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Mead Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, April 16th, 2018 at 5:30pm



Meeting was called to order by president  Paulette Mayfield at 5:31pm.


Members present: Paulette Mayfield, Marty Hageman, Layla Giorgakopoulos and Vicky Miller.


No guests present . Resignation was turned in by Marty Hageman for spouses’ personal health reasons, will try to make next month meeting if possible. Thank you for serving as board member-we all appreciated your help, we will miss having you on board. Discussed possible replacements.


Director’s Report: Laurie reported on status of new library cards: Total cards sold in 2015: 27, 2016: 19, 2017: 27 and this year the cards were free and we have already given out 18  since beginning of year.

Also, we still have $376.00 in unpaid fines due to library. Laurie contacted County Attorney’s Office and they will send out letters to those who haven’t paid. We decided to send all the people a letter giving them 10 days to take care of the fines or they will be turned over to County Attorney’s Office for collection. Motion made by Marty to proceed with letters and seconded by Layla, motion approved.

Laurie also asked what we would like to do with old Kindles. Suggestions were: Check with VA and also South Haven if they would like them, donate as prizes at Summer Reading Program. Was decided that we would put them in the Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 5th to see if we could sell them first. All board members will bring baked goods for bake sale to be there by 8:00 am on Saturday or drop them off the Friday before. Book and Bake Sale hours are 8am to 12pm.


Approved Minutes, Bills and Financial, and Monthly Reports for February 2018 and March 2018.

Motion made by Paulette to accept, Marty seconded, motion carried.


Business Items: Strategic Plan: Decided that we will be unable to achieve Goal #2 and would not replace our strategic plan.


Discussion of Marketing Plan Draft: Mary Mayfield has a mass text that she sends out to promote our upcoming activities. Paulette brought a public notice announcement of our meetings to be posted online and updated when necessary. We all read over the first draft of our Marketing Plan and decided that it would work for us.


Computer Replacement: Computer system is on it’s last leg and it was decided that Laurie would look into a desktop replacement computer now and possibly a new printer at a later date. As we have only $728.00 left in our technology budget, we decided to have Laurie see if she could juggle some monies from other departments to cover cost of computer for now. Paulette motioned that we go with a desktop computer instead of laptop because of durability. Vicky seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: We toured the building and discussed possible items that would need to be worked on: uncovered wires in restroom, ceiling tiles to be replaced, doorway adjusted to allow ease of wheelchairs into building. Paulette motioned to purchase ceiling tiles as needed and have Village maintenance man (Nick Raver) install them. Seconded by Vicky. Motion carried. Lori pointed out that we need to have a backup plan on record to show that we are trying to be in compliance.


We discussed the Friends of the Library Meeting and all agreed that any plans they have for the library or the surrounding grounds outside should be presented to library board for approval before implementing. Also discussed whether volunteers should be inside library after hours without a staff member present. When library is closed, there should be no admittance to the building and will ask June not to let anyone in after hours.  We appreciate all the hard work that our volunteers do every year but we have to be aware of the library’s liability limits. We

appreciate the decision on their part to purchase a new bench for outside and a new projector.


Discussed briefly the adult summer reading party on Wednesday, August 22nd at 8-9pm. It will be BYOB and all will bring snacks.


Motion made by Paulette to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Marty. Meeting Adjourned at 6:41pm.


Next Meeting: Monday, May 21, 2018 at 5:30pm at Mead Public Library.



Respectfully Submitted by Layla Giorgakopoulos, Secretary