.

The Board went over each line item in the budget discussing what was paid from each and how much additional funds would be needed to keep from robbing Peter to pay Paul all the time. Discussed asking to add an additional line item to pay for the Apollo and Overdrive bills that take a large chunk of the budget each year. Each item was discussed at length to determine the funds needed to operate efficiently next year. It was decided to postpone cleaning of carpets and other maintenance issues until next year as not enough money left for this. Laurie will present our proposed budget to June at Village Office. Also discussed our continuing problem of not being able to find new board members-will keep trying to fill empty seats. It was suggested that new board members attend a short orientation so that they can ask questions and get acquainted with the Library Board procedures.

H.) Motion was made by Paulette to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 PM. Seconded by Vicki. Meeting Adjourned.

Next Board Meeting will be Monday, July 16th, 2018 at Mead Public Library.

Respectfully submitted by Layla Giorgakopoulos, Secretary.