Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
- Meeting was called to order by Jenn Lee at 6:15pm. Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
- Roll Call:
- Members Present: Sara Else (2027), Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026)
- Members Absent: None
- Library Employees Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren
- Library Employees Absent: Lori Moseman, Roberta Kisling, Rachelle Gay
- Guests or Public Items to discuss: None
- Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for June
- June minutes reviewed.
- June Bills/Financial transactions reviewed.
- Lee moved to approve June Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly reports, second by Hickman. Motion carried. Unanimous approval. June reports approved.
- New Business/Director’s Report
- June stats were reviewed. Nearly all stats and program attendance improved. Adult programs continue to do well and the UNL Extension Program saw a FANTASTIC turnout of 93 participants over 4 days.
- Upcoming Summer events to note:
- TWO Adult Book Clubs each month. Due to a change in Library Hours, the Mead Library Adult Book Club has been moved to Monday, July 15th at 6:30.
- Adult Summer Reading Challenge continues June 1st-July 31st. Stop by to pick up a form and return at the end of the challenge for a chance to win a great prize! Many local organizations have provided donations for prizes. Special thanks to Scott and Dalene Selko, Todd Valley Farms, AWS Well Co., Bank of Mead, Subert Well, and Insulfoam.
- Campfire Safety and Craft- Tuesday, July 9th at 12:00
- Ice Cream Party! Friday, July 19th between 3-4pm
- Board Member Reports
- The Village Board approved wages for new hire at their June meeting. After conducting interviews, Laurie hired Rachelle Gay as a part time Library Aide. She started June 19th and completed Training/Orientation within 2 days!
- Annual Evaluations and Merit Increase
- The Board completed Director, Laurie Van Ackeren’s, Annual Evaluation and merit increase.
- Member Else continues to brainstorm ideas for organizing the Library to create an open and welcoming concept. She will report back at our August Meeting with any new ideas.
- The Library Board discussed the annual budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Member Simon and Library Director will meet with the Village Accountant/Team on July 15th at the Village Office.
- End of Meeting Roll Call:
- Members Present- Sara Else (2027), Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026)
- Members absent- None
- Library Employee Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren
Lee adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 30th at 6pm- Mead Public Library
Respectfully Submitted by
Cara Simon