Mead Library Board Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2016
I. Call to Order
Patocka called to order the regular meeting of the Mead Library Board at 5:30 p.m. on February 17th, 2016.
II. Roll Call
The following persons were present: Members: Kavan, Patocka, and Leise. Directors: Van Ackeren and Moseman
Absent: Member: Carritt
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Leise read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved by Patocka and
Seconded by Kavan
The expense reports, petty cash, and profit and loss reports for January
were reviewed and approved by Patocka and seconded by Kavan
January Snapshot: 268 Patrons. Amount saved by Patrons: $1,424.24. Check Outs: 118
Overdrive Check Outs: 19. Volunteers: 3
IV. Unfinished Business
Review of completed Bibliostat survey submitted to Nebraska Library Commission
Continue work on Strategic Plan and consider focus groups/interviews/survey for community input
Continue work on Technology Plan goals including possible library webpage
Submit to board for approval of Dale Rawson and Sonja Norris as members of Library board
V. Next Meeting: March 16th, 5:30 p.m.
VI. Adjournment
Patocka adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jill Leise