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Mead Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

  1. Meeting was called to order by Mary Mayfield at 5:00pm.  Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
  2. Roll Call:
    1. Members Present-Mayfield, Grasiani, Hickman
    2. Member Absent- Lee, King
    3. Also Present-Library Director-Laurie Van Ackeren
  3. No Guests or Public Items to discuss.
  4. Business Items
    1. Budget and circulation stats look good.
    2. Laurie has not yet received a response to her email regarding request to change the disposal of items. She will send another email.
    3. Policy Review: Computer and Internet Use Policy, Public Relations and Marketing Policy, and Patron Behavior Policy were reviewed, revised, and approved. (Moved by Mayfield, 2nd by Hickman).
  5. Director’s Report
    1. A plan for garden maintenance was developed and approved.
    2. Meetings to brainstorm ideas for increasing senior (55+) use of the library were discussed-post cards to be mailed using grant money. Meetings to be held May 2 at 6pm, May 3 at 10am, and via Zoom on May 11 at 8pm.
    3. Guest Speaker-May 5 6:30-8 pm-Guest speaker trained in Marie Kondo methods of organization visit via Zoom. Participants must sign up to attend.
    4. Open House-May 7 during garage sales-Friends of the library will host an open house at the library.
    5. Author visit: May 17th at 10am-Author Jonis Agee will join us in person. She is the author of the 2022 One Book, One Nebraska book: Bones of Paradise.
    6. Summer Reading-May 23-July 30-Open to ALL ages-Pick up packets after May 23.
    7. UNL Extension Camp-May 31-June 3-10-11:30am-for students entering Kindergarten-6th grade next year.
    8. Options for using grant money were brainstormed.
  6. Board Member Reports-none at this time.


  1. Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports
    1. Mayfield moved to approve.
    2. Seconded by Grasiani.
    3. Motion carried.
  2. Meeting adjourned at 6pm

Next Meeting: The 2nd Tuesday of the month: Tuesday, May 10, 2022, at 5:00 at Mead Public Library.

Respectfully Submitted by

Mary Mayfield.