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Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
• Meeting was called to order by Jenn Lee at 6:10 pm. Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.

• Roll Call:
o Members Present: Sara Else (2027), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Kylee Hickman (2024) entered at 6:19pm
o Members Absent: Mary Mayfield (2024)
o Library Employee Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren
o Library Employees Absent: Roberta Kisling, Lori Moseman
o Guests Present: Jackie Peterson, President of The Friends of the Mead Public Library

• Guests or Public Items to discuss
o Jackie Peterson shared recent discussions from the Friends meeting on September 25, 2023. Points of discussion included funds raised at the 2022 Holiday Decoration Sale and usage of $1,000 donation used for Library materials in 2023. The Friends plan to host the Holiday Decoration Sale again in 2023 and have offered to help move/set up decorations given Roberta’s limited ability to move items on her own during Library hours. Laurie will create flyers and post to social media around October 31, 2023 to call for donated Holiday decorations from the community. Sale will begin around Thanksgiving and run through Christmas.

• Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for September
o September minutes reviewed.
o September Bills/Financial transactions reviewed.
o Annual Budget ending fiscal year September 2023 showed a net positive bottom line. Newly approved Budget ending September 2024 was reviewed. Simon will visit with June to understand the differences in approved budget and QuickBooks reports.
 Hickman moved to approve September Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly reports, second by Lee. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. September reports approved.

• New Business/Director’s Report
o September stats were reviewed. There was a slight dip in each area, but very normal for this time of year with patrons returning to school.
o UNL Extension hosted a Money workshop in September. Unfortunately, it was a last-minute event that was not included on the printed September event schedule. Laurie posted to social media but attendance was low.
o Upcoming October events to note:
 10/9- Excess Baggage: Riding the Orphan Train. Speaker, Charlotte Endorf, will share real life stories of children who rode the Orphan Train between 1854 and 1929. Board members will supply treats for the event.
 10/11- Adult Book Club
 10/26- UNL Extension is bringing back baby Chicks to hatch in incubators!
 10/31- Laurie will host a Trunk at the Mead Fire Hall Community Trunk or Treat Event. Candy will be provided by The Friends.
o Laurie to renew the Library’s subscription to the Wahoo Newspaper. Jackie Peterson suggested Laurie call to negotiate existing price in light of recent price increase.
o Library Card Application reviewed. Given approved changes at the September Library Board Meeting to begin charging out-of-town patrons $20/year, the application will be updated to include new verbiage.
 Motion to approve addition by Lee, Second by Simon. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. Changes to Library Card application approved.
o Mead Days Hometown Holiday Event. Dalene Selko has invited the Library to host a station at the Event. Ideas included Letters to Santa and Goodie Bags with Library Swag. Member Else volunteered to create a pretty mailbox for the letters to go in. Santa (Laurie) will write letters back to all of the children who mailed them a Letter.

• Board Member Reports:
o In an effort to increase inclusion and networking opportunities, each Library Board member will attend Village Board meetings on a quarterly basis.
o Nebraska Library Commission Continuing Education Unit credits are due 8/31/2024. In an attempt to avoid last-minute completion for Accreditation, Simon will review opportunities and bring suggestions to November Board Meeting.

• Member Lee left the meeting at 7:05 and returned at 7:12pm.
• Guest, Jackie Peterson, left the meeting at 7:15pm.

• End of Meeting Roll Call:
o Members Present- Sara Else (2027), Cara Simon (2027), Kylee Hickman (2024), Jenn Lee (2026)
o Members absent- Mary Mayfield (2024)
o Library Employee Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren

Lee adjourned meeting at 7:36 pm.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 7th at 6pm- Mead Public Library

Respectfully Submitted by
Cara Simon