Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
- Meeting was called to order by Jenn Lee at 6:06pm. Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
- Roll Call:
- Members Present: Sara Else (2027), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028)
- Members Absent: Mary Mayfield (2024)
- Library Employees Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren, Roberta Kisling
- Library Employee Absent: Lori Moseman
- Guests or Public Items to discuss- None
- Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for November
- November minutes reviewed.
- November Bills/Financial transactions reviewed.
- Lee moved to approve November Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly reports, second by Hickman. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. November reports approved.
- Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for December
- December minutes reviewed.
- December Bills/Financial transactions reviewed.
- Simon moved to approve December Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly reports, second by Else. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. December reports approved.
- New Business/Director’s Report
- November and December stats were reviewed. Slower foot traffic each month. However, this is to be expected during the Holiday Season.
- Upcoming January/February events to note:
- Bulleted Journals Workshop
- Kids Valentine Craft
- Adult Book Club
- Friends of the Mead Public Library hosted their annual Holiday Decoration Sale. The event raised $63. Thank you to the Friends for their continued support!
- Introduction and Review of Patron Privacy Policy. One small edit to add “and/or” to the parental section verbiage. Otherwise, perfect!
- Motion to approve final edit and enforcement by Hickman, Second by Lee. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. Finalized edit and enforcement of Patron Privacy Policy approved.
- Library Director, Laurie, is returning to school! She will attend Central Community College to complete the Library and Information Services Program to obtain her Library & Information Services Certificate. In light of her new studies, Laurie’s hours will be decreasing by 15 hours per month. These hours will be made up by Roberta Kisling.
- Board Member Reports:
- Lee continues to look into building code and how it pertains to back door access in the event of an emergency while remaining safe during business hours.
- Simon continues to work on the “Meet the Librarian/Board Members” social media series. Will touch base with members still needing to submit information.
- Roberta Kisling is currently working 60 hours per month. Due to increased work hours and responsibilities, the Library Board discussed a wage increase.
- Following discussion, wage increase for Roberta Kisling to $13/hour was moved to approve by Lee, seconded by Hickman. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. Wage increase for Roberta Kisling to $13/hour, up from her current wage of $12/hour, approved.
- Welcome to our newest Library Board Member, Amanda Schaal. We’re so grateful to have her!
- All Library Members completed their annual Oath of Office, read aloud and signed individually.
- End of Meeting Roll Call:
- Members Present- Sara Else (2027), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028)
- Members absent- Mary Mayfield (2024)
- Library Employee Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren, Roberta Kisling
Lee adjourned meeting at 7:16 pm.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 6th at 6pm- Mead Public Library
Respectfully Submitted by
Cara Simon