Mead Library Board
Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2015
Present: Sara Nicola, Jenny Carritt, Kristi Kavan, Denise Patocka, Lori Moseman and Laurie Van Ackeren
Guests: Connie Schliffke
Absent: None
Next Meeting: October 21, 2015, at 5:30 pm.
A Regular Meeting of the Mead Public Library Board was held on September 16, at 6:30 p.m. Denise Patocka called the meeting to order. Members of the board reviewed the minutes of the August 19, 2015, meeting. Motion by Carritt, second by Kavan, to approve the minutes.
The expense reports, petty cash and profit and loss reports for August were reviewed. Motion by Patocka, second by Nicola, to approve the August financial reports.
Old Business:
Policy changes that were discussed last month were reviewed. Motion by Patocka, second by Carritt, to approve changes to the library policies with changes to the checkout time for movies from two weeks to one week. Moseman will submit time spent for credit hours.
New Business:
Patocka discussed a class regarding strategic planning that Moseman can attend or watch online. We will discuss the strategic plan at the November meeting.
VanAckeran talked about the seminar she attended at Carol Joy Holling and said it was very educational. She met a lot of people who can become library contacts and came back with a lot of ideas for the library. They had speakers for programs from the newborn age to teenagers. Also discussed grant information and books.
The library will be starting a book club for adults and are looking at starting a teen book club.
The board discussed changing the time of the meeting from 6:30 to 5:30.
We also have a new potential board member, Jill Leise. Motion by Carritt, second by Nicola to approve Jill Leise as a new board member beginning in October.
The librarians have created a calendar of the library events and have been posting it in town and providing it to the school. They are also starting some conversations with the school and local daycares about offering story time at these locations.
The library had 410 visitors in August, 17 checkouts from Overdrive, and 243 regular checkouts.
Scott is coming back on October 1 to help the librarians with Overdrive.
VanAckeran attended a meeting to learn how to use the Kindles. She discovered they need more training with Overdrive before they can offer Kindle use to our patrons. She has a contact in Elkhorn for questions. They also need to write some policies and procedures for the Kindles. They would like to offer a class on the Overdrive and on the Kindle for the patrons.
The librarians are going to also discuss with Scott the possibility of website options so we can offer our patrons links to Overdrive and other library functions.
The librarians would like to renew the Read Aloud Community and will be participating again.
The friends offered to purchase candy for Halloween trunk or treat and a book for the storybook character judging contest.
Motion by Patocka, second by Kavan, to adjourn the meeting.
Kristi Kavan, Secretary