Mead Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
September 17, 5:30 p.m. Mead Public Library
President Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Members Present: President Viki Miller (2020), Jennifer Lee (2022), , Jenni Grassiani (2022), Paulette Mayfield (2020).
Members Absent: Secretary Layla Giorgakopoulos (2022)
Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren, Lori Moseman, Mary Mayfield
President Miller noted posting of the Open Meetings Law. A motion was made by Mayfield, second by Lee to adopt the agenda as posted for the public at the Library, Bank of Mead, and the Mead Post Office.
Jackie Peterson and Jan Behrens, both from the Friends group. Due to water in the basement, there was discussion on storage space. Do we have room for the items Jackie has from the old Ordinance Plant. Jackie said she was told by Clerk Moline it would be fine to store the items in the library basement. She was given some alternate ideas, and motion by Lee to table any decision for 2 months. Second by Miller.
Vote: Miller-Yes, Lee-Yes, P. Mayfield-Yes, Grassiani-Yes, Giorgakopoulos-Absent. Motion carried 4-0.
The Board has asked that we keep informed about the January Fundraiser scheduled for January 4, 2019. The garden was discussed and the directors will proceed with a new plan and will present to the board when plan is completed. The board thanked the Friends for their past work and would gratefully accept their help in weeding and watering if they’d like to volunteer
Director/Assistant Director Reports
Officially welcomed Jennie Grassiani to the board.
Board Member Reports
Lee has finished the painting the picnic table. She will clear coat it to finish it.
Motion by Mayfield, second by Lee to approve minutes, bills and financials and monthly library reports as submitted. Vote: Miller-Yes, Lee-Yes, P. Mayfield-Yes, Grassiani-Yes, Giorgakopoulos-Absent. Motion carried 4-0.
Reviewd revised budget.
Motion byMayfield to approve revised budget. Second by Lee. Vote: Miller-Yes, Grassiani-Yes, Lee-Yes, P. Mayfield-Yes, Giorgakopoulos-Absent. Motion carried 4-0.
Review of Progress on Strategic Plan Goals 1,2 and 3.
Goal 1: Website. Mary Mayfield will be taking charge of the website.
Goal 2: This goal was attempted, but not possible. However, we did establish a link with the school and the library director was asked to be on the steering committee for the new preschool.
Goal 3: Annual events for preschool, teens, tweens and seniors.
Motion by Mayfield to adjourn the meeting at 6:36. Second by Grassiani. Vote: Miller-Yes, Grassiani-Yes, Lee-Yes, P. Mayfield-Yes, Giorgakopoulos-Absent. Motion carried 4-0.
Next Meeting: Monday, October 15, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at Mead Public Library.
Submitted by Viki Miller