Mead Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2016 5:30 p.m.
Mead Public Library
A. Call to Order
President Kavan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
B. Roll Call
Members Present: Kristin Kavan (2018),Dale Rawson (2018) , Viki Miller (2020), Mary Mayfield (2020).
Members Absent: Jill Leise
Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren and Lori Moseman.
C. Recognize Guests
No guests attended.
D. Staff Reports
Director/Assistant Director Reports
Library earned Silver Accreditation through September 2019.
Board Member Reports
No reports.
E. Approval of Minutes, Bills and Financial, and Monthly Staff Reports
Motion by Rawson, second by Mayfield to approve minutes of October 2016 meeting and agenda. Voting for: Kavan, Mayfield, Miller, Rawson. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
F. Business Items
1. Policy/Bylaws Consideration. The board will consider changes to bylaws and policies.
Motion by Kavan to approve Bylaws, second by Rawson. Voting for: Mayfield, Miller, Rawson, Kavan. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
Discussion on Internet policy: Change from password protected to no password for wi-fi.
Suggestion for headphones for public computers.
Motion by Kavan to approve Internet policy, second by Mayfield. Voting for: Miller, Rawson, Mayfield, Kavan. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
Discussion on overdue materials policy: Food for Fines. Until 1/1/17.
Motion by Kavan to deny services to families with outstanding fines and/or materials after January 1, 2017. Second by Rawson. Voting for: Mayfield, Miller, Rawson, Kavan. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
Personnel Items. The board will consider a part time staff position. Discuss/Action
Laurie will be in charge of hiring for part time position. Jill Leise submitted her resignation. Motion to accept resignation with regrets by Rawson, second by Kavan. Voting for: Kavan, Mayfield, Miller, Rawson. Voting against: None. Motion carried.
G. Adjournment
Kavan adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: January 18, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. at Mead Public Library.
Submitted by Viki Miller