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Mead Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2015  6:30 pm  Mead Library


Members Present:  Kristi Kavan, Mary Laughlin, Sara Nicola

Members Absent:  Jenny Carritt, Denise Patocka

Library Staff Present:  Laurie Van Ackeren, Lori Moseman


Call to Order and Monthly Reports

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm with motion by Kavan.  Motion seconded by Laughlin.


Minutes of May meeting read by Kavan.  Motion to accept minutes as read made by Kavan and seconded by Nicola.


Most recent library financial reports reviewed.  Line item balances noted and utility, wages, repair/maintenance, professional fees, insurance, materials, and use of technology discussed.  Motion to accept reports made by Kavan and seconded by Laughlin.


Unfinished Business

Van Ackeren reported Amazon bill from May paid in full as directed by Board at May meeting.  Village Clerk to pay total amount due on Amazon bill each month.


June’s Summer Reading Camp and plans for Summer Reading Program July 6-31 announced by Van Ackeren.  Suggestions for publicizing program events included village newsletter, on Facebook, and monthly water bill mailing.


Moseman reported no Microsoft Office Suite or commercial virus protection software currently on two public computers, as free trails expired.  Online source for Office suggested by Scott Childers from Nebraska Library Commission (NLC) shared ( and application for creating an account examined.  Decision on purchase to be made at July meeting to allow Patocka time to see if other lower-cost option can be identified for two licenses.  Moseman will have more information on virus protection options at next meeting.


Library accreditation levels conversation with Childers summarized by Moseman and Van Ackeren. Staff now aware of application and requirements for library’s August 2016 re-accreditation and staff goal, based on meeting with Childers, is maintaining silver level for next accreditation period.


New Business

Moseman and Van Ackeren updated plan of work for library and noted inability to complete required tasks (i.e., reports, planning, policies, budget, weeding, etc.) during current library hours.  Monthly reports for May reviewed.  Inaccuracy of Overdrive statistics reporting process along with plan to correct shared.  Staff summarized topics covered during June 10 training session with Childers, including upcoming library re-accreditation.  Staff requested Board invite Childers to attend next meeting to train on accreditation process and Board procedures.  Moseman indicated Childers is available to attend July 15 meeting to help Board get started with application requirements needing to be addressed in upcoming meetings.  Training could be one or two hours in length and would count toward Library Board’s 20 Continuing Education (CE) hours requirement.  Kavan said Board would notify staff as soon as possible whether Childers’ offer to come to Mead on July 15 should be confirmed or cancelled.


Newly developed volunteer application shared.  Form completed by Elizabeth (Liz) Gibney of Fremont entered into record by Moseman.  Van Ackeren explained plan for volunteer to help with weeding children’s section later this month.


One bid for repair of outer door and book drop lid entered into record by Van Ackeren.  Bid discussed and Van Ackeren directed to secure second bid and bring to July meeting.


Van Ackeren and Moseman reported attendance as guests at Friends of Library June Meeting.  Letter and “wish list” correspondence to Friends from Patocka entered into record.  Van Ackeren’s attendance at June Village Board Meeting noted.


Staff spending recommendations and rationale for 2016 budget, along with comparison to current and two previous year’s figures, presented by Van Ackeren and Moseman.  Announcement of July 20 session with Ed Schroeder, Village Accountant, entered into record.  Board members agreed final library budget proposal will be available for Moseman and Van Ackeren to take to July 20 meeting.  Budget process and composition of Village Board reviewed.


After discussion, determined library would not be open during Mead Days on Saturday, June 20.  Van Ackeren to post change at library and also on Facebook.  Ideas offered for library’s possible involvement in future parades.


Webcast training opportunities for Board from NLC entered into record.


Date of next Mead Library Board Meeting confirmed for July 15, 2015, at 6:30 pm at Library with agenda to be prepared.  On trial basis, at suggestion of Board members present, bills/expenses documented in monthly financial statements to be left out of folders, and available for review.



Motion to adjourn made by Laughlin and seconded by Kavan.  Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.


Submitted by Moseman and Van Ackeren