Mead Public Library Board Minutes
September 16, 2019
Members Present: Jennifer Lee (2022), Viki Miller (2020), Jennie Grasiani (2022), Paulette Mayfield (2020)
Absent: Layla Giorgakopoulos (2022)
Library Staff Present: Director Van Ackeren, Library Assistant Kisling
- Call to order at 5:35. Lee advised of the Open Meeting Act on the west wall.
- Visitors- Jackie Petersen (The Friends of the Mead Public Library).
- Staff Reports- Director Van Ackeren advised that a juvenile had taken property from the library, the property was recovered and the board agreed to have the juvenile banned from the property for 90 days. August Statistics: attendance was 287 (142 adults, 145 juveniles), 123 materials were checked out through Overdrive, 250 materials were circulated from the library. Coffee hour averaging 6 adults per week. The Adult Summer Reading Party was attended by 7 adults. Budget was discussed as we are approaching the end of the fiscal year. A new volunteer agreement form was suggested. Kisling will type form and Van Ackeren will email board members for approval. The outside walls (North and South) of the library were painted at the cost of $1,500.00. Director Van Ackeren advised that she received a scholarship to attend NLA Conference in October. Guest Jackie Petersen was thanked for the new chairs for the library that was purchased by the Friends of the Mead Library.
- Business Items-N/A
- Board Member Reports-The Goals for the re-accreditation application were agreed upon. The discussion of the possible need to remove 2 trees on library property in the future was tabled.
- Approval of Minutes, Bills and Financials, and Monthly report for August 2019- Motion by Mayfield, Second by Miller. Vote: Lee-Yes, Miller-Yes, Grasiani-Yes, Mayfield-Yes. Motion carried 4-0.
- Motion to Adjourn at 620pm by Grasiani, Second by Lee, Motion carried
Next meeting will be Monday, October 21, 2019 at 530pm