Mead Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2020
Members Present: Viki Miller (2020), Jennie Grasiani (2022), Layla Giorgakopoulos (2022), Mary Mayfield (2024) and Jennifer Lee 2022)
Library Staff Present: Director Laurie Van Ackeren
A. Call to Order at 545pm. President Lee advised of the Open Meeting Act posted on the west wall.
B. Visitors- none
C. Business Items- none
D. Director Report
Van Ackeren reported the Friends of the Mead Library held their annual fundraiser on Saturday, January 25 from 4p-8p at the High School during the basketball games. Thank you to the board members who participated and donated desserts. According to the Friends of the Mead Library, $540.44 profit was made. Last year $953.34 was made but many more people were in attendance at the games since Mead played Yutan. It was discussed to suggest to the Friends to go back to a spaghetti dinner (instead of sloppy joes) or a taco dinner. Also suggested to speak with Sara Nicola who is in charge of the concession stand to ask her if they would only sell pop and candy during our fundraiser.
Van Ackeren also reported we haven’t had any interest in the donation of flags or honoring a vet, but this will take time. It is advertised in the monthly calendar, at Mack’s Shack and on Facebook.
Biblio stats were presented.
Discussed possible new programs: Working puzzle on table in back room, Chalk Couture evening, and Bunco group. Will hold an adult game night once a month starting in April on a Wednesday from 6p-8p. We will stay open an hour later (until 8p) if patrons are present.
NLC Youth Grant of $462.00 was received and will be used for Kids Summer Reading Program 2020: Mermaid visit, Captain America visit, books, take home prizes and special story times.
E. Board Member Reports
Congratulations to our newest Board Member, Mary Mayfield.
Viki Miller will be resigning as Library Board Trustee on September 30, 2020 as her term is up.
F. Approval of Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Report for January 2020: Motion by Miller to approve Minutes, Bills and Financials, seconded by Grasiani. Motion carried 5-0.
G. Motion to Adjourn at 641pm by Lee, Seconded by Grasiani, Motion carried.
Next meeting will be Monday, March 16, 2020 at 530pm.