Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

Mead Public Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes

November 15, 2017    5:30 pm


A.  Call to Order: Mayfield called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.


B.  Roll Call of Members Present: Layla Giorgakopoulos (2018), Paulette Mayfield (2020), Viki Miller (2020), Marty Hagemann (2020.)  Library Staff Present: Laurie Van Ackeren, Lori Moseman


C.  Recognize Guests/Public Items of Discussion: No guests attended.


D.  Staff Reports

      Director Report:

  • Read Aloud Seminar and Grant: Library received 46 new books.
  • Friends, Foundation, 501c3 Seminar: Due to information we received at this seminar, we will have to make some adjustments to certain procedures.
       1. If we set prices for used books, holiday sales, etc., we will have to pay sales tax. 
          We need to post “free will donation.”   

                2. When the Friends host a fundraiser, flyers and public notices need to state

                    specifically how the funds will be used.

              3.  All work/improvements on library building or grounds needs to be approved by the

                    Library Board before work is started.

  • Welcome Winter Party: Event for youth is set for 12/19 at 4pm. The Board will help.
  • Food for Fines in December: Any non-perishable food items brought in in lieu of overdue fines will be donated locally. Library staff will notify patrons of program.
  • Halloween Fire Hall: Trunk or Treat was a great success.  Laurie and Shyla Thomas manned the library trunk.
  • Cupcake Wars: Youth event for ages 10 and up is set for 12/22 at 10am. Participants must have a Mead library card and be in good standing. Pre-registration is required.  Prizes will include used Kindles, gift certificate, and cash.


      Board Member Reports: There were no reports.


E.  Approval of Minutes, Bills and Financial, and Monthly Reports for September and October 2017:  Motion by Mayfield to accept as submitted. Second by Giorgakopoulos. Voting Yes: Miller, Mayfield, Giorgakopoulos, Hagemann. Voting No: None. Motion carried.


F.   Business Items

  1. New Library Board Member: Board reviewed bylaws, village code, and state statutes regarding membership requirements. Van Ackeren will contact Scott Childers at Southeastern Library Systems to ask for guidance on whether Board membership can be opened to residents beyond city limits.
  2. Library’s Strategic Plan: Progress on Goal 3, including start of monthly story time at Stacy’s Home Daycare, was reviewed. Moseman will contact Dale Rawson at Mead Public Schools to get clarification on his vision of community usage of distance learning classroom in Goal 2. The Board reviewed Goal 1 and made additional recommendations for links, community connections, and monthly updating of content. It was agreed the site is a tool that can be used to improve communication about issues and events within the village, but it has few visitors.


  1. Document Retention and Destruction Policy: After discussion, motion by Miller to keep village monthly financial statements for two years and retain single copy of yearly summary statements permanently. Second by Mayfield. Voting Yes: Miller, Mayfield, Giorgakopoulos, Hagemann. Voting No: None. Motion carried.


  1. Adverse Weather and Emergency Conditions Policy: After discussion, motion by Hagemann to change wording to say, “In case of a non-weather related emergency, the staff member on duty is responsible for organizing the response on-site.” Second by Mayfield. Voting Yes: Miller, Mayfield, Giorgakopoulos, Hagemann. Voting No: None. Motion carried.        


  1. Basement Moisture: Staff reported air circulation is improved due to open vent and basement conditions will continue to be monitored.
  2. Approval for Mileage: Van Ackeren explained two recent trips to trainings in Seward.

      Motion by Hagemann to split millage with Yutan Library. Second by Mayfield. Voting

      Yes: Miller, Mayfield, Giorgakopoulos, Hagemann. Voting No: None. Motion carried.  


  1. Change in Monthly Meeting Day: After discussion about conflicts with Wednesday meeting time, motion by Hagemann to move Board meeting to 5:30 pm the third Monday of each month beginning in January 2018. Second by Mayfield, Voting Yes: Miller, Mayfield, Giorgakopoulos, Hagemann. Voting No: None. Motion carried.        

G. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm