Small Town Living
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Mead Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

  • Meeting was called to order by Jenn Lee at 6:36 pm.  Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
  • Roll Call:
    • Members Present-Mary Mayfield (2024), Sara Else (2027), Cara Simon (2027), Kylee Hickman (2024), Jenn Lee (2026)
    • Member Absent- None
    • Also Present-Library Director-Laurie VanAckeren; Staff- Roberta Kisling
    • Guests: Paulette Mayfield, Lynn Nygren
  • Guests or Public Items to discuss:
    • Adult movie Night was a success! Guests would like continue monthly movie nights. They also presented concerns around misinformation shared on social media. Clarifications to future movie night events will include:
      • Movie title will not be released due to Copyright. Laurie or Roberta may give “hints” on social media posts.  Guests will need to call the Library for movie title if they wish to know ahead of time.
      • Library services will be closed during the event but front door will remain unlocked due to building fire codes. Announcement of library service closures for the event will be announced via social media, printed on the Library Calendar, and signage displayed within the library and on the front door.
      • Doorbell for backdoor- look into Ring, will gather information and vote on at next meeting.
      • June and July calendars have already been released. Lee made a motion to begin monthly scheduled adult movie nights in August. Specific dates moving forward to be determined at a later date. Mayfield seconded. Motion carried.
    • Lee will research video surveillance systems to be added to both Library exits and report back at the next meeting. Discussion tabled.
  • New Business Items
  • Director’s Report
    • May stats were reviewed. All stats improved from April!
      • Adult Book Club had 10 people.
      • Mother’s Day Craft had 10 kids.
      • Adult Movie Night had 14 people.
      • UNL Extension Summer program (first 2 of 4): 19 kids.
    • Adult Book Club June 14th.
    • Laurie has asked the Board Members to visit the Humanities Nebraska website and submit ideas or requests from the Speakers Bureau for a future event.
    • Roberta reported on the success of our Story Time Grant. 12 “Book in a Bag” kits were received and have been checked out more than 22 times! Hickman shared the convenience of having 3 preselected books to check out and carry in a bag is a HUGE perk.
    • Friends of the Library have approved to fund the following:
      • Wildlife Encounters- August 2nd at 6:30pm, located at the Mead Fire Hall
      • Memorial Plaque for former member, Jan Behrens
      • Treats for the UNL Extension Event including granola bars, goldfish, and candy
      • Build-A-Buddy Workshops- July 17tha and July 20th. Total cost for each stuffed animal is $13.  The friends are contributing $8 per animal, guests will pay $5.
    • Father’s Day Car Show- Lee and Else are considering a table outside of the Library to spur interaction and interest in the library by offering free books from the free collection and Library calendar flyers. Library services will be unavailable during the event as it’s on a Sunday.
    • Laurie is volunteering as a ticket taker on Friday evening at Mead Days. She will have Summer Reading program and Social Media QR code flyers available.
  • Board Member Reports:
    • Social Media accounts were discussed. In order to boost interaction, and therefore exposure, Sara Else and Cara Simon will attempt daily interactive posts and polls.  Roberta will continue to the Weekly Event and Special Event posts.
    • Board will meet to discuss and complete Library Director’s Annual Review. Review will be presented at our next monthly meeting.
  • Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for March
    • Mayfield moved to approve – Seconded by Lee. Motion carried.
  • Annual Budget reviewed. Simon will review and report back with proposed changes prior to presentation to the Village Board for approval.


End of Meeting Roll Call:

  • Members Present-Mary Mayfield (2024), Sara Else (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Cara Simon (2027), Kylee Hickman (2024)



Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm.


Next Meeting: Thursday, July 6th at 6pm Mead Public Library

Respectfully Submitted by

Cara Simon